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Posts posted by vmahavir

  1. Respected Webyogi,

    Here is a case of my friend's wife triveni


    Triveni's Birth Details

    Birth Date : 26th July 1985

    Night : 00.05 (Late night of 25th July)

    Place : Kolhapur

    (Confusioh over the Rashi)


    Ritesh Birth Details

    Birth Date : 15th Jan 1979

    Time : 02.05 a.m

    Place : Kolhapur



    The person is going to be panic in certain situations and do not aware what she is doing. After certain incidents of quarrel or tension she doesnt remember about it. She is clashes with her husband from last 2 months. What will be the solution. Please explore the dasha, dosha and present situation of the person.



    Also mention about Ritesh's carrer.




  2. Hi Predictions!


    Love is a vague therm. Its meaning is beyong the reach. There is no love exists in the two souls in the world! Two persons come together because some things, greed attracts each other; but finding that there is noting they try to hate each other. The failure of your expectations turn the love into hate. The Love you called was not exactly the love because it turned into hatred. The Love was Love when it was not in hatred.


    May be that your emotions was genuine. But it might be from her side that she failed to get something that she attracted because of something and you dont provided her.


    The greed and expectations make people to compel to come with each other. Otherwise everyone will be Sanyasi.


    So dont become panic. If she comes then ok. If she doesn't come never apologize or persuade her. It will increase her vanity and ego. Love is mutual process so If she dont' let pray for her.


    Mahaveer Vibhute


  3. Hi Gauri!


    I am also learning Astrology. Astrology content five basics 1. Tithi 2. War 3. Nakshatra, 4. Karan 5.Yoga


    The planets, rashis and nakshatra and their combinations. You will get more info on indiaastro.com.


    But it is difficult to predict on literature reading. We have to be perfect or we might interpret very wrongly.


    Suppose the Mangalik Kundli has a Mangal in Manglik Area. But if it is in lower degree i.e. 1 degree then it is called Bala Avastha. It will not harm the person. But some says that the person is manglik and he will have problems in marriage.


    Such cases make us to predict wrongly. So be careful. Good Luck


    If you want to discuss ur chart give birth details :

    Birth Place,

    Time pm. a.m.


    Location (Exact City)


    Also visit my blog http://enlightensoul.blogspot.com



  4. webnirman+panchang+chart.JPG












    Hi Experts!


    Please have a look of ready Charts on my blog enlightensoul.blogspot.com there are charts and nirayan of my baby!


    My new baby is borned on Amavasya. (Mool Nakshatra, Vridhi Yoga) So Many people advised me to not to see the face till the "Shanti" of mool nakshatra. Different people say diff. things. Can anyone clear the planets and the analytical effects of planets in respected houses. Also can someone throw light on aspects, afflicted, exalted planets?


    Female Baby

    The place of birth is Osmanabad, Maharashtra India.

    Birth time 22.38

    Day : 26th December 2008













    You regularly chant the Planet Ketu & Mars




    Link : enlightensoul.blogspot.com




    The Chant mp3 is uploaded in the 9 Planet Chats Toic








    You are Under Negative Influence of of Ketu

    ( Period: From 2007-03-23 ~ <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:time Hour="19" Minute="21">19:21</st1:time> to 2014-03-23 ~ <st1:time Hour="13" Minute="21">13:21</st1:time> )


    In Indian vedic astrology, the Ketu is associated with affection, wealth, mind and administration. Beginning of the dasha brings kingship, in the middle of the dasha, feeling and experiencing of intense fear and towards the end of the dasha, traveling to far off areas is possible and fear of ailments may be there.

    Favourable / auspicious signs of Surya


    • The Surya is placed in Uccha Rashi (Mesh at <st1:time Hour="15" Minute="51">15:51:29</st1:time> degree) in the native's horoscope.


    • The Surya is positioned in the 6<SUP>th</SUP> House from Lagna (Mesh), which is the 5<SUP>th</SUP> House from Ketu, in the native's horoscope.


    Effects of Planets on Your Chart

    Ketu in 2nd House

    Sutras 5-6-If Rahu or Ketu is in the second house, the native will be poor, will suffer from diseases of the body and loss of children, and will be of dark.

    complexion. If Rahu or Ketu is associated with a malefic the native will have a mark on the lips

    Moon in Ninth

    Moon is in the ninth house, the native will be highly learned

    and charitable. He will construct ponds, tanks for the good of others and shelters for cows. He will also be fortunate in the matter of children who will be prosperous. If the Moon is full, the native himself will be very fortunate and his father will be long-lived. If Moon is in conjunction with a malefic or in the house of a malefic, the native will be unfortunate and will suffer loss of his parents early in his life. Moon is in his own sign in the ninth, the lord of ninth will be in the ninth giving rise to a powerful Rajayoga conferring great name, fame and prosperity to the native.

    Mars in 11<SUP>th</SUP> House

    With Mars in the Eleventh House you are likely to exert your energy and initiative into friendships, social life and group activities. Friendship is of above-average importance, but this is a sphere of life where you will experience some rocky periods since the aggressive, argumentative side of Mars will tend to cause upsets between yourself and your friends. This will be especially so when others challenge your reasons or motives for certain actions. Leadership qualities are present and a strongly independent personality needs to be developed in order effectively to initiate social or group reform.

    Saturn in 11<SUP>th</SUP> house

    Saturn is in the eleventh house, the native will be very wealthy but

    there will be obstacles in his way. He will also be owner of landed property and a favourite of Government. If Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation the native will be learned and enjoy Mahabhagya Yoga (causing prosperity of a very high order) and comforts of all kinds of conveyances.

    Mercury in 6h house

    Mercury is in the sixth house the native will be respected by the

    king. There will, however, be obstacles in achieving success in educational pursuits. The native will be showy and proud and very proficient in creating controversies. In his 30th year he will be accorded great favour by the king (Government). The native will write letters, books etc. If Mercury is in the sign of Mars (Aries or

    Scorpio), the native will suffer from leprosy of the blue colour or other similar

    diseases of the skin. If Mercury in the 6th is associated with Saturn and Rahu or Saturn and Ketu, the native will suffer from diseases like rheumatism, shooting pains etc. He will have quarrels with enemies belonging to his community. If lord of the 6th is strong the people of the community will prove stronger. If the lord of the 6th is weak, the people of the community will get annihilated.

  6. Hi Experts!


    Please have a look of ready Charts on my blog enlightensoul.blogspot.com there are charts and nirayan of my baby!


    My new baby is borned on Amavasya. (Mool Nakshatra, Vridhi Yoga) So Many people advised me to not to see the face till the "Shanti" of mool nakshatra. Different people say diff. things. Can anyone clear the planets and the analytical effects of planets in respected houses. Also can someone throw light on aspects, afflicted, exalted planets?


    Female Baby

    The place of birth is Osmanabad, Maharashtra India.

    Birth time 22.38

    Day : 26th December 2008



  7. Hi Ravi

    Please have a look of ready Charts!


    Please go to my blog enlightensoul.blogspot.com there are charts and nirayan of my baby!


    My new baby is borned on Amavasya. (Mool Nakshatra, Vridhi Yoga) So Many people advised me to not to see the face till the "Shanti" of mool nakshatra. Different people say diff. things. Can anyone clear the planets and the analytical effects of planets in respected houses. Also can someone throw light on aspects, afflicted, exalted planets?


    Female Baby

    The place of birth is Osmanabad, Maharashtra India.

    Birth time 22.38

    Day : 26th December 2008



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