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  1. username1


    Urgent -Two evil sides putting on a show to keep their leader in charge -Nephilim demons aka governments on earth vs. galactic demon lords aka ascended master ufos posing as jesus -Leader/satan demon= Obama...true nature will be revealed when the time is right. -The nephilim will stage their own destruction by leaking to the public that 9/11 was inside and performed by them. -They will reveal their plans to initiate infamous dictatorial regimes, and one world government and martial law -In the mean time Obama will be hidden from the public and reemerge later once it is clear and he has control over the populations -The galactic demons will promise hope, peace and love and be against the nephilim, but they too want death and destruction.
  2. Lord Ganesha isnt just remover of obstacles he was here before and will be after there is nothing without Lord Ganesha he is the supreme lord
  3. many people are skeptical when they here antichrist because so many famous figures throughout history have been accused of being the antichrist BUT the real antichrist will have spiritual powers.... i beleive the antichrist is stated in the puranas as Kali the demon and his consort Alakshmi the older sister of the goddess Lakshmi... in fact some christians believe that the antichrist will preach hope and rise up as a leader out of nowhere...take control declare himself as the new christ and take control of the world...all those who accept him as their messiah will be marked/giving away their souls and will eventually end up in hell
  4. hello, i have a few questions: 1.Who was the first god of the hindu trinity to be created? -I have heard it was Brahma (creator) that came from the golden egg of universal consciousness, but i have also heard he sprung from the navel of Lord Narayana. Which is it? 2. Also what are unique qualities, and what differentiates the Lord Narayana form from the Vishnu form? -I am starting to beleive Vishnu combined with Ananta Shesha, Lakshmi, Brahma from the navel and others are the "Narayana Form"...am i right? please correct me if i am wrong 3. I also hear that Narayana is the center of the universe or power/energy of the universe could this mean that his energy or form was present but there was no matter or life form until Brahma came and then Brahma created man and all other things in existence out of Lord Narayana/Universal energy?
  5. I dont beleive the statement that the antichrist is god/ there is no antichrist is true but i do beleive there is an opposite/evil force that god has set up not certain but i think there is a description of the antichrist in puranas
  6. hello, i have a few questions: 1.Who was the first god of the hindu trinity to be created? -I have heard it was Brahma (creator) that came from the golden egg of universal consciousness, but i have also heard he sprung from the navel of Lord Narayana. Which is it? 2. Also what are unique qualities, and what differentiates the Lord Narayana form from the Vishnu form? -I am starting to beleive Vishnu combined with Ananta Shesha, Lakshmi, Brahma from the navel and others are the "Narayana Form"...am i right? please correct me if i am wrong 3. I also hear that Narayana is the center of the universe or power/energy of the universe could this mean that his energy or form was present but there was no matter or life form until Brahma came and then Brahma created man and all other things in existence out of Lord Narayana/Universal energy?
  7. thankyou for the information yeah i remember seeing a documentary about the second coming of Jesus. He will be on a horse and will shed blood to those who do not side with God. He sounds very similar to the kalki avatar mentioned in the puranas, but also has me wondering if they are going to be the same person... You were saying that Jesus would like be like a general but how come kalki is described as killing people with his sword? I am uncertain how there will be both a kalki avatar and jesus? I beleive that their descriptions are so similar that they are the same person. Kalki is fighting kali (the demon) and jesus against the antichrist? If kali and the antichrist are the same person, then I would also think that kalki and jesus are the same as well. I havent seen ur link yet but i will look at it shortly and also do more research
  8. I read somewhere that Parashurama is one of the immortals and his incarnation comes to earth during all avatars...He was here with Rama, Krishna and is also supposed to help kalki aquire celestial weapons by doing a long penance to Lord Shivji.
  9. thanks for the quick reply i just ordered the kalki purana and looking to find out... as far the 8th avatar (krishna) goes there was a large scale war which is written in the mahabharata. How did Krishna go from a popular, loving statesmen to a fierce warrior? it was known that he killed and also was involved on the battlefield. Were there any events that triggered his desire to fight or was it transcendental? Also how did he aquire his celestial weapons like the chakra and how did he meet Parashurama? This is a seperate question for anyone who knows: all of the vishnu avatars seemed to be dark/blue skinned, was siddartha gautama (buddha) also dark skinned?
  10. hello i have a few questions regarding the kalki avatar... -why is the kalki avatar upset? he goes out to kill all evil doers, but why is this? what makes him care? and are there any personal reason to him being upset stated in the kalki purana?
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