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  1. Anil1424: Time is 10:20 pm (Firozepur city - Punjab) Link to previous thread
  2. I lost my job in US. Trying hard to get job, but no success so far. Bad time. Can you please guide me. Here is my details. Date of Birth 23-10-1965 Ascendent: Gemini. 19 Degree Jupiter- 1th house (Lagan) Ret. Moon - 4th house (Virgo) Sun-Mer - 5th house (Libra) Sun 6 degree, Merc 23 degres Mar-Ven_Ket 6th house (Scor) Sat 9th house (Aqu) 19 deg (Retro) Rah - 12th house (Tau) Dasa - Sat - Mer started from Dec 2008. Please Guide me.
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