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Posts posted by ram.warrior88


    I'm very sorry, I can't understand your English very well, so I can't fully reply to everything you say.

    Thank you !


    What makes a person a 'self realised saint'? There are so many people claiming that they are this or that, but what is your basis for saying this? Who are these saints and why are they saintly?

    Brahamgyani ki gat brahamgyani jaane !


    If you don't beleive in the Vedic traditions, why are you in this forum, and why do you have Yasoda Krsna as your picture? Clearly you have some understanding, so you can appreciate that to be recognised as any kind of spiritual teacher, you have to be in a bona fide samparadaya, and your teachings need to be in conjunction with sastra, and not simply made up.

    Well, yes im a Hindu with thy contemplation on Vedas... As far as shastras are concerned, i adhere by them. That is true, and that is a big science than physical science.... And the thing im talking of is the science of grace of god, when the one from whose inspiration whole shastras origin is here to help, then im sorry but i cannot go to read the whole book rather i'll stay with the auther himself ( The alimighty )


    To me it sounds like some more new age nonsense. You even say 'new age' in your message. What does this have to do with Rama? If you want to be a warrior for Rama, then go and practise Dharma, this airy-fairy nonsense is only suitable for drugged up hippies, it has nothign to do with Dharma.

    No more of word exchange what could you and i possibly misunderstand ! Concerning the top most thread, the relative things are going as planned.



    You have a nice day, i have no more time to put across over a discussion and thy be contemplating it on and on ! It is me whose thoughts, words, aptitude , attitude are low level , mindless and petty sinful, so kindly forgive me while i be there for myself.

  2. shastra is the origin out of the lord , and a self-realised saint is the lord's own form.. so the above stages of dawn of new age is much much way in future which is definate while with their efforts of positive vibes, many spiritual people are altering what worst could happen ! so go and listen to people wearing orange robes, i prefer sitting near the self-realised saints... for im the sinful in my being, done no good deed and a fool that im ! so i all care to see what is all my God is here for ~ the play eternal !!!


    There will always be some saint who says some thing and another saint who says something else.


    What does it say in scripture? Only sastra is definite, nothing else is infallible.


    That website all seemed a bit new-age to me.


    I'm sorry for my cynicis, but these predicitons are a dime a dozen, often just some plea for attention.

  3. namaste ! yes, a good tantrika / sadhaka should aim for gunatit awastha ( condition where all three qualities - sattva, rajas and tamas are null and void ) and for attaining such aim.. one shud rise out of tamas to rajas to sattavaa and then beyond... a prayog done by a real tantrika can never misfire unless he/she is dealing with someone protected by isht ! there are most secret of maaran prayog almost hidden to all human society and even many tantrik adepts , few are even known to Varjrayans... well, sorry is no word ( refer Mataji's quotes ), so have a nice day brother !



    Dear ram.warrior- Namaste- doesnt your comment come out of rajas ? Isnt a good tantrika or sadhaka of any kind supposed to aim towards sattva ? Also a prayoga that misfires may go back to the person who did it.


    I am not superior to you- but I am disturbed by your post- on many levels.


    Jaya Devi Durge

  4. I say it out of faith and thy by knowing that consequences will be without any harm !!! :rolleyes: god is way too sweet !



    While browsing forum I came across this post of yours,it looks little strange on first look but if one looks at it with a neutral view it tells how much faith you have in God and how confident you are in your ways to worship the him.





    O Man, Infinite is Thy Power





    Humans have so much of potential power that they can become friends of God, lovers of God, fellow-mates of God, father of God, Guru ( spiritual teacher ) of God...

    Saint Sandipani's Guru had the God Shri Kishna himself become the disciple of his disciple...




    || Param Pujya Sant Shri Asaramji Bapuji ||





    to read it in hindi and to read it online , visit !




  6. Hare Krsna Punjab

    Hare Krishna Bhatakta Traveller

    Are you really in Punjab? I love it there, stayed on both sides, Lahore, Taxila, Amritsar. Great place!

