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Posts posted by iloveamma
Actually a person who has even a sattvic mind-even he cannot remember the lord at the time of death.
IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO REMEMBER ANYTHING at the time of death.The pain is unbearable.
This is interesting indeed.
I am still not understanding WHAT is painful about it?
First you said that there is mental pain, then you said that the mind goes blank..I am not at all trying to argue, simply to understand what EXACTLY IS happening at the moment of death and WHY is it SO difficult to remember God in that moment?
I know for myself, someone who has spent a great deal of life in physical pain, that remembering God when I am in pain can sometimes be difficult...however, at some points, it is quite easy because the pain can be SO great, that you cry out for help to God.
So why is it so difficult? If the mind is going blank, I assume that would be a good thing, since that is what we try to do everyday when we make our minds blank!
Is it the attachments and the UNFUFILLED DESIRES that make it painful at the moment of death? I know that leaving your body through astral projection is not painful, as someone said earlier. Therefore, WHY IS IT HARD TO REMEMBER GOD??
Would love to know why if anyone knows!!
i know I recently wrote, but did not ask about the health issues..
For a few years, I have been having twitching going in my body that is spreading.
The last week, it has started in my right eye.
I take LOTS of vitamins that pertain to why it could be going on...and other medications for my various health issues.
I am wondering if anyone can see some reason in my chart as to WHY this twitching is going on? I know there are about 15 different astrologicaL aspects that relate to my health issues...but I would like remedies specifically for this twitching, since it is interfering with my life, if possible.
It is in my left foot/ and has spread up the its in my eye...and is effecting my ability to see..
I can feel issues in my lower spine. When I walk, there are small fast twitches in my lower half of my body.
I have seen SOOOO many doctors...MRIs all kinds of tests...they all say I am fine.
Either they are missing something, or maybe it is astrological?
Advice is really needed..
I would like to add that I intend to do the Maha Mritunjaya Siddhi Sadhana as soon as you think this would fix all the health problems?
Thank you!
May 1, 1975
Skokie Illinois US Daylight Savings
I am not an astrologer, so you can get a detailed reply later...but Sade Sati means Saturn returns in English...
It is a time when most people dread in life, and for many it is the worst period of their whole life! Many people undertake many remedies to try to prevent the havoc.
My husband, for example, is undergoing his...NOTHING works for him. It all goes wrong...delays, complications, and he is facing HUGE HUGE debts on the brink of financial ruin.
But for some it is worse than seem to have an ok time, so I would not worry so much!
Go and see a good Ayurvedic doctor.
I watched a documentary on panchakarma and the condition called "cancer" in Ayurveda can apaprently be curd in 6 months...
Sounds very hopeful, but if she is strong, maybe she can recover even after the killing of her body those western doctors did. Because that is what they did..they completely anhiliated her immune system!
Panchakarma treatments quick!
I would also like to add...
daily enemas with a solution called Miracle Mineral Supplement...MMS...can be ordered from the west...
Can cure AIDS, and all kinds of things..malaria in 4 hours...
THis is what I would be doing..
Another option is OZONE insufflations..research OZONE/OXYGEN is not O2 but o3 that is used..and when there is high enough amount of oxygen in the system, no mutations, bacterias, viruses or parasites can survive. Our friend had a brain tumor, she listened to us..went and got Ozone therapy, now she is fine!
I can tell you these 3 things I just mentioned could TOTALLY CURE this lady and if I had it..these 3 things are EXACTLY what I would do and I have studied health for years..
I hope she does them!
Please see another recent thread I wrote about PCOS and thryoid treatment.
There are about a handful of doctors IN TEH WHOLE WORLD who have a clue about theyroid.
Your thyroid horomes change every 30 minutes...and should not be used to need URINE tests to measure levels in the TISSUES...most doctors have no clue about this..
You can start here. THIS CAREFULLY thyroid doc in the world..30 years research. - The Authority on Natural Medicine
Thyroid Disease, Finding & Dealing with Doctors - Articles A DOCTOR HERE WHO KNOWS ABOUT THE THYROID... results and get advice..BRILLIANT
Most do NOT and you cannot rely on them..please seek care from one of these sources.
You must NOT listen to the standard doctors who think they know about it.>>THEY DON'T!!!
Please trust me..get care here...Blessings..It took me a year of major suffering to discover this not pass it up!!!
This is a page from my web site....My site is on black magic and evil possession...I would suggest you search for a Good spiritual healer to be sure your problems are NOT coming from spirit possession. But I am not a doctor, so you should follow your doctors guidance while also seeking spiritual cures. So please, do research...
