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About LovelyM

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  1. I want to know what my future holds for me in regards to my career, marriage and health, also wanting to know if i should wear stones
  2. Anyone guidance needed plz....
  3. ok i thought people reply to this stuff well if anyone happens to read this my dob is 22.09.87 and my place of birth is Sydney in Australia and time is 11:08 am
  4. Hi, I am kind of new to this as I recently was advised by one of my friends to see an astrologer and was amazed of the fact that after giving my dob, time and place he predicted so much about me.... how do we know if its true ? What they say does it come true for the future ? If so how do we know what path to take ? Is there anyone that can read my kundli and let me know ? Would highly appreciate it
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