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  1. Dear sir, I am in desperate search for a work. My DOB is 18 August 1954, in Seinajoki (Finland) Lat. 62.47 N. Long. 22,50 E. Time 12:48, no daylight saving time. Actually living in Greece. Female Archaeologist. I couldn't ever work for over some month. I was working in a big project in Rome (Italy), when in May 2007 it received a sudden interruption. Now I am trying to become a farmer to garantee me a pension. Family: Married in July 1991, one daughter since May 1992. One older sister. My father died in Oct. 1991, my mother died in February 2008. Question: I feel to have a lot of energies. Staying without a work is a big suffering for me. Is there anything to do? Thank you!
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