Sometimes, there are mental health symptoms that can point to black magic and other spiritual problems. Unfortunately, most of our mental health practitioners are not spiritually aware enough to recognize black magic and demonic possession, so we are simply classified as crazy and put into mental hospitals.
It is a tragedy that many of our fellow brothers and sisters spend months, or years, of their lives in mental hospitals merely because of a lack of spiritual knowledge on behalf of the allopathic doctors. If people understood that many of these psychiatric/psychological conditions are actually caused by spirits and spiritual problems including black magic, then many of us could be spared a tortuous and miserable existence.
I have even heard of cases where patients had been admitted to mental hospitals, but after chanting sacred, healing prayers and receiving work from magicians or exorcists, actually were discharged in a short period of time from the hospital and went on to function normally. Yes, sometimes the cure to certain types of mental illness can be a simple prayer.
The so called disorders of mental health are so numerous, there are huge books written about them. And updated frequently.
Sadly, doctors who keep putting these labels on these so called mental health disorders, usually cause more harm than good to their patients. "Schizophrenic" and "manic depression" are two examples. But it isn't just the perpetuation of labels and placing people in categories that is just plain wrong: it is the so called mental health professionals' inabilities to recognize the mental health symptoms of black magic and possession. This is what I have a problem with.
I would never indicate that certifiable, clinical mental health disorders do not exist, only that the spiritual aspects of such conditions are overlooked and need to be addressed. Of course, in some cases there are causes that are rooted in chemical imbalances. And many of them can be solved by taking the proper vitamins, minerals, and alternative supplements. The problem we have currently within our mental health profession worldwide, is that it is often assumed that we have chemical imbalances, although the proper tests are not performed.
In my past, I have personally been to several psychiatrists who were quick to write the anti-depressant medications that alter the way my brain functions sometimes permanently, yet who did not perform in depth tests to check my nervous system, my hormone levels, or the balance of my neurotransmitters. How can someone even think to write a very toxic and chemical medication to "balance" my neurotransmitters, if they do not know for sure they are imbalanced in the first place?
Making such an assumption of my mental health symptoms based on an oral exam is total negligence. And everyone is falling prey to this every day, the world over. They are only examining our mental health symptoms, and not the holistic view of us as living beings, which includes our spiritual health.
So much emphasis and faith is placed in allopathic medicine, that I think is misdirected. The overwhelming illnesses, in spite of the presence of allopathic medicine, is proof of this theory. Alternative medicines need to be considered first when addressing health problems, and particularly disorders of mental health.
If I would have taken those medications, not just the regular medications, but all the times I was given medications for my numerous physical problems, my possessed state would have worsened considerably. I am not a doctor, but someone who has experienced things that the average person never would have lived through.
Therefore, I feel I am in a position to make claims and give advice to those who are facing similar situations: anyone who has been properly diagnosed by more than one person as being a victim of black magic/demonic possession should TRY to avoid prescription medications at all costs, unless your life will end without them. Taking these medicines opens you up to attract the negative energies and doing so makes a space for them to enter. Keep taking them. Keep seeing your doctor. But work toward getting off the medicine, if you are able. Try to avoid medications if possible, especially those that effect your brain chemistry or affect your mental health symptoms. But do not stop them, if you have been instructed by a doctor.
I strongly urge you to turn to a reputable and experienced exorcist. Do not be misguided by the mainstream pharmaceutical companies who want to prescribe you drugs to make you sicker, so they can take more of your money, which often just exacerbates your mental health symptoms.
Instead, commit to true healing, which involves thorough examination of your physical, mental, emotional, AND spiritual well-being. In fact, for true relief for any mental health symptoms that you may be facing not only because of black magic/spirit attachment/demonic possession but for any reason at all, you must take a holistic point of view to your health which involves looking at all levels of your being. This is the only kind of approach that will allow you to truly heal.
I suggest starting a new thread for your request...
PS..I sent you an email...maybe you did not get it? Please check your spam/trash folder...
To the original poster...Which way was the crow flying...was it flying from right to left when it struck, or from left to right???
Although these are all indications of Shani, crows are also the symbol of magic and occult.
Are you or your family being effected by black magic in any way?
I am going to ask more questions, but I still do not understand WHY I cannot continue with the sadhana during the menstrual period, and why is it that I would not be able to touch the idol? What would happen?
Besides saying that the woman is "impure" at this time, I am wondering if you could offer a more thorough explanation? Were these directions written in the scriptures that a woman should not participate in spiritual practice during her cycle? Details are most welcome.
I will get back to you with further questions...again, thanks so much for your time!
I am eager for my lingam to come.
No no!
Please do not take this privately!
I need to see what you are saying!
Here is the thing...
Firstly, thank you for replying in great detail. I have found these bits of information online....and like I said, they are useful. But they are basic.
