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  1. once there was an intense discussion going on between some great scholars, along with swami vivekanand and sri ramkrishna paramhamsa about what is better, dvaita or advaita. it went on for many hours and after a long time ramkrishna paramhamsa said, "there are two doors to a house. one is the main entrance another is a back entrance. as long as one gets into a house, why care about how did that person enter in?" i think its high time vaishnavas stop unnecessarily bashing mayavadis. i don't see a point. sri sankaracharya wrote devotional hymns for sri narayana...then why are vaishnava brothers so against him? i would really like to know why this hate? and for the so called "puritans", people can believe in advaita vedanta and worship vishnu or krishna at the same time.
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