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Ali Raza Hashmi

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Everything posted by Ali Raza Hashmi

  1. heyy man no date of birth in this case!!!!!!!!
  2. Mr. AnujKotwal dob 21/12/83 at 01:01 AM place tehri garhwal This is Ali Raza Hashmi Vist here first time here! i see your problem its the problem of Satrun(shani) in your chart 11 house is not positive and when your Satrun came there it give you problem! it almost take 2 and half years to accross a house and it is time were when satrun retrogrets last time for some people it is good but in your case its not good you must remedaies your satrun in your chart satrun is also the lord of 5 house were love affairs belongs! not to worry remedaies your satrun! if you have any sort of confeussion contact me as brother Ali Raza Hashmi 00 92 321 466 98 91
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