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Everything posted by destinyschild

  1. The question which i have here is about a chart which has these charactrestics Ascendant lord Jupiter is Exalted and in 8-th House Exalted Moon (vargottama) in 6-th House Retrograde Venus in 11-th House along with Debilitated Sun Combust Mars along with Mercury in 12-th House Other than these Gulika (Mandhi) in Lagna Ketu is in 4-th House Rahu in 10-th House Saturn in 9-th House Now Rahu Mahadasa and Mars Bhukti is running , his Jupiter maha dasa starts at Aug -2009. Also please let me know how important is Navamsa in a chart ? on what circumstrances do we refer Navamsa in a chart ?
  2. Namaste Brothers, I am following this forum for a long time and i am really amazed about the knowledge and healthy discussions which are conducted about astrology. I am New kid who is willing to learn this big ocean called astrology, i expect all your guidence and help on this. The question which i have here is about a chart which has these charactrestics Ascendant lord Jupiter is Exalted and in 8-th House Exalted Moon (vargottama) in 6-th House Retrograde Venus in 11-th House along with Debilitated Sun Combust Mars along with Mercury in 12-th House Other than these Ketu is in 4-th House Rahu in 10-th House Saturn in 9-th House Also please let me know how important is Navamsa in a chart ? on what circumstrances do we refer Navamsa in a chart ?
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