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Posts posted by Ram_bhakt


    Hi all,


    I am writing this mail for my sister.She got married recently .She has got a uterus problem and taking medicines and all are very much worried about her.I want to know about her married life and progeny.Will she have a kid? How soon will she have? Is it safe for her to conceive now.


    Hope someone will help us.Her details are as follows


    Date of birth 8th Dec 1980

    Time of birth 9.00 AM

    Place of birth Kottayam ,kerala




    dear nancy ji,


    yes your sister can have kids. just ask ur sister to plan her child after 20-aug-09.ask her to keep taking advice from the doctor.


    i m writing down some remedies that she should follow::


    1) worship the SUN.. just offer water to rising sun.

    2) donate some honey and fruits in charity. (as per ur wish , doing it on tuesdays & wednesdays is good)

    3) donate some rice to a poor girl ,below 13 yrs on Fridays.(must do)

    4) feed cow everyday with wheat flour and sugar or jaggery.( if can't do everyday then tuesdays and fridays is a must.)

    5) ask her to start drinking water in a silver glass for entire life.

    6) WORSHIP LORD HANUMAN JI. (this is must do if she want a safe child birth and her overall well being).

    7) if she can offer water to peepal tree daily will also help.(can do on saturdays only also.)


    well every remedy written above is important for her but which r in bold is a must with no exceptions.


    Just want ask few question nancy ji if u have no problem in replying them..

    does ur sister has scars on his head and face, if yes which side right or left?

    how does your sister walks? i.e does she walks with quite a gap b/w her feet or does her feet points outwards when she walks or walks with more weight on one feet?


    i am not an expert nancy ji so please take advice from other respected astrologers on this forum.thank u



    jai shri ram

  2. dear shweta ji .


    make my husband wear one panna and pokhraj i did it with all finacial crunches.is it ok to wear those stones.also can you please do me a last favour telling me if i can get job and pull the situation little. we r presently in dubai , is this place ok for us



    can u pls provide your spouse deatils also...


    jai shri ram

  3. dear anuradha ji,


    3.My grand daughter's DOB:09-06-1998/ 3-28 AM(early hours)/Chennai

    She is adamant & angry.

    How will be her health & studies.Will she do well academically



    now talking about your grand daughter.....


    as you hv mentioned she is adamant and angry...


    she will always have short temper, will also be confused ..about decisions etc, always be in dilemma i.e whether to do this or do that...


    health wise::

    prone to

    - stomach ailments

    - cough and cold diseases

    - injuries to head n legs

    - can have breathing related problem too.

    - will be lazy as she grows up.


    rest is all good in her kundli....


    writing down some remedies which should be done for her overall well being::


    1) apply chandan(sandalwood) tilak on her forehead,ear tips and Adam's apple daily.

    2) make her drink water in a silver glass for her entire life.

    3) deficiency of Calcium is clearly shown in her chart .. give milk and milk products n other calcium enriched product (pls don't go for calcium tablets)

    4) avoid giving her cold and sour things(minimize there use)

    5) follow the saying "early to bed n early to rise" with her

    6) make her worship LORD VISHNU(any avatar)


    anuradha ji as i m not an expert so pls seek advice from other expert astrologer on this forum



    jai shri ram.

  4. dear anuradha ji,


    i m sorry i wasn't able to reply 2 your other queries as i m having problems with my computer.


    2.My son's DOB: 10-06-1981/ 11-12 AM /Chennai.

    We want to get him married but he not willing now.

    An astrologer says his marriage could be controvertial.

    When will he get married & how would be his married life.


    now talking about your son's chart...


    your son is not willing to marry ... after analysis i came to the following results::


    - there is a sense of insecurity, feeling in him. due to which he usually gets/remains depressed.


    - it may be he likes someone... love marriage (a weak yoga in his chart).

    may be this is the controversy ur local astrologer told/warned u about.please talk with him about these above pts.


    apart from this there is no problem in his marriage or married life.


    it seems ur son has short temper also.


    good marriage time in near future is from 27-06-09 to 29-11-09.


    btw i just want to tell you that ur son is passing thru SHANI's SADE_SATI ask him to visit hanuman temple regularly n light a deepak under peepal tree every saturday atleast.



    jai shri ram

  5. Dear anuradha ji,


    1.My daughter's DOB: 29-07-1969/ 11-46 hrs/Chennai.

    She seems to be running a bad period.

