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Everything posted by LightsUniverses7

  1. Once I heard a lecture by ChinnaJeeyar Swamy. He explained how to associate every deed with Krishna. For instance : if one is sitting before God to meditate, the mind would think of so many things it would not like to at that very moment. Then what to do? Swamyji says take the mind wherever it goes and there associate that item with Sri Krishna. If the mind goes to a say a flower market, ( during meditation ) associate the flowers to SriKrishna by thinking how beautiful would HE look if decorated with these flowers "!! Similarly with other things. In some cases its tough to associate, say a movie, or an undesired wrong attraction, but since Krishna dwells in everything it makes us think and realize how HE exists in and out of everything. For instance, if one is attracted to a woman, then he can recollect the great pastime of Krishna with gopikas and how that was different from his thoughts ! This way one is constantly remembering GOD at every moment. But even for this to happen, we need the mercy of GOD. So lets always chant HIS divine name and HE will show us the way. Same goes with eating- in mind we can relate our eating to Krishna by recollecting HIS pastime with the GOPAS who used to play and eat with Krishna. This is nothing but directing all our actions to Sri Krishna. So we become freed from the results of our actions. I am glad I could share it with you all.
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