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Posts posted by lucid

  1. this post is for the benefit of those who wish to propitiate/strengthen SUN in their horsocope..


    SUN/SURYA is the cause of life in general without which no living thing can exist

    HE is also called SuryaNarayana...

    HE is also called PrathyakshaNarayana or Prathyaksha Daiva as HE is the one God who can be seen by everyone, everyday with their physical eyes.


    SUN is a throne/position in divine hierarchy and not a single name. there are 12 Adithyas(DwaaDashaAdithyas) who occupy that throne....


    The following are the 12 beeja names/mantras of SUN

    Out of these has emerged the beeja mantra of SUN

    ( Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah)


    Hraam Mithraya namah

    Hreem Ravaye namah

    Hroom Suryaya Namah

    Hraim Bhanave namah

    Hraum Khagaaya namah

    Hrah Pooshne namah

    Hraam Hiranyagarbhaaya namah

    Hreem Mareechye namah

    Hroom Adithyaya namah

    Hraim Savitre namah

    Hraum Arkaaya namah

    Hrah Bhaaskaraya namah


    One can chant these mantras daily as chores and also to gain blessings from SUN.


    What is the significance of wearing gems on left hand and right hand ,


    Gems for benefic planet should be worn on which hand ? left or right


    Could learned members can show light on this


    common people who wear them on the left hand , most of them do not wear them on a purpose and they simply dont bother which hand it is.. thats what u see generally..

    how ever there are many schools of thought regarding this left hand thing.


    one of them is below....


    If the benefics which one wishes to strengthen are lords of the sixth, eighth (or twelfth if negative) then special care should be taken to wear the gemstone in question on the left hand. (source- visti larsen)


    i got ur birth details from another thread

    october 15th 1984

    rourkela , orissa

    4.07 am


    I dunno much about you, but I've been into astrology on and off for quite a long time now. Although, thanks for your advise.


    1. For Virgo Ascendant, Moon is a malefic, Moon is in Maran Karaka Sthan and is hampered by Rahu as you said, but Moon cannot be strengthened by wearing a pearl as it is a functional malefic.

    i did not ask to wear pearl. thats why i said strengthen moon. .. mantras are the best form of strengthening


    2. AtmaKaraka in my chart is Sun, which is also well placed.

    your atmakaraka is Venus , NOT Sun. AmK means Amatyakaraka, not atmakaraka.


    3. Saturn is a functional malefic but is exalted and is debilitated in Navamsha, Shastiamsha of Saturn is good so there won't be any problem on that front.

    I didnt say saturn is causing problems in career. pleasing rajyapada/karmapada lord of A10 will give success in career. If Saturn is exalted, that doesnt mean he doesnt qualify to be pleased.


    4. Mercury is the weakest planet in the chart, it has lowest Shad bala and it needs to be strengthened for profession. Emerald is the only stone I'm supposed to wear. Even in astakavarga Mercury is the weakest planet.

    one doesnt consider only shadbala. vimshopaka bala and other strengths are also to be considered. mercury's astakavarga strength is 7. very few people have that...

    forgive my mistakes. i wasnt aware that u were on and off into astrology

  4. wearing emerald will not help. ur mercury is already strong although deep combust . deep combust or combust mercury naturally gives excellent memory.

    your moon is very troubled even though exalted. it is weakest in astakavarga strength and other strengths too. is afflicted by rahu(this creates a extreme decision making nature-( aar ya paar), even results in renouncing attitude. going into solitude also. imagine, ur worst period was rahu-moon


    i do not think your chart needs any gemstones


    propitiating rahu, strengthening moon might give better mental abilities and clear foggy mind etc

    fasting on saturday for rajyapada lord saturn might give success in career



    Dear Members,


    I think I should have posted quite early in this thread but was busy with my rarified life.


    My experience in IT Industry:

    I was inclined towards technology since childhood. I had my first computer in 1994, an HCL Busybee 386. In 1998, I was an exceptional programmer in C, but I never had interest in it. In school I was taught Logo and at home I was working with LILO Boot and Partitions. By, 2000 I lost interest in all this as I saw everyone doing what I was doing some years back, I wanted to be different, exceptional. I started working on Cell Phones, wrote custom Flash Files for Nokia 3310, 7710 and some other old B&W phones. The power was in internet, it taught me everything. However, things didn't last long, I got screwed in my 12th as I was very busy making 30Gs a month, and my dream destination was Canada. In 2004, I started my own IT Consultancy firm, I lost track on programming, got more into 3rd party software maintenance and the income kept on decreasing. I got my Bachelors in Computer Application and tried for Masters in CS in Canada but got rejected. I got a job at TCS but left it as they asked me to sign a bond, I got a call from HCL, left it as I didn't like working under some guy who has less brains and exposure than me. Today, I'm going through one of the toughest phases of my life. I got a good score in one of the MBA entrance exams and even got a call from one of the top 20 b-schools in India but I don't have money to take admission in the program. I cannot even get a job in some software company as my knowledge is outdated. Overall I've screwed myself.


    My chart:

    Lagna: Virgo, Rashi: Taurus, Current Dasha: Rahu + Mars.

    Jupiter is conjuct Mars in 4th house Sagittarius, ideally I should have been one highly educated individual, but I'm not.

    In 2nd house Libra I've exalted Saturn, Venus and Mercury, which is Deeply Combust with Sun in 1st house. The three planets are well placed, but Mercury is not strong. It rules 10th house, is Deeply Combust, and that could be a prime reason for my hardship in professional life.

    Rahu is Conjuct Moon in 9th house Taurus. This makes me cross boundaries. Sometimes I live with superiority complex, and I find it difficult to get along with people who are not like me. I even have some difficult with my father. The worst phase of my life was Rahu + Moon period last year.