    Yup, im in Punjab !

    And I like the picture. It is unfortunate, but what can you do? Demi-gods/Krsna are in control. I agree with the sumation from left to right. The daivi-varnasrama-dharma/Vedic/Aryan culture of Bhagavad-Gita will grow from devotee seeds that don't sucumb, out of the rubble of a destroyed planet.

    Do let your positive vibes get stronger, you will safe then... nothing will happen to you ! It is something really powerful which will undergo !!!

    Poeticly divine.

    Hare Krsna


  7. Note - Dont take it as a negative point view, I am just inviting Tantriks ( if any ) to test maaran Prayog on me... I know what im asking for and how much am i prepared for it... So it's just not good for everyone to ask it the way im !!!


    Do you think you are much extensively topping the charts of being a tantric, so come and test maran prayog on me !


    I have really no fear of even a bit to get scared ! The words go as " Baal Bhi Baka Nahi Hoga " !


    :eek4: So, come and test yourself if you are a tantric or else dont mess around !


    P.S - Posted for tantriks !

  8. the forum is filled with all sorts of people who think of getting taste of sadhana at the earliest and dont realise how much energy and live beings get into action and being a human would only curb them to awesome treat of death at an early stage... anyways, if you ur any tantric proyog done on u to be totally null and void, do jaap of " Hari Om Tat Sat Jai Guru Datt ", this mantra is given directly by the Dattaterya Ji in kaliyug ! it accomplises every resort of problem with fast solution, it doesnt need procedure, gives immediate samadhi and makes 84 siddhas to protect you ! i'll try to post out a whole on it someday ! even audio too !!! have a nice day ~

  9. This mantra is for pregnant ladies to avoid labour pains.


    Mantra is - " जम्भ्ला " ( Jambhala , see Audio file for pronunciation )


    This mantra was given by Lord Shri Krishna himself to a demon women as the boon. Lord Shri Krishna made that very name of the demon women as the mantra. The demon women did a hard penance for attain the lord and when Lord appeared unto her... she had what she wanted and nothing else was what we could have wanted but the vision of Lord doesnt go without any boon , so as a boon out of love and affection... Lord went to say that whosoever pregnant women will take her name will be free of the labour pains that one goes through. After such a beloved interaction God moved on to be vanished in thin air and the demon women went on to attain self-realisation.


    Note - This mantra has been tested and is fully functional. This mantra is not locked by any lock such as kilan etc. , so it is fully powerful to effect and has tested out to be a boon itself to just every women. This mantra has been given totally free, nothing has been charged. And pls don't use it to earn monetary gains or any mischief as the deity of this mantra is an alive living entity and i really mean that because it was meant to be given to the masses as a beneficial and auspicious resource ! else dont ask me if you get yourself in conditions where my help would be of no use.


    To hear the Audio file for pronunciation and read it in hindi , visit below -


  10. "ram" mantra is the best for conceiving a healthy child, it balances and gives equilibrium to every deficiency that u may or ur child may encounter... so it is a very strong counter measure... for emotional well-being, mantra will be given later on !


    Dear Ram/Warrior88,


    Thanks again for your thoughts. I hear you... taking advantage of our daily sleep, brilliant! I recite: "aim, shree, gam, bam" every night; I'm trying to utter it as soon as I wake up, though sometimes my thoughts/deductions of things happening around me sometimes manage to take over. But I'm trying to stop the rumination and focus on 'what needs to be done now'. With all your warm wishes here on this site, hopefully I will recover sooner than usual.


    Sending my gratitude to all the souls that tried to reach out to me.


    Much love



    try one mantra at a time for the night sleep benefits ! focus on just one deity and you will surely have the vision of the deity plus the boon ! consistent efforts lead to push u to edge and making u enjoy the elixir of ur own beatitude ! i'll keep a watch !

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