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Posts posted by empy

  1. Dear Melvin,

    Oh. I am sorry for the typo. Post no 31 should have started with "Dear Tenali Ram." Then, This is how it would look like. I am sorry. I didn't mean you. In fact I supported ur feelings. Now please read my post as under:


    "Dear Tenali Ram,

    I wish melvin is right. But even assuming that this is merely a debate, won't you be careful with your language and usage of words?

    I am sure there are far refined ways to extract answers thro' this forum, or there are many avenues available outside this forum to make use of his cheap language."


    I also wonder how Tenali Ram is conveniently absent after starting this thread. Is he enjoying the fun?


    Before we judge tenali ram for his non-humilty and disbelief of Swami Raghavendra, we should put our feet in his shoes. Because the issue reminds me of two debaters assigned to debate on a certain issue before an audience. It`s the Pros and Cons on the matter being debated that makes it interesting. Although the two debaters say, are Believers in God, one is made to take the position of an atheist ( in real life he`s not). While the other makes a defense against an offense why he believes in God.


    Note: Please don`t misinterpret this that I`m just being soft on tenali ram. I could Die Hard on anybody on this forum if they try me.


    I wish melvin is right. But even assuming that this is merely a debate, won't you be careful with your language and usage of words?

    I am sure there are far refined ways to extract answers thro' this forum, or there are many avenues available outside this forum to make use of his cheap language.

  3. Dear JP,


    All your quotations mentioned marriage between opposite sexes. Not from the same sex. Gay marriages may be legal one day.

    But are they moral?

    The scriptures quote morality, and dharma the real path to live. Don't interpret them to your convenience.


    In the same analogy, if one takes to drugs, whats is the harm? it is a private affaair. isn't it? Unable to cope up with the growing trend, the governments may one day make it legal. The same may be the case with Gay marriages.

    It may be legal, and purely personal.


    In Hindu tradition Marriage between opposite sexes, that too not related suggesting to incest,

    is not only for sex, but meeting of two families, for a healthy progeny.

    In gay marriages is it possible?


    Krishna said, that he is the Kama, which is not against religious principles. Is gay marriage a natural one? Is it according to dharma?


    So in which religion this is permitted Sir?

    What you espouse may be legal, but not moral.

  4. Dear Ram,


    Even assuming that you started this topic for fun, kindly note that post nos 19 &20 of Ranjeetmore, and suvarchas have fully clarified your doubts.


    It is not uncommon for saints to be burried alive, and still answer the prayers of devotees. Raghvendraswamy is one.

    In early 1970s One Sri basheerbaba also entered the jeeva samadhi. Till a decade back, Balayogi of Mummidivaram in AP, used to give darshan once a year to his devotees, though he was physically burried alive.


    Shirdi Sai stil answers from his samadhi, even after leaving his mortal soul.


    Just because some chronicler quoted it as absurd, don't suspect and loose faith in hinduism. It's Great.

  5. "They may be outdated, like your parents."

    What do you mean by this ?


    I mean the traditions may be out dated,like your parents' opinions..


    But, still you respect your parents, and they follow the smrutis. Then respect their opinions. But still you can decide on your life partner."

    It seems you say one thing and its contrary in your point of view.. Sorry, but I connot understand


    You can respect your parents' opinions, and on the other hand you can also get married to the girl of your choice. The objection comes when you have to observe the Ganesh chauth, and other hindu rituals. No where, me or I suppose your parents object to the marriage. It is only after marriage, that certain hindu rituals, done by a non conformist to hinduism ,may not find approval with your parents.Thats all.


    Yes, you can go ahead with the marriage,and convince your parents later on if you think you can.

    I assure you, I won't interfer once again.

    good luck


    Empy, Sant,

    to summarize :




    2- A hindu marrying a catholic doesn't become a catholic in Sant and even my point of view. Empy says the contrary, but there is no proof for this as the 1st point. In this case, I don't understand how Empy can be so sure.


    3- Indian people are much more in communitee than indian who live in foreign country (for example US England, switzerland.. )

    Consequentely, when indian people are brougt up in a foreign country, they don't belong to the hindu communitee as indian from india. They do react then differently than local indian (for example love marriage is better than arranged, for example, children once they became adult, live allways in a seperate house than their parent...). From this discreapancy in societies (indian and foreign), in traditions, a gap comes in values, reactions, manners, opinion and identity.

    This doesn't mean that foreign indian are bad or don't respect local indian traditions. It only means that they are different, not much bad, not much better.

    And our parent are taken into a trap in this situation. They want their children to be happy sure in the foreign country where they live, and they want there children to be consistent with local indian culture in terms of marriage, religion, rituals...


    4- only speaking with parents can resolve the problem by trying to convince them.

    Sant confirmed that there was a no ha written related to this topic in hindu scriptures, right.

    Furthermore, man should not run away, but fight difficulties. This is his dharma (?).

    Anyway, it is very hard to fight opinion of your own parent, when you know that this make them sad and scared (ganesh chaturti, cremation..)