    Her health is troubling her some wayor the orther

    Loss of self confidence etc.


    analyzing ur daughters chart for health i came to following conclusions::


    - she use to get depressed easily i.e on smallest of matters also she loose her heart.


    - she is prone to cough and cold diseases. must be having them frequently


    - she has a weak stomach esp liver and intestine ..there must be upset stomach frequently & must have had jaundice once or twice till date.


    her recent problems are due to ASHTAM SANI. it will there till sept this year.


    writing down some remedies... ask her to do these as per her faith..


    1) feed cow with flour and sugar mix on Fridays.

    2) feed cow with jaggery (gudd,raw sugar) on Thursdays.


    if she feed a cow everyday with roti etc nothing better.

    3) ask her to avoid cold and sour things in eating.

    4) worship lord hanuman ji everyday for her overall well being and prosperity in life.


    i m not an expert so if i am wrong pls forgive me and correct me too



    jai shri ram

  6. dear shoa ji,

    i am also confused why someone has recommended you these gemstones, for me i won't be recommending you these 2 gemstones and that to together never...


    as far as green cloth is considered it is for BUDH... i don't know what were ur queries for which he\she recommended you the green cloth it can be for strengthening ur decision taking power or to resolve some family matter etc reasons can be several...

    u r undergoing budh antardahsa can also be one of the reasons....


    take suggestions of other expert and more knowledgeable astrologers than me on this forum...may be they can come with some good reason for ur query.



    jai shri ram


    Respected Astrologers,


    i have completed my engineering in may '08 and finding it very difficult to find a job since...... I'll be very grateful to you if you can take some of your precious time to analyze my chart and advise me for the same....


    1) when will i get a good job or job atleast?

    2) should i go for higher studies i.e MBA?

    3) anything else that i should correct according to my kundli?


    I am wearing yellow sapphire(pukhraj) ,hessonite(gomedh) are they ok?, should i wear anything else (gemstome)?


    this is a tough time for me as i am unable to do anything nothing is going right for me.... :(


    hoping all you great astrologers will help me .....


    thanking u in anticipation.




    D.O.B :: 14-may-1985

    T.O.B :: 5:05 AM

    P.O.B :: Lucknow

    dear loser(quite a name) :),

    you have a good kundli just there is time factor associated with your success. i'll give a detailed reading later.hope u don't mind.



    jai shri ram


    Respected astrologers,


    My birth details are as under:

    DOB: 02/02/1974

    TOB: 13:33 hrs

    POB: New Delhi, Delhi


    I have not been able to find a full-time job in the u.s.a. since May 2008 after graduating from an mba course from a good university here. I am very worried and tensed now, since my opt period is also coming to an end in less than two months, and I don't have a full-time job and an H-1B visa to stay here. Kindly provide your insights about my current position and advice regarding when will I finally get a good/decent job. I will really appreciate your analysis and guidance.


    I am currently situated in ft. lauderdale, florida.


    Kind regards,



    dear astroshishya,

    i have seen ur kundli ..ur lord of 10 th house is SHANI it is with conjunction with KETU. this is considered as a dosha in kundli..it becoz of shani+ketu yuti you r not able to get a job or became sucessful in a profession.it is like u want to climb a ladder but someone is holding your legs.


    you yourself must have seen that there r lot of hindrance or problems, whenever you r finding a job or working in it.


    well you under GURU MAHADASHA and SHANI Antardasha...... shani is giving trouble to you..... from current transit position(gochar) you r going thru ....SHANI'S Ardha Sade-sati (Half-Sade-sati) or Dhaiya, Panoti, or Adhayia this is tough phase of life it will last till sept this year.


    your good time has started from 19-05-09 work really hard to find a job and stay in it acc to me you will find a decent job within 6-7 months (this is the upper limit)....


    i am writing down some rectification/remedies/upayas which u should do::


    1) ask a local pundit to conduct a pitra shanti pooja...as it would not be possible for you to do this in USA(i think) ask parents/relative of yours back in india to do this pooja on your name.if you can do it yourself that will be very good.


    2) shani-daan (donate black cloth,black til,black rai(mustard seeds),black urad, mustard oil.) to Dakot (A Person who accepts the offerings forwarded on Shani Dev).


    3) read shani chalisa or shani strotam(as per ur command over hindi or sanskrit)

    4) light a deepak under a peepal tree on saturdays(if possible there).

    5) worship Lord Hanuman ji daily. read sundar kand on tuesdays and saturdays.

    6) donate fruits in charity on wednesday.

    7) give water to tulsi plant daily.

    8) feed cow with fodder on wednesday.

