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Posts posted by lover_soul

  1. Vedas weren't written, they were passed on. Bhagavad Gita was also passed on through oral tradition. My grandfather memorized Bhagavad Gita orally from his Guru. He also memorized puranas, ithihas and everything. Still, one of my uncles from my father's side knows puranas and still gives the purana kalashyepam in India. So, actually even today, these things in India are passed on to others as knowledge orally, not from a book.


    This brings out a question... So, are these truly old? because lets say I learned this poem yesterday, but you wrote down a poem today, I write it down tomorrow... which one is older? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

  2. Personal Opinion not really Vedic or anything : I read many posts about this and even here, some people say that they have a better understanding of what is said in the Bible and Quran after they read Vedic Scriptures. I think I read somewhere that there are many ways to reach the Almighty, just like there are many rivers leading to one ocean. You can do tapasya, you can think of God as impersonal being with no form(Allah), You can think of him as the guy with the big beard on a cloud(Christian) ,You can think of Him as the enlightened one (Buddha) or Yin/Yang, Shinto, whatever. You can even think of Him as a Rat God(some where in India they worship rats, I heard that in America). So, there are many paths, but instead of doing a serious Tapasya which is very hard and will not be pleasant to you and to the witness in your heart, why don't you just serve Him, by dancing for Him in devotion.


    Somewhere- Probably in "Teachings of Queen Kunti", Prabhupada says that they used to do serious Tapasyas in the past to reach God, but in this Age of Kali- people don't have that much time, so He simplified the process so that all you need to do is chant, dance and be happy and do a little community service here and there, and people today can't even do that!. They spend their time on something else and waste their time.


    It is my personal view that you can reach God in anyway you like- He is the one who says that in Bhagavad Gita, but for me, if I am purified and if I am happy and if I am making Him happy by simply chanting , eating prasadham and serving Him, then I will gladly do that and just surrender unto Him.


    He might be testy in some ways, but don't worry, it will get better. Material happiness and unhappiness are like the changing seasons, we should try to stay aloof to them.




  3. First of all, please feel free to register to make it easier for us to converse. (It won't cost you a penny maybe time, but time is not ours its krishna's, so spend as much as you want)


    Secondly, I think this quote might help...


    "How does a devotee receive dangers? There must be dangers because this material world is full of dangers. But foolish people who do not know this try to avoid the dangers. Thus they struggle for existence. Everyone is trying to become happy and avoid danger. This is our material business. Everyone is trying for ātyantikaṃ sukham, ultimate happiness. A working man thinks, "Let me work very hard now and put money in the bank, so that when I get old I shall enjoy life without working." This is the inner intention of everyone. No one wants to work; as soon as one gets some money, he wants to retire from work and become happy. But that is not possible. One cannot become happy in that way.


    Here Kuntīdevī speaks of apunar bhava-darśanam. The prefix a means "not," and punar bhava means "repetition of birth and death." The real danger is the repetition of birth and death. That must be stopped.


    The material world is full of dangers (padaṃ padaṃ yad vipadām). For example, if one is on the ocean one may have a very strong ship, but that ship can never be safe; because one is at sea, at any time there may be dangers. The Titanic was safe, but on its first voyage it sank, and many important men lost their lives. So danger there must be, because we are in a dangerous position. This material world itself is dangerous. Therefore, our business now should be to cross over this sea of danger as soon as possible. As long as we are at sea, we are in a dangerous position, however strong our ship may be. That's a fact. But we should not be disturbed by the sea waves; instead, we should just try to cross over the sea and get to the other side. That should be our business.


    As long as we are in this material world, there must be calamities because this is the place of calamity. But even with calamities our business should be to develop our Kṛṣṇa consciousness, so that after giving up this body we may go back home, back to Kṛṣṇa."


    The above quote is from Srila Prabhupada's book "Teachings of Queen Kunti" . It is full of great devotion and bhakti- you can read it here : www.vedabase.net

  4. "The point was a well-documented excercise in cheating by those who professed to use their professional skills to cheat others."