I want to recite the actual mantras that are recited during a REAL puja. Although English is my only language, I learn mantras very easily. I can learn mantras/slokas bhajans after 2 times hearing them, if I can read and hear it at the same time.
So I am very eager to learn the PROPER mantras/slokas to recite during a puja at home. I do not want to only chant Om Nahama Shivaya or the Mrityunjaya mantra...I want to invoke God like like if there is a puja at home. Full strength and power...not just through a simple prayer.
I hope this makes it clear...Where can I find the proper recitations to do this?? What are these prayers called? Do you know how I can learn them???
I would very much appreciate if the two of you would disagree in this thread!!!!
When they refer to "better" I assume that they refer to the amount of energy that is generated and clenased from you when you do the worship. I cannot imagine that it would mean anything else except referring to the amount of ENERGY and power that the worship results in...??
I have searched on line for many hours to find directions of how to do Shiva Lingam worship at my home.
I speak only English, and the limited information I found says to do abishek chanting Om Namaha Shvaya with at least 5 ingredients.
This information is better than nothing, but I am getting my Parad Shiva Lingam in a few days and I need to know how to do a proper puja.
Can someone please please, describe in detail to me how to properly worship this lingam when it arrives?
I specifically would like to know which mantras/chants have to be performed, as I wish to do the proper abishekam each day with the correct prayers. Iti sok if the puja will take some time, I wish to do it each day.
I have health issues, among many other financial, and relationship issues, so if there are specific pujas/practices to cater to these problems, it would be best. I read somewhere that if you offer certain items it will alleviate those issues?
Either way, if someone could please please provide me with detailed directions, I need them urgently.
Thank you for the last response.
But if that were true, why does it indicate all over that some lingams produce more effects than others? It is said that the Parad Shiva Lingam produces millions of more power and strength than worshipping a stone one.
Is there any truth to this?
Also, what IS the correct worship of a lingam? What prayers should be recited for a proper puja? Where could someone find those?
Thanks again...
No, I was definitely not going to drink it, that is for sure. It is only for worshipping...
Do you think that even if it was not made in a way that was described in the Puranas that it will still be effective if it is energized in a puja and it is worhsipped with sincere devotion?
Is there really nobody that knows the answer to this?
Is there anyone to tell me if this lingam is ok to use????
Hi again,
When i say meditate, I do not mean on a mantra.
I mean meditate to quiet your mind, to concentrate on your breathing, so eventuallly you can get to a state where you have no thoughts.
Prayer and exercise is important.
But meditation is also very very crucial.
So, please try to take up a sitting, quiet meditation where you try to simply watch your mind.
Please have her get thyroid hormone treatment with a product called Armour/Nature thyroid. IT is NOT the standard meds the doctors will give...
She needs A t3 AND T4 medicine.
Please see Stop the Thyroid Madness - Thyroid info and life-changing truth about thyroid treatment and this lady's story about her PCOS..
Laura’s Story | Stop The Thyroid Madness
There are many many studies that have been done to indicate that those with these problems are low in BOTH T3 and T4 hormones.
The western tests ALWAYS come back normal!!!!!!!!! So even if it comes back normal, she probably still needs it!
you have to get URNIEtests to properly test the levels of thyroid hormones...FREE T3 and FREE T4 plus TSH and antiboies should also be tested. Antibody tests are the only tests that should be blood.
Other sites to check that are amazing
fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, thyroid hormone resistance ...30 years of thyroid medical research..he is the
most advanced in the field of thyroid of the best in the world..huge amounts of information here
DrLam -The Authority on Natural Medicine
Wow, this is so fascinating...thanks for posting.
As a master in this knowledge, I have to ask you, do you live according to the activities that should be done on a certain day? And do you find personally that your life is more successful because you know to undertake certain activities on certain days? Does this at all lend itself to procrastination or does it lend to being more conscious??
Curious to hear...
One more important test...the money they do obtain, will go to building hospitals, charities, and educational centers...humanitarian work will be a main concern for most of the real ones.
Firstly, you do not want a HUMAN Guru. I think you mean that you want a Guru who is in the body.
A "human" implies that they are of mortal stature. This is not what you want in a ideally want a Guru who is a Sadguru, and Avatar, or one who has realized himself.
The difference is that a Sadguru was born awakened..they are a slice of God in a human form. But someone who is "enlightened" is someone who was born a human soul, but who has completed their cycle of birth and death.
These two beings are on slightly different spiritual levels..the Sadguru is slightly higher and emanate more power. Avatars usually will.
Some enlgihtened beings, may not take disciples. Therefore, you want one who is willing to guide you. What that means, is that they will be willing to oversee your spiritual growth, for however many lifeteims it takes for you to reach the goal of liberation from the cycle of reincarnation.