    9) for overall well being and prosperity in life ask for blessing of Goddess Durga.

    10) wear a iron ring in middle finger left hand on any saturday.


    all the above remedies are a must for you.


    i have not written the above things to discourage you but to get you more strong to face the forth coming situations.I am not a pro if i am wrong please forgive me and correct me too.




    jai shri ram


    I also have an IT degree, and that is why I am worried whether I will have a good career in the software industry or not.


    Here is my horoscope:


    Birth date = 21st September, 1977

    Time = 20:40 pm

    Place = Bhuj city (Gujarat state, India)





    dear ravi ji,


    acc to my calculations you have a good career in IT field ... u can also work in a bank as an IT officer.


    the main problem in achieving your goal is RAHU mahadasha....


    rahu will give SPEED BREAKERS AND STOMACH AILMENTS to you.

    surya+rahu yuti shows low will power,low confidence,indecisiveness finding yourself always in dilemma.it may be few of your decision may have proved wrong for you(major decisions).


    i am writing some rectification/remedies/upayas for you, do it as per your wish::


    1) give strength to your SUN(it is must for you.it will you to get success in your profession)

    2) do remedies fo RAHU & SHANI .(start it immediately )

    3) worship Lord Hanuman ji. please do read sundar kand on Saturdays (it will give you courage,patience and increase ur immunity level)

    4) for overall well being and prosperity worship Goddess Mahalaxmi ji(or any DEVI of ur choice).


    i can give a detailed version of remedies also if you want....


    "ravi ji acche logon k saath kabhi bura nahi hota" :) i have personally seen ur dedication on this forum and ur willingness to help others.continue the good work.


    at last, i am not a pro soif i am wrong pls forgive me and correct me too...


    few ques for you ravi ji need ans:


    1) are you ill i.e suffering from some illness?is it related to ur stomach or back bone? if yes what type of illness?

    2) in recent years do you have temperament problemsi.e you get irked easily? do feel headaches frequently?


    i will really appreciate your help, if you answer them.




    jai shri ram


    Hi Ravi & Ram and other guruji's,


    In my experience, I have seen so many charts of software engineers where either Sun or mercury are related to 10th house and strongly positioned and aspected by a benefic like jupitor. I myself being the software engineer working in an MNC. Following are my planetary positions.


    Ascedant: Cancer (6 degrees)

    Leo : Jupitor, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu (Moon is in vargottama position)

    Aquaris : Ketu

    Piesces: Mercury

    Aries: Sun

    Taurus: Venus


    1. Here Sun is in exalted position in 10th and hemmed between benific planets mercury and venus and also he is getting the aspect of jupitor. Sun is placed in Cancer navamsa in navamsa chart


    2. Mercury is in 9th with Neechabhanga position and aspected by 10th lord Mars (Yogakaraka for Cancer ascedant) and mercury is placed in capricorn navamsa. Mercury is aspicious by getting the aspect of Mars (Yogakaraka).


    These are the points I think for software career.. and I observed these type of combinations in many charts. Please let me know if you can think of any considerations here for software career.


    Respected guruji's, please share your thoughts on this.


    Any special yogas present in this chart, please let me know.





    dear srinivasa ji,


    i hope you must have read my post above ..... i am proving my pts acc to ur kundli...


    i have already written above that strength to 10th and 11th house shows success in one's profession.talking about servicemen(engineers mainly) , taking no other outside factor-----sun,mercury,jupiter,saturn when placed in 10th house give it good strength(not talking about their aspects).sun+mercury(budh-aditya yoga) is considered best in it(controversial).Mars in 10th is considered in some special cases. one and all planets in 11th house give good results w.r.t 11th house.


    like in your case exalted sun in 10th show that you can and will reach in one of the top positions in your profession.


    now for s\w engg....


    1) Shani aspecting 4th house by his 3rd aspect.


    2) well placed venus(swa rashi)..aspecting 5th house


    3) support of Rahu.. see ur navamansa(d-9 chart) rahu aspecting 5th house by his 9th aspect.


    Shani+rahu+venus association with 4th & 5th house.


    you can see a very clear picture from ur NBCC (Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart).One must consider D-1,D-9 & NBCC even chandra kundali before giving one's prediction.


    as you have mentioned in your post that you have seen many s\w enggs kundli .... please bring fwd some kundlies who don't have SHANI+RAHU+VENUS combination and still r computer engg.i would really appreciate your help as these would be good subject for my analysis.


