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Posts posted by MacLeod

  1. hello


    As a preparatory ritual it is prescribed in one tantric text, that one should follow the rule of "hara-hari-vidhin" which is called "su-vi-dadadhat".

    can any of you help me with this? what is this in general "hara-hari-vidhi"?

    It is not Vishnuite but a Shaiva text.

    thank you

  2. well, on one hand there is a tendency to keep the rites & information about sadhana secret, but on the other hand, we live in a world of global village- mantras are being recorded and are so easy to download from internet, many texts are being published and research undertaken. There are many paramparas within Sri Vidya, some "vedizated"( if I can say that) some not.

  3. Hello,


    I am interested in Shakta worship in Kerala. I heard that shakta pooja of rurujit can be performed only by Sri Vidya upasaka, if so can you tell me why? As far as I know shakteya tradition in Kerala was inluenced by Krama and Sri Vidya, but can you give me some examples of this influence?

    thank you all

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