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  1. You can marry a non-mangleek girl, Your manglik dosha is nullified due to Rahu is placed in Kendra sthan (1st house).
  2. Can you please give your birth data, so that i can tell you better.. Also mangal in 4th house is not much harmful. There are various planetary position which cancel mangal dosh from own horoscope. also if it is a good match, means if matching points are good then 4th house mangal dosha is not considered, its get nullify.
  3. hi... Mangal Dosh is mainly considered in lagna chart (D-1), Not in moon chart. Your fiancee is free from Mangal Dosh. Shashank,
  4. Hi all, Can anybody tell me what are related metals of these directions in Vastu North-West Zone and South-west Zone Thanks, Shashank
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