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Everything posted by Hemangaji

  1. Dear Prabhu, pamho, agtSP, I am also interested in such a clock. I saw the muslims have quite fancy stuff called world wide azan clock. http://www.azanclock.com We could have one with govinda adi pursham, aarti timings, vaishnava calender, BG SB verses ..... Can be cheaply produced in China. OK lets stopp dreaming. Did you find out something about such watch?????? yhs hda
  2. essential links http://de.geocities.com/abhagaur2000/free_veda_online_pool.htm http://de.geocities.com/abhagaur2000/Spirituelle_vegetarische_Rezepte_links.htm authorised vedic knowledge online: vast online cooking resource Astrological Aura, get a color coded map of your personality Welcome to our Free On-line Vastu Consultation Ayurveda Consultation http://www.vedicef.com/ The Vedic Culture and Education Foundation Introduction The collective wisdom of Vedic culture's thousands of years of tradition is most significant in the vast and exemplary contribution it can make towards global harmony and peace. Unfortunately, however, this rich culture is in danger of extinction. As many modern Indians aggressively pursue Western technology, brand name clothing, pop music, movies and fast food, the wonderful birthright of Vedic culture is ignored, trampled over, and cast aside. The precious treasure of IndiaÕs Ancient Wisdom is gradually deteriorating. Society must act to preserve this gem before it is forever lost to the ravages of time. http://geocities.com/dharmainstitute.htm http://geocities.com/dharmainstitute/vedicexpobillboard.htm ISKCON HINDUJA VEDIK EXPO, 3 super hightech attractions, guaranteed to inspire and enlighten you. Featuring: Sound & Light Show - Animantronics Robot Show - The Quadeascope & more http://geocities.com/dharmainstitute/vedicexpo.htm India`s culture rediscovered some links on Varnasrama from canada http://members.shaw.ca/kavaca/ The Krishna Varnasrama Cultural Association http://members.tripod.com/~Kavaca/
  3. http://dharmakshetra.com/prasadam/recipies.htm http://www.hknet.org.nz/ekadasi-page.htm#Ekadasi recipies http://www.hknet.org.nz/ekadasi-14.htm http://www.chakra.org/living/recipes.html http://kurma.net/faq/q14.html http://www.mediarama.it/sanga/html/recipes/recipes2.htm http://www.sivananda.org/teachings/diet/recipes.html
  4. http://de.geocities.com/hemangaji/Links_Recipes_Cowprotection_Bookmarks2_Sozialwesem.htm
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