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Posts posted by taipei

  1. Namaskar,


    Though sarp dosh is seen in your husband's chart, there are many positive things too. Profession lord, moon is vargottam. he should be able to find a job soon. Moreover, the chart has even indications of foreign travel.


    In your chart, 10th lord in 10 house itself is a good yoga. You soon should be able to get a govt. job. Ketu/moon combination is not good and there could be some emotional set backs you have to take care of.


    with regards

  2. Namaskar,


    As you said, you both are born with makar and kumbh rashi, whose rashi lord is saturn. Normally, it is believed that, saturn will not trouble much for those who has saturn as either lagna or rashi lord. However, trouble will be felt to some extent, if not to a great extent. As per the chart, yours look like a love marriage. Is it so? can you give your date of marriage?


    Yes indeed, you can reduce the ill effects of saturn by pleasing him. Some of the ways to please him would be to fast on saturdays, listening or chanting vishnu sahasranam,if possible everyday or atleast on saturdays. If you are non vegetarian, atleast be vegetarian on saturdays.


    with regards



    For confidential queries you can contact me at:


  3. Namaskar,

    You are born in gemini lagna. Lord of 8th and lord of 12 in lagna together with lord of lagna in 12 is not a good sign for health, you need to take care of your health. Ketu mahadasha has started for you since august 2008 which will run till 2015. Since ketu is positioned in 12, it will show its ill effects. Jupiter is a lord of 7th and 10th as per your chart, which is beneficial for you and is placed in his own house, with moon. When the transit jupiter enters pieces in december, 2010, the things will start improving for you. 2011 will be a good year. As per the chart, there is also indication of 2nd marriage.

    with regards

  4. Namaskar,

    In your chart, 7th lord venus is very weak, since it is positioned in kanya rashi. Moreover, it is positioned with lord of 6th and lord of 8th, which makes fixing the marriage little difficult. In addition, 12th lord is also aspecting your 7th lord, making life little difficult. As you already said, you also have kal sarph dosha. All these factors delay your marriage. In spite of all these, if we see the present dasha/bukti, it is in your favor. You are currently under venus antara which is related to your house of marriage. Hence the marriage can get fixed anytime before March 2010.

    If you are residing in bangalore, i suggest you to visit ghati subrahmanya once. It helped many people whom I know in fixing up the marriage.

    with regards

  5. Namaskar,

    For Leo born natives, this is the toughest time mainly because of sade sati. As you might know, Sun (Your rashi lord) and Saturn are bitter enemies. Hence, it indeed will show all the evil effects during sade sathi. Especially, when the saturn is transiting over the moon, the person is likely to become more lazy and prone to get some deceases. In your case, you are currently under Sun/Saturn dasha/bukti till october 2009. Things would get better by then because even transiting saturn will leave your rashi and enter kanya. Pray lord saturn to reduce the ill effects. Try to fast on saturdays. Avoil alcohol and meat. Chanting mahamrityunjaya mantra will also give you relief.

    with regards

  6. MY details -

    July 8 1981

    Place of Birth - New Delhi , India

    Time - 16:03 PM (GMT +5.5)


    I am seeing that we are having a lot of arguments and dis agreem,ents in our relationship. Is this some time period which is bad in my kundali or lagna chart?


    I was suggested that am experinec grahan yog from Feb '2009 to Apr '2010


    Please let me know the reason and remedies if possible



    You are currently under the effect of saade sati. The little disputes could be because of that. Moreover, Rahu dasha/ sun bukti is in progress for you. Since Sun is ill positioned (8th house) in your chart, there could be some tensions around you. Things will get eased next year, when moon antara will start. Pray Lord saturn and it will help you to get relief.

    with regards

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