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Posts posted by pradeepkumar.meerut@gmail.com


    Dear All,


    I'm not a Moderator or Owner of this forum - just a humble contributor on this forum. During the short period I've been here I've noticed many member's request for help - go unanswered. They usually have to followup their own threads. I feel sympathetic towards such members.






    thanks classic 72 ji for making us aware about the appropriate way of starting threads. Although you are not Moderator or owner of this forum but the forum is getting lot of success and popularity because of people like you who care the needy people from their heart.


    I hope this thread will be read by every visitor and member of this forum . and also I request all visitors and members of this forum to keep this thread on the top so that everybody can be benefited through this information.



    Does it have concept of soul in animals? or Does it allow you to brutally murder animals as long as the taste buds are satisfied and, then you can very well justify this killing as being permitted in your texts.


    What do you feel about it ? What about factory farming of animals or any way the blood is shed for your food? How can you justify this ? What makes you so sure about what you hear from your peers about your religion, is a way to peace?


    How did Islam give example in terms of peace? What about woman? Why men go around in jeans, with heads open and woman cant? If you support this religion then you support many crimes that come along with it, inluding supression of women.


    Yes, if all muslims in the world go VEGETARIANs, I am sure half world would be a better place to live in.





    Very nice posting Hari ji.


    MISCONCEPTION: First u need to understand wat the islam is.

    Islam comes frm the arabic root word silm which means to submit ur wills to almighty god.and another word salam which means.on the whole islam means to submit ur wills to almighty god by acquiring peace.islam=peace.terrorism is the antonym to islam.islam prohibits the terrorism. do u know wat the holy qur'an says if anyone kills an innocent as if the kills the whole mankind (the holy qur'an 5:32) and also in (5:64 it says that allah hates those who spread terror) islam is pure.my request u to all is dont judge the religion on the basis of wat the followers do. the roots of islam is the holy qur'an and tradition of prophet muhammad(pbuh). coming to very big misconception abt the international topic "jihad" jihad comes frm the root word jahad which means to strive jihad means to strive to struggle jihad doesnt means to kill the people jihad means to fight with ur own will. i know the media blames muslims i dont understand y dont they read and understand the holy qur'an to judge the islam..





    here the matter is not of reading islam or knowing about Holy kuran. I respect both from my heart. but what has been taught to the youth in ur religion Kaafir=Hindu, christian, sikh etc everyone except muslim . Jihad =terrosim.

    Everybody knows the meaning of these two words but along with this every body also know that how these words have been explained by some people of your religion.

    i just want to ask why dont u oppose those people who are contaminating Islam. why dont u oppose those people who r making muslim youths terrorist. your silence is giving promotion to the terrorism.

    and second thing is that who has given us the right to kill innocent animals just to satisfy our hunger.


    dats bit ryt we Muslims follow the guidelines of almighty god. dats the reason we have non-veg.though your scriptures permits you to have non-veg.still u point out unnecessary reasons. illogical too....follow the commandments of lord to achieve succes in both the lives.

    if i had hurt anyone sentiments. am extremely sorry from the bottom of my hurt.i dont mean to hurt anyone.i just wanna post the reality...




    I dont know much about your religion but one thing i know that people of your religion are expert in the wrong explanations of the preaches of the great sages and even of Holy Kuran. I never understand your purpose , why you are spreading haterate in place of love in the world by misexplaining the words like 'Kafir' ,'Jihad' etc. every time muslim youths are misleaded in the name of Jihad. They have been told that their religion is in danger so kill the people of other religion . can you please tell me who is danger for the the mankind we or you. on one side we are promoting vegetarian culture so that animals life can be saved on the other hand you are promoting non vegetarian culture , in fact you are the biggest danger for the mankind, nature and earth. we even dont want to kill animals and you never hesitate in killing even human being. think on it and you will get all the answers on your own

  5. hello sant ji

    Nice Topic. Our earth and even whole universe is full of secrets, we have unveiled many secrets but lots are still left , Naag Lok is one of them. Similar to existence of Naag Nagin , existence of 'Yeti' (Him Manav) is also a secret , but now scientist are also believing in the existence of yeti as they have found the Pug marks of yeti. our scriptures are far ahead from today's science. so one day we will also find the scientific proof of existence of naag lok.

  6. Respected all seniors I am just giving my views if You find me wrong anywhere please let me know so that I can understand that.