    In all honesty, I am going into the medical field and I do not want to enter it to make money off nor do the researchers do it for the money. If you think that making the seizures go away in diseases like epilepsy or trying to help parkinson disease patients with the use of an alternative of dopamine is something that is used to make money off of people by cheating them, so that these guys can live off of them, then you have a wrong idea.


    Please stop this, If you are a true devotee then worry about getting to Krishna and when you know Him then come back and say what you know. If this is my ignorance, let it be but I do not think that you are a pure devotee because of the way you speak/write post. My request to you is, keep it centered around krishna, so that you , me and whoever it is that reads this stuff stops looking at this world with a biased view, but looks with in a krishna conscious perspective. This is no "tactic", but to say that a krishna conscious person should be like a swan in the lake is a tactic, then let it be. I have no power to stop or tell anyone, I am sorry if I have offended you in anyway.


    <font color="blue"> HAPPY NEW YEAR </font color> /images/graemlins/smile.gif

  5. "Just enough to fast-talk people. Just like a car mechanic… you see? …he knows just enough to cheat you, but not enough to fix your car."


    Can you clearly explain this analogy to me, because by the way I see it , it is incorrect. Actually the scientists can cure many brain diseases through the knowledge that they have. They are exactly like car mechanics and are fixing your car, that does not mean that they know the being driving the car or the thing powering the car, but they know how to fix the car. Give them credit for something.


  6. I am with you man, the only way we can change anything here is if we ourselves first change, I just wanted to reply to you. Now, as the devotee behind the ancient paztriot has dismissed himself thus dismissing me from his discussion, I will shut up.



  7. We are only mortals. How will you know if a guy killed a rat trying to eat some of the grain which he sells you? Its not possible, we are not almighty and if we were then we would be far from this mess anyway. Who cares who debates what? We are trying to give up unecessary killing, the result is in His hand. Many people don't even try. They just accept their demonic nature and some revert back to it even after they were given the privelege to a vegetarian life and good family values at their birth. Its sad, but true.

  8. No one here can say that you are pure or impure with in the heart, but if you open mine up, you will see many many things which are ridiculously disgusting. The thing that I learned is , if we worry about this world too much it will pull us into it. We then worry about everything and forget about what is really worth worrying about, which is devotional service. Ofcourse, this is not my place to say because I am also the part of it. I am as guilty as the next guy. We are all part of this mess and the best thing we can do is get away from it through some devotion, if we are lucky and do not fool ourselves into another fantasy.


  9. Its not my place to say, but still it is worth saying. Advocating or not advocating something will not change the course of this world. Yes, we can oppose it, but it is also good to realize that such horrible things are going to definitely happen as every one forgets God. It is time to go back to the spiritual world, lets mail our unalloyed devotion to the supreme and just wait for him to pick us up and give a ride to his abode.


  10. Joy to the world! /images/graemlins/smile.gif . Krishna's one of the "good" son's birthday. It is funny, how even atheists(a couple that I know) can get so joyous.



    Merry Christmas /images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Merry Christmas /images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Merry Christmas /images/graemlins/smile.gif

  11. Hello, Have you ever thought of the things that you do in your life, no matter how much you try to change them they will never change? So, if you hope things change then is it not an illusion because things turn out only as they wish and nothing more. I find it hard to see that there is a supreme entity controlling everything in this world. It is easier to believe that it is a mess made by actions of countless beings who are just living out their lives, where the factors contributing to the result of an action are many.

  12. It makes sense that true love is the greed for giving. Thank you. I also want to say that when I read your post, I felt a vibe of bhakti running all over it. Thank you for giving me such a vibe and explaining this to me. I loved reading your post over and over again. To be honest, my spiritual consciousness is not as mature as yours, it gives me great happiness that I can find more people like you and 'ghari' over the internet.


  13. I am no expert, but isn't it a fact that they don't need anyone? I mean to say, they are GOD!. So, them needing you is out of the question. They don't need you, you need them right? So whats so wrong in worshipping Him in one way over another? Whatever form you worship Him in , you get Him. Isn't it a fact that ultimately it is greed, greed for happiness and pleasure that is bhakthi?. Sat-Chit-Ananda? Know Him and you are in bliss? He never needs you, you need Him, thats why you go running after Him. Whether in form of a little girl or whatever. Is there a puzzle piece missing here?


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