    Mercury plays an important role in the field of IT. A strong mercury in relation with 10th house also suggestions great profession in field of finance and trade. Mostly it is on the basis of mathematics. In my case I've seen I'm good in maths not that great, but I've an exceptional memory. I'm able to remember a casual meet 10yrs back but I'm unable to remember a sentence properly. This happens because of Mercury being deeply combust.


    Maybe I should wear an Emerald.


    Hope my experience helps others.



  5. jhora is the most reliable available among free softwares. it was built in view of providing free good software by narsimha rao ji... fully loaded.


    it has many options. go into the popup menus and slowly learn by choosing different options/ preferences. the dasas will give different frames based on which dasa and ayanamsa u are choosing.


    also in most of the cases if u right click on any part of the screens, it will show u what u want to display...


    seach and join "jhora_help" and "jhora" groups in . You can raise questions there related to jhora software and members will answer ...


    dear lucid,

    already in this thread a learned astrologer has almost explained the method.... apply it and you will find it...


    could please do me the favour of giving the name of that learned astrologer?

    as more than one person seems to have explanied it in this thread..


    please do give the name and i will learn and apply...


    dear mitchel,

    your isht dev is Lord Shiv (Rudra avatar)



    jai shri ram




    ram bhakth


    could u please tell me how u calculated isth ,


    i thought karakamsa was in gemini , and taurus was 12th. i thought it was Goddess Lakshmi.....

  8. dear medical astrologer,


    dont thank me, we are supposed to participate.


    true gemstones are supposed to do good to the native.

    exclusively stones are suggested to the natives whose planets are benefic and weak and ill placed generally.

    Weight gain and obesity are too different things as u know. The former need not be the latter neccessarily. Even it is in some cases, it comes as a package.

    Just think of this analogy. If a person is being endowed with lot of good things in life at some point of time.. he/she will naturally be happy and it will give some extra pounds. we often find this happening.


    so if jupiter/yellow sapphire is giving some success and happiness in life during its period/ wearing and also giving weight, then what would the native prefer ? i do not think he/she has much of a choice.....has to accept both..


    One person asked me a very interesting question today.


    He wanted to know, would wearing yellow sapphire, which strengthens the action of Jupiter, cause a person to gain more weight in Jupiter dasha?


    This made made wonder and I'm still thinking!


    I told him I would think about it and try and find out the answer.


    Any suggesttions?


    dear medical astrology,


    i think this is easy to ascertain keeping in view ur first post in this thread. it is not likely that everyone who undergoes jupiter MD/AD and who at that time wears yellow sapphire will gain weight.

    but the conditions whihc u have mentioned, i.e. jupiter in first house/aspecting first house etc , if these conditions are met and if the person is wearing kanaka pusyaraag in jupiter MD/AD at that time, then it seems this could lead to weight gain....


    Can it be generalized for all "taurus rising" people . that Saturn is benefic planet. Isn't it dependent on which house Saturn/Venus is present.


    Like in case, Saturn is in 3rd house and Venus in 4th house( enemy house). Is Saturn benefic ? Should Neelam be worn ?


    And what about diamond?


    Sun is benefic for taurus ascendent and saturn too. but saturn's placement in 3rd(cancer) placement in not a good one. neelam can be worn if saturn is weak in shadbalas and other strengths. Diamond can also be worn.

  11. hello,


    the below line might be able to help... sounds true in case of taurus rising....


    Lords of 4, 7, 10 reverse status--natural benefics

    turn malefic, and vice versa.



    Dear Srini,


    In BPHS (Santhanam translation, Ranajan Publications), we find (volume 1

    page 348):


    "FOR TAURUS ASCENDANT: Jupiter, Venus and the Moon are malefics. Saturn and

    the Sun are auspicious. Saturn will cause rajayoga..."


    Santhanam gives this explanation: "The Sun though a malefic by virtue of

    owning an angle proves auspicious". Santhanam is wrong. A malefic owning a

    kendra sheds its maleficity. It is not enough to become a benefic. So, to

    consider the Sun as neutral is a disaggremment with the Parasara text as it

    has been translated in English.


    So, I try to understand the missing explanation:

    * Is the BPHS correctly translated? (I do not read sanskrit. So, scholars

    will be welcome).

    * Are some rules missing in the Parasara text we have to-day?


    Thanks a lot for your lights











    Sun has a neutral effect has far as taurus rising is

    concerned.Only benefic planets for taurus rising are



    Mars is feeble benefic planets.




  12. dear medical astrologer,


    i have googled many websites and there is varied information regarding the chakras and colors and chakras and planets and deities.


    Colors--- I was always intrigued by the concept of VIBGYOR. There is no white color in it. I am sure white would be a result of mixture of more colors. But why attribute only th vibgyor colors to the planets.

    I was just thinking why not attribute the gemstones's colors to planets? is it not more relevant?


    Also regarding the chakras that are affected by planets i found some info but one place they mentioned the below


    MOON -- BROW








    One more thing i feel is there are deities associated with each chakra. So if one could relate each deity to one planet then there might be some scope for study...


    those were a few thoughts....


    thank you sir :) but i wanted to know so that i can find for my family. no problem sir i know

    somethings are to be kept with the astrologers.:)


    so please let me know the isht devta for my father ,mother and brother also,



    DOB- 22-JANUARY-1961


    TIME- 1900 HRS


    Your mother's ishta devata is Lord Hanuman




    DOB- 02-OCT-1953

    POB- ROORKEE (uttarakhand)

    TIME- 0040 hrs


    Your Father's ishta devata is Lord Hanuman/Lord Shiva



    DOB- 30 APRIL 1990


    TIME- 1317 HRS


    Your Brother's ishta devata is Goddess Lakshmi





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