HI, Dear Astro_tech,
Can i address you by this or u have any other identity? Yes my saturn dasa so far was excellent except my ketu bhukti where i lost little money rather in dispute so far. Otherwise eversince venus bhukti has started no disappointments in profession nor in family or personal life.
But i have not found anything very promising. But time is there too much to go in this bhukti. so hope things will be good. Acording to my analysis since saturn is yogakaraka being owner of 9th and 10th and also venus is placed in 2nd from lagna being neutral to this lagna, i do not forsee anything bad to happen whether good will happen or not. But always advises are sought from more seniors. Hence i wrote to you. thanks for your comments.
I agree with you that overall my saturn dasa must be good, because so far it was ok.
Do you calculate tara chakra for longevity etc. What else do you observe in my horoscope which you can caution me. thnaks