    My answer is,

    A Hindu marrying a catholic will not become a catholic. Even the catholic church has their own rituals to accept you in to christianity. That you live a happier life with you beloved is sure. No where did I say that you become a catholoic.

    So when even the other faith doesn't accept you as their member, how can the girl be accepted as a hindu? Simple common sense dear! You are accepted as a couple, that's all.

    Point 3:

    Just because you are born and brought up in a foreign country doesn't

    mean that you should not follow Hinduism, and its rich culural heriage. Some tradtions look superstitious in these days. They may be outdated, like your parents.

    But, still you respect your parents, and they follow the smrutis. Then respect their opinions.

    But still you can decide on your life partner.


    Reg point 3&4.

    Is it needless to convince your parents?

    Their objection is not to the marriage, but to observing the ganesh chauth, and cremation procedures. They say you are in eligible. They are right.

    Let the girl be converted in to hinduism, then may be your actions of continuing the ganesh puja, and attending to cremation , be accepted.


    Every parent, besides wishing for the welfare of their progeny, also wishes that their progeny carries their rich family traditions, and the hindu cultural heriage ,to be passed on to the the next generations. I think this will suffice for now.

  7. Again sorry for the intrusion.

    It is natural that Arjun finds similarities with Sant, 'cause both think they are right in interpreting scriptures/Dharma to their like.


    At the cost of sounding bitter, I find this is the problem of Arjun 's own. He wants to marry a girl from christianity, and wants to be accepted by his parents as Hindu. Society people may accept, 'cause it doesn't affect their personal life or family.


    Instead of debating, and trying to show the forum's opinion to your parents, why don't you try to convince your parents?

    Or simply get married. Who stops you.


    Why should Manudharma/Hindu Dharma say any thing about it, as if you are going to follow? Dharma / sciptures will not be written to your taste. They are meant for the overall welfare of the society. Keep it in mind.


    And for your information, though you didn't ask, I say that I am an Indian, Hindu, and staying not in a foreignland, but in India, A.P.

  8. I am sorry for the intrusion.


    you people conveniently kept arguing that it is superstition,, no where it is written etc...


    When the vedas were brought into written form, even then Christianity was not born, hence you don't find any mention about catholics and so on in the vedas.


    If some body wants to marry some onefrom another religion, it is legal. go ahead.

    Don't take shelter under the guise that it is not writtten in the vedas.


    Manu dharma sastra is for Hindus only. Inter religious marriages were not dealt, by Manu.


    Yes, Your parents(his) are right. They are not superstitious. If the final rites like cremation are to be as per sastra, a person of a different faith should not do it. It is not as per Dharma. So choose between the girl, and hinduism.

    You can't have both.I mean you can't practice both religions.


    Thank you.


    I wouldnt say unethical or immoral, but simply impractical, and if it were practised widely it could threaten society, with jealous men being killed because of the shortage of wives.



    yes. It is impracticable. We are a Hindu state, we quote from Manu dharma, but we follow the legal sysytem of the British. No changes.


    So what happens to te 2nd/3rd spouse, when it is illegal as per Hindu law,

    but not illegal as per Muslim law? Won't it spur people to adopt Islam?

  10. "I've always imagined that the point of polygamy was mainly because of there being less men than women(wars etc), and the women needing protection."-Haridasdasdas


    Reagarding Post no 6,It appears to be logical, and convincing. Thankyou Haridasdasdasji!


    So can we still say that bigamy or polygamy is though illegal, it is not unethical and immoral?

  11. Hi,


    I have a doubt. Since ages we have been following Manu. For most part in the past, even till recently, bigamy is not a taboo. Even our gods, kings, advisors, purohits, and the serving class all had resorted to bigamy. So, can we say that bigamy may be illegal, but not immoral and unethical?

  12. There is yet another angle. The joke was about driving only. what next?

    In Hyderabad particularly, when a wrong way driver, or a signal jumper hits an approaching car or truck, the first words that come out of him are" Kya nahi dikhte?" meaning " don't you see?


    It is a convenient defence. why this fellow cooly overlooked the traffic rules, could not see the traffic coming in the right direction,are to be answered only by the almighty.


    More over, traffic stuck-up behind your vehicle, -they won't come to your defence. They are all in a hurry. wish to get away from this. lest, the traffic cop will involve them as witness. So you end up paying tips to the wrong doer and to the traffic cop as well for letting you go without further embarrassment. That's Hyderabad!


  13. Dear Astro 102,

    As suggested by you, I am sending a private message. Following are the astrological particulars of my near and dear. Kindly conduct a detailed analysis, and respond ASAP.


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Renuka ,female, Housewife. 03.05.1977,8.55am Jaffna 80.01E,9.40N

    The girl is native of srilanka, Hindu, Tamilian,married and is staying in London. She did her B.Tech from Kaulalumpur.

    Question: How is her married life, and what are her job prospects?


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Prasad , male, Rtd bank official. 03.02.1949 @1.15am Peddapuram 82.13N,17.08E

    Question: Though earnings were good, still no savings, and always struggling for existence. When is the position going to improve?

