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Posts posted by ps_0310

  1. Dear Dhruv Bhura ji,

    Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage after my last post, so I was not looking at this thread after that. But however, I will take care of this next time.

    Do you also reply to astrology queries? I have posted one on the Jyotisha forum, and would be grateful for your reply.



  2. Respected Astrologers,


    Pls give your opinion about :

    1. our married life,

    2. chance of having progeny (currently no issues),

    3. when we would have own grihasti (currently joint family),

    4. any change of place (currently based in delhi),

    5. my career (currently having no job), and

    6. when we would have freedom from influence/control of other people on our married life, assets and finances.



    Husband's Birth Details

    DOB 14-5-73

    4:50 pm (16:50 hrs)

    uk - Latitude: 50° 43'North

    Longitude: 1° 53'West


    My Details

    DOB 3-Oct-76

    3:25 am

    purnea , bihar



  3. I am a Pranic Healer, Reiki practitioner who have been doing various forms of guided meditations, including Kundalini meditation, and japas. My problems seem to be increasing in all fronts, and now I feel I am trapped from all sides. Meditations give me temporary bliss these days. I now realise by studying about Kundalini, that it could be Kundalini syndrome as I have been suffering from the following in the recent months.

    1. Involuntary jerky movement of legs while I sleep

    2. Serious relationship issues, and no solution to get out of them

    3. Pricky sensation along the spine in the back and shoulders, Itching, stinging or crawling sensations

    4. Severe depression, to the point of having suicidal thoughts

    5. Now reaching a lack of faith in all systems

    6. Feeling that other beings in this universe are controlling me, troubling me.

    7. Lack of focus, passion in doing anything

    8. Pain in shoulders and back

    9. Fatigue

    10. Emotional outbursts, moodiness, unprovoked grief, fear, rage, depression

    I feel this is because of rapid materialization of negative karma. Am I right? How can this be solved? How can I go back to having a normal life-career, marriage, own home etc.? Right now everything is seemingly taken away from me.

    Pls help.

  4. Dhruv Ji,

    Thanks for the mantra. This was an enlightening reply. I believe, when no other form of healing works, it has to be some sort of karmic repurcussion, or rapid materialization of negative karma.


    kundaliniyogi - Chanting of Thiru Neel Kantam gives immense peace. Thanks!







    @ ps_0310 -


    Very true. No one can deny the past lives or the effect of the Karmas of the past lives. These have an effect in this life too. One sure has to suffer the consequences of the of past lives. Without negating the effect Karmas one cannot achieve success in either the material field or the spiritual field. Through Shapodhaar sadhana you can neutralise those Karmas and you can achieve the success that is not possible even by hard labour.


    Infcat i would say, the Lord is very kind to us because we are not able to remember the past lives. He has done this so that we are not affected by the relations, feelings and thoughts of past lives. If we do then the present life could become full of turmoil.


    But one this is there, all the DO's & Dont's has to be nullified here & here in this current life. And if more Dont's are there, then you have to pay interest next life as well.


    Through this sadhana slowly all past bad Karmas become neutralised and one gains all that in life that cannot be normally had even after years of labour.


    shaapodhaar sadhana procedure:


    kaali hakik mala , 5 mala 21 din




    Also try to do kundalini sadhana, that would help you to attain success more easily.


    How to do more DO in life ->

    ->Respect people, greet them with gratitude

    ->Never insult any god/deity. Infact never insult the disciples also

    ->Take the responsibility of atleast one poor child in life time for his edcuation, food, shelter, etc



    Dhruv Bhura


    PS - I am really happy replying this blog.


    @All - Please dont ask small small things for life. Ask for things which you want to carry along with you for life time. Take some good imp sadhanas & make that part of your life. Rest everything would be automatically taken care of!




  5. Some people in my life are giving me lots of trouble inspite of me doing all duties towards them. I have lost all patience and feel I cant take it anymore. I cannot come out of the situation however hard I try, and feel trapped.

    Yesterday, I had an insight that I had wronged some people in a previous life, and they have come back in my current life to take revenge. Since knowing this, I am feeling extremely disturbed and trapped. Please let me know a powerful beej mantra or some other means to get forgiveness for my past life karma and immediate relief from bad spirits.


    Please help.

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