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Posts posted by aqz27

  1. Dear Ayush,


    I respect you. You truly are a man of the world. Your advice is practical and you still have faith in traditional beliefs.


    Dear Janaki,


    I'm not really an astrologer and can only empathise with you. You have my prayers. Stay positive and work towards your future. Good luck.



    Dear Janaki,


    Sorry to hear about the incident.

    I would leave the astrological analysis to sasisekaran, he is eminent in the forum.


    Further to add on, all I can say is, look at this whole incident as a new start in your life. Why to think about the past and crib. Life is big and huge. America is also not the ultimate destination. Bad things can happen anywhere. What about your work ex in US, that can get you a great job in India, further you can always find a nice guy from any part of the world.


    Moreover, whats not said is not said. Feelings and thoughts are worthless without expression. When he says he's asking for divorce means that's what the truth is. Doesn't matter whether he loves you or not, if he is doing that then that is the reality.


    Get over it girl. Its difficult, but don't loose heart. This life is way too short to do the great things this world has.


    Hope it helps.


  2. Dear Megala,


    I respect your belief in the astrology system. I am myself an ardent believer.


    If you are in love with this boy and you believe that he is a good person and the one for you, you should get married to him no matter what the future holds. You live only one life, you wouldn't want to regret this decision. This is my personal opinion, I may or may not be correct.


    I understand that the boy's and your family would want horoscopes to match before any wedding. Eventually the decision is yours.


    Good luck and may the gods be with you always.


    Aq Z

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