    I think That bhakti comes from blind faith, because the base of bhakti is love for god and when we love anyone seriously, blind faith for him generates automatically. like a mother loves her kid blindly she never sees any fault in him if anyone complains to her about her kid she never accepts that her kid was on mistake even if any situation she accepts from outside but from inside she never accepts. same happens when a boy loves a girl or a girl loves a boy , they dont use their mind in judging what is right or what is wrong that's why people say love is blind.

    so bhakti=love

    love =blind faith

    so bhakti=blind faith



  7. definitely great point by Sephiroth ji. you seem to have deep knowledge and very clear thoughts also your way of posting replies is very impressive, contents of the post are also very relevant and easy to understand. the forum needs more people like you.

  8. I request to all Respected members/senior members of this forum, please do not give importance to the Stupid and Unholy post of Tenali Ram by writing comments on each other. He is certainly a non hindu trying to contaminate this Holy forum and we are helping him by fighting among ourselves.

    I also request to all learned people of this forum to leave their ego , please be humble and polite.

    Certainly Ram and Krishna were god but they come on earth in human body and they also follows the rules of nature and society. whatever decisions they took they might be the need of that time. as far as Ram is concerned I never heard that he slaughtered any person just because he was reciting the vedas. Tenali Ram is just posting illusive material.

    kindly do not pay attention on his posting

    thanks a lot.

  9. Respected ravi ji

    I dont know too much about astrology but I am very curious about astrology so I keep on searching study material related to astrology. I remember I read somewhere that Planets which are at same degree creates a condition of Planet War . But how this war affects the person , it is not predicted by any astrologer yet. I think that War between mars and saturn is making their bad effects more severe. If you know some more about this , please let me know.



    I am talking about number of people participated in warnot Aryabatta's prediction on the dating of war.


    The one crucial thing to be understood is The war is fought in the BATTLE FIELD.There is no evidence that noncombatants are pursued and attacked.


    you are right chandu ji civilians were not attacked in war and also i am not saying that i am giving you the approximate number of army person died i n the battlefield

  11. and chandu ji what do you think ,people in army where do they come from. they come from society and almost every one participated in that war except ladies, children and old age people.

    take the example of pandavas , except Parikshit who was left out. abhimanyu, five son of draupdi etc every young person was died in war.


    I think you are reading lot of fiction.Aryabhatta was born abt 1500 years back, so anything attributed to his prediction regarding mahabharat should be false.Leaving aside The number of people participated in mahabharat war there is no reason to suspect that no people are left to procreate.Mahabharat war is between two ARMIES and Civilians are left unharmed.This is not a war between beleivers and unbeleivers where civilians are killed and looted of their properties for being unbeleivers(heathens).


    The flood stories of various civilizations(outside of india) are of relatively recent origin like abt 4000 years back but the evidence is not conclusive regarding dating.


    Aryabhatt was a great astrologer we cant point out a finger on his knowlege and his ability.before aryabhatt we used to have approximate time of mahabharat war but he predicted the exact time of war on the basis of his calculation of position of stars. and as far as war is concerned if some thousand people were killed it would not be as famous as it is. I am not saying that nobody was left children, ladies and old age people were left out.


    The flood might have happened in other parts of world probably around 4000 years back.That flood was not similar to the yugantha flood.


    yes i agree with you , it could be that it have happened in other parts of world but dont you think that if such a big disaster had happened then India would have not been left out. the rising water level would definetly have sunk the coastal areas and plane part of India.


    The flood might have happened in other parts of world probably around 4000 years back.That flood was not similar to the yugantha flood.


    thanks sir for the reply

    but the great war of mahabharata took place around 5000 years back . Aryabhatt has predicted the exact time of mahabharta war. and I have also heard that almost 66 crore people were killed in that war and nearly all young people were died in that war, only children and old age people were left out. it means that if at the time of mahabharat the population of India would be around 80-90 crore. so if that flood disaster is true it would have happened 40-50 thousand years back from mahabharat war . because atleast this much time is needed to reach the population from 1-2 person to 80-90 crore people, as nobody was left out after that flood except two people.


    Bhavishya purana is not Vedic. Find me anyone of note who accepts it. Not just Vaisnavas, anyone respectable, you wont find them.


    Respected Haridas ji

    Would you please tell me something about bhavishya puran, like about it's origin, reliability and to which religion it belongs.

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