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  1. Well, I'd like to share with you all this web about "Hercolubus or Red Planet", the planet which is approaching the Earth. You can see a video about it and request a free copy of this work by V.M. Rabolú at www . hercolubus . tv I copy the text version of the video below for those of you who are interested: UNIVERSAL MESSAGE ABOUT HERCOLUBUS OR RED PLANET Hercolubus, a planet so called by the sages of antiquity, is approaching our Solar System and is the cause of great concern for those who know about such cosmic phenomena. In our former encounter, Hercolubus put an end to the Atlantean civilisation. These facts are duly related through all the “Universal Floods” of different religions and cultures. The consequence of the very close proximity of Hercolubus will be great upheaval in all corners of our planet. The internal fire will bring about innumerable volcanoes and earthquakes. When Hercolubus is very close, a complete revolution of the Earth’s axis will take place. Throughout all the ages, great sages have thoroughly investigated the return of the “Red Planet” and have alerted us about this cosmic phenomenon. The last great testimony was that of V.M. Rabolu, who left a universal message to humanity through his work “Hercolubus or Red Planet”. In that work, V.M. Rabolu writes: “When Hercolubus comes closer to the Earth and aligns with the Sun, deadly epidemics will begin to spread over the entire planet. Neither doctors nor official science will know what sort of illnesses they are or how to cure them. They will be powerless in the face of the epidemics.” “The moment of tragedy and darkness will come: tremors, earthquakes and tidal waves. Human beings will become mentally unbalanced, because they will not be able to eat or sleep. In the face of danger, they will throw themselves over the precipice en masse, completely mad.” “What I am affirming in this book is a prophecy that will be fulfilled very shortly, because I am certain about the end of the planet; I know it.” “I am not frightening but warning, because I am distressed about this poor Humanity. These events will not be long in coming, and there is no time to waste with illusory things.” In his message, V.M. Rabolu points out the elimination of the psychological defects and the conscious astral projection as the only existing formulas to escape the forthcoming cataclysm. All those who work for their own spiritual regeneration will be taken to a safe place… IT IS TIME TO KNOW OURSELVES; IT IS TIME TO TRANSFORM OURSELVES.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:" /><o:p></o:p>
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