    Son is M.Tech currently in London, (item no 3)yet to get a job. When is it going to happen?

    Adopted a daughter (item no 4)on 27.05.1988, very fond of the daughter, but not sure that the girl can live as a committed daughter, elder sister, etc. Will she discharge her duties faithfully?


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Praveen, Student 05.05.1980@ 18.25 Ambajipeta 16.35N,82.01E

    Questions:Boy has done M.Tech and is in London, still on job trials. Currently being looked after by No1. When is he going to settle?

    His marriage with his GF is almost fixed. When is he going to marry? How will be his relations withnos. 2,4,5,&6?


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Aparna, female, housewife. 04.09.1970@5.30am Kakinada 82.15N,16.56E

    This girl is adopted into no.2’s family . She is married , but facing troubles in married life.staying with her natural parents rt.now.

    Question: How is her future married life? Will be a loving daughter, and sister to her adoptive parents?


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Rajeswari, female, Housemaker. 12.11.1953, 2.15am Sarabahvaram 17.40N,82.37E

    Natural mother of no.4. Never struggled for money, despite lack of education and a job..Extended timely assistance to no2 for the sake of no3,4&6.

    Question: will no 3,and 6 be ever grateful to her, or simply ignore her despite her timely help to them? Will she get back her due place and respect?


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Vijaya, female ,Housemaker. 15.02.1954@11.00am Rajahmundry 17.00N, 81.48E

    Married to no2, and mother of no.3.

    Question:she created many a trouble due to her stubbornness in her married life. Now ok. But, will this last long? Will she be a good mom to no3& 4, and be a good friend to no. 5?


  14. Dear Astro 102,

    As suggested by you, I am sending a private message. Following are the astrological particulars of my near and dear. Kindly conduct a detailed analysis, and respond ASAP.


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Praveen, Student 05.05.1980@ 18.25 Ambajipeta 16.35N,82.01E

    Questions:Boy has done M.Tech and is in London, still on job trials. When is he going to settle?

    His marriage with his GF is almost fixed. When is he going to marry?


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Satya,Student 13.10.1988@6.30AM NewDelhi 28.38N,77.12E

    Questions: This Girl is the Fiance of No1. Where do they, and when do they settle?


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Madhavee,employed.06.10.1980@6.30Am Hyderabad 17.70N,82.37E

    Questions: The girl is well educated, obese, and black. When is she likely to get married?


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Tejasvi,student 05.05.1992@17.30 Narsipatnam 17.40N,82.37E

    Questions: Boy is staying with mother at his grandma’s place. Will his father come back? The boy is highly intelligent and scores almost 90%. How are his education and career prospects?


    Name DOB &Time POB Longitude&latitude

    Yasasvi.student? 04.04.1997@14.15 Narsipatnam 17.40N,82.37E

    Questions: The boy is the younger sibling of no.4. The boy is mentally handicapped, and physically too. When can we expect any significant improvement?

  15. we call him "Neela Megha shyama" which means Black cloud. A cloud full of water ready to drop on earth. Replace this symbolism with God's compassion,one of his many qualities. It means that he is ready to shower his blessings and favors on all the beings in the world, including humans, animals, birds, fishes etc.


    Next Blue is What you see in the sky. Can you see any other color when the sky is clear? Forget the color for some time. Just imagine the sky. How big?Does it appear to have any begining, or end? Is it not expansive beyond one's imagination? That sky is BLUE!! So when God is symbolised as of blue color, it refers to his qualities but not actual skin color.


    Similarly Black. Don't associate it with evil. If one travels in the space, after a few million miles, what he sees is not blue sky, but shining stars with a black background. Even that Blackness is infinite. So here Black symbolises infinity, that is beyond human comprehension.


    Hence Krishna is referred to as of blue/black complexion.


    Rama is not Black/emerald. He is the most temptingly beautiful person then on earth. He was described as " Ramo vigrahavan Dharmaha" and "Pumsam Mohana Rupaya"- meaning that if Dharma were to have a physical body and shape, it would be like Rama. You must have noticed a splendid aura/ attraction in the presence of pious people. That's it. Then 'Pumsam Mohana Rupaya'- he is the darling of many a male even, leave aside females. He is so attractive.

    He is divinity personified.


    I think this sums up the point. Black /Blue represent his qualities but not his skin color.



    Our spiritual understanding of reality will never be complete if it`s not dovetailed with Krsnah.:cool:




      Spiritual understanding itself means understanding KC. It is the leading part, continuing part and also the dovetailed part. These topics and sub topics only help us reach him, and imbibe his qualities in a quicker and better way. -Prasad


    is it still "oh Gosh..empy"?"


  17. Ohh. me gosh! here comes empy!:eek3:

    <!-- / message -->


    Hi primate and jeffster,


    No. I am not upset. As long as the topic is confined to the main one, or related ones, it is fine. Only when I find some personal accusations, and one-upmanships, I am disturbed. So pl contnue.


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