    As i always say that i not a pro so if i am wrong please forgive me and correct me too.



    jai shri ram

  11. dear ravi ji,

    i am answering your query to the best of my knowledge....i am not a pro ,so if i am wrong then pls forgive me an correct me too....


    Can any one please share with me the significance of planets with regard to a successful career in the software or IT industry?


    it depends on the strength of your 10th and 11th house (irrespective of the profession).actually we consider 4,5,10,11 in totality to get to one's profession.(consider 7th also but for different reasons)


    Which planets play an important role in this field? Some where I read that Budh is very important while someone point to Venus. Need some more light on the subject.


    SHANI this is the first main planet for engineering. nobody becomes engg without help of shani.second important planet is RAHU , without its help no-one becomes good engg.some astrologers believe that


    shani+rahu= computer engg.... but a well placed shukra(Venus) is needed for a software engg.


    so shani+rahu+(venus)= computer engg

    shani+rahu+X= different types of engg(X= diff planets).


    there association with 4th and 5th house shows us this.


    as we know broadly budh=sharp mind+ good in mathematics so it good for all types of engg/tech. edu. but this(budh) doesn't show that one would an engg only.


    as you yourself are an astrologer, i hope if i would have been of any help to you.



    jai shri ram.



    i am girl and am facing lot many hurdles in getting married.

    Few jyotishis told that i am mangali, but the mangal dosh is nullified due to auspicious position of other planets in my house (mangal in 7th house in lagna kundali). But at the same time boys side dont consider it as nullified.


    Can you explain me how mangal dosh is nullified in my kundali?

    Also will i ever have a happy married life, as mostly its predicted for me that i will have a very tensed married life and will have inhormonious relationship with my partner.

    My birth details are

    dd/month/year/: 09/11/1979,


    place: vrindavan(U.P.)


    Please help me in knowing if i can marry a non-mangali boy or not, about the type of partner i will get, and about my future married life

    dear koshala,

    i writing down why ur mangal dosha stands nullified.....


    1) mangal placed in his friendly sign simha(leo).

    2) mangal is in conjunction with (is with) jupiter(guru).

    3) mangal is in conjunction with (is with) rahu.


    you will have a happy and harmonious married life only if "you have control over your temper and high level of adjustment".... bcoz from ur kundli it seems that u r on shorter side of both...if i am wrong pls forgive me and correct me too...


    yes u can marry a non-mangali boy...




    jai shri ram


    :confused:Surya budh and ketu, 6th house??? <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->

    Namaskar, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what it means when you have surya, budh, and ketu in the sixth house of kanya?? whether its effects are good or bad and what remedies to do for it???


    I have also been told that if shani is in the eighth house, this is also bad? is this right?


    My date of birth: 24th sept 1986

    Time of birth: 2.55pm

    Place of birth: Newcastle upon tyne, England, UK


    om namah shivaye


    troubled taurean

    dear taurean,

    i think u hv analyzed ur chart worng ... bcoz acc to my calculation u have


    lagna-in- dhanu rasi.... so ur sun+budh+ketu in kanya rasi make 10th hse and shani in vrishchik rashi make 12th hse...


    please correct me if i am wrong....




    ram bhakth


    could u please tell me how u calculated isth ,


    i thought karakamsa was in gemini , and taurus was 12th. i thought it was Goddess Lakshmi.....

    dear lucid,

    already in this thread a learned astrologer has almost explained the method.... apply it and you will find it...

  15. dear vikas,

    there is nothing to worry abt actually she under rahu mahadasha and as rahu is aspecting her marriage house so there were hurdles and break ups.the good thing is rahu mahadasha is ending on 26-07-09.


    about love marriage ask her not to do so it won't be fruitful for her,from the kundli it seems like she is stubborn and a little short tempered so it would be difficult to get her ready for arranged marriage.


    i am writing some rectification(upayas) and things to keep in mind for her marriage following it is upto u....


    1) take up new proposal only after 25-06-09, so please halt for a month.

    2) good time for her marriage is starting from 26-07-09 upto 10-03-10.

    3) ask her to wear a silver ring in her little finger right hand on any monday morning.

    4) ask her to fast on Monday and visit shiv temple as often as she can.

    5) ask her to avoid non-veg food (esp. fish if can't do so)

    6) for overall betterment and prosperity in life ask her to worship Lord Vishnu(esp Rama avatar)


    at last i just want to say don't make haste in her marriage if its getting delayed it is for good only, hasting will make thing worse only.


    god bless you,

    jai sri ram.

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