Both, however, will be able to take you to the final goal of moksha, or liberation, but they must be willing to initiate you as a disciple in order for the bond to be solidfied between you.
In olden days, the disciple would have to undergo rigorous tests by the Guru to see if they were worthy of initiating. Nowadays, in the Kali Yuga, things are a little less formal..and more gurus are giving out initiations, than maybe they would have a long time ago.
So the previous advice is best..the Gayatri mantra, along with PRAYERS TO GOD to help guide you to one who will help you.
How to tell if a guru is real? I actualyl want to write a book on this topic. Well, the best is to give them a mental test...if they pass your mental tests, than you will know if they are real.
For example, I heard one story of someone who was not sure if someone was their guru, so they said mentally something like..Ok. if you are my guru, then you will raise your hand up immediately right now..and the guru did so.
Of course, you can always ask them as well..a real one will NOT TAKE MONEY FOR AN INITIATION...this is one pretty solid way to know if they are real or not.
That does not mean that you should not go see gurus who cost money to see, like in a seminar or something (in the west, although some will refute this...) But for a Guru that you want to be YOUR guru, you want someone who is not interested in money and who does not ask for it to get a mantra.
They lead by example. They never use the word "I" to describe themselves. They do not display any ego qualities...they are not interested in material items. Many of them will not touch money at all. Some will USE nice things, like drive in nice cars, but most of the time there will be people who donated those things. Most real gurus will not have ANYTHING..will not enjoy luxuries..tehy do not need to, they are in a constant state of bliss. They will sleep on the floor, will live by example to their students. They go into trancscendant states. They can perform miracles. You hear miracle stories by those devotees around. Not fabrications...real stories of impossible occurences or huge feats of Grace shed on the disciples.
Depending on your consciousness, you may feel exceptionally blissful in their presence. You may not want to leave their side. You feel overwhelming love, like you never felt before. You want to give back to them. You want to serve them. But you have to be careful, because even those Gurus with Siddhi powers who may not be totally of the Light, will make you experience this as well. So, it is important that you also listen to what your mind tells you. If what they do seems to defy reality and it gets proven to you, then they may be real. But you have to use your discrimination.
A real Guru knows your past present and future. A real Guru knows exactly what your soul needs to progress and will bring it to you.
This should be enough to be able to identify one when you see one.
I was just coming here to try to contact you!
I tried to PM you, they only reactivated the PM so that I could get hold of you...
So, I am gonig to email you now! I think you should take down your email address in the last post and the asking me to contact you, because there is a new rule you cannot post like you just did...see the vedic astrology forum first new thread...about the new rule. maybe it is only for that forum? I do not know!
I do not want you to get in trouble from the forum...
Om Namaha Shivaya to you too!!
Make sure you also get the head wet and release in your mind all negativity effecting your this case the sexual thougths...imagine it going into the water and down the drain.
If you do not have a bath tub, I tell people to put the salt in the buckets and pour it over the head. I feel the whole body should be immersed...not just the feet!
What a great link that is.. I am saving that...
If you are having that much problem with it, then I am going out on a limb to say that you have something attached to you pushing you into those thoughts. It is common.
The people who come to me, I simply tell them to take salt is better to immerse the whole body into the salt I it cleanses the physical body that is also being effected by such entities...
Chant the Gayatri mantra any sacred number of times...stay in the bath at least 20 minutes...while in the water...and then when releasing the water, command in the name of God (whoever your deity is) that you banish and bind all sexual thoughts and anything from within or without that is causing you to have these sexual thoughts never to return to you again until the sun turns to ice...and as the water drains...imagine it all going away from you...
This will help you a lot. A LOT.
Also get cloves and burn them in your house.
If you want more help with this, then please contact me in the PM..
But these are the two things I tell people to try first. When you burn the cloves, do it all over your house and command out any energies that are not in the highest vibration of light and love and God. Say I banish and bind you to exit my body and my house in the name of God (your diety) and never return again until the sun turns to ice.
You need to do these things, if the others are not working...okay?
PM me and let me know how it goes...
Health Problems-Twitching-Drs say its Nothing
in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
That is very sweet of you...
Thank you, as I would like to remain in touch with you, as you seem to have a wide variety of knowledge about spiritual things.
I also have many people who come to me who ask me for help with their evil spirit problems, and I have been trying to find a way to assist them in getting help for free as well...and would love to have an astrologer who is able to guide them as well because most of them are poor and have no where to turn. I am not sure if you would be interested in helping some people sometimes, but it was another reason I wanted to keep in touch with you.
Thanks so much...Blessings...