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Posts posted by paarsurrey

  1. Paarsurrey submits:

    13- The next passage from- Message of Peace- by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah/Krishna in Second Coming; he noted the situation prevailing in the Indian sub-continent in 1908 under the British rule. Paarsurrey’s intention is that we should reach at an understanding on the religious issues.

    Krishna in Second Coming 1835-1908 says:

    I do not expect that after this treaty they (i.e. the other Muslims) would permit their tongues to wag. It should be mandatory that to make the contract binding, ten thousand adult representatives from both parties should sign it.

    My dear ones, there is nothing like peace and compromise. Let us unite with the blessing of this treaty and be one nation. You know full well that denial (i.e. denial of each other’s holy personages.) on both sides has thrown us apart and that our country is suffering greatly. Visualise how blessed it could prove to testify to each other’s truth. Come, give this a try now.

    This is the best course for achieving peace.

    Pursuing any other course would be like ignoring a dangerous abscess merely because it looks clear and shiny, while, in reality, it contains rotten and putrid matter. I need not elaborate on the ever-increasing, mutually hypocritical, attitude and discord between the Hindus and Muslims.

    This is rooted not in religious differences alone, but has also secondary causes which pertain to worldly ambitions. For instance, the Hindus have always shown their desire to have more say in the affairs of government and country. They have been demanding that they should, at the very least, always be consulted in such affairs and that the government should always pay special attention to their demands.

    They also desire that they be posted at the higher ranking offices as the British are. The Muslims made the blunder of not joining this campaign of Hindus out of fear that they were small in numbers. They were afraid that whatever benefit was to be

    had from such campaigns would be drawn by the majority Hindu community and not the Muslims.

    So they not only abstained from joining this cause, but they also obstructed the passage of Hindu efforts by openly opposing it. Thus mutual enmity increased. I admit that such factors contributed to furthering the enmity which had already existed. But I cannot accept them to be the real reason. I beg to differ with those who believe that religious disputes are not at the root of Hindu-Muslim enmity and discord, and that the disputes are in fact political in nature.

    Everyone can easily understand why Muslims are reluctant to join forces with Hindus in demanding their due rights and why they have been refusing to join Congress and why again, having perceived the soundness of the Hindu strategy, they began to follow the same path step after step while maintaining a distinct and separate entity, taking great care not to be identified with them. They did not join the Hindus, but created a similar but separate Muslim organisation. (The organisation was called Muslim League and was established

    in 1906)

    Dear Friends! I reassert that the underlying factor responsible for this behaviour is religion, and nothing else. If today the same Hindus embrace the Muslims while pronouncing the kalimah Tayyibah (i.e.There is none worthy of worship except Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.) then Muslims would cease to oppose them forthwith.

    Conversely, if Muslims renounce Islam and embrace Hinduism and start worshipping fire, air, etc., in accordance with the Vedic injunctions, then those differences which are labelled as political will suddenly vanish as if they had never existed.

    It is thus evident that the underlying factors in all enmities and grudges are the religious differences. It is such religious differences which, since times immemorial, reach a climax and then invariably give way to extensive bloodshed.




    In the west there are so many second comings of Jesus Christ. In the east there so many new Krishna's appearing.


    We must ask ourselves how come so many? Can they all be real? How can I be sure?





    1. If there are many Jesuses in the West and many Krishnas in the East; at least that tells that there is a genuine spiritual need of a Jesus in Second Coming in the West and a Krishna in Second Coming in the East.Maybe the person is the same but he has two titles.
    2. If there are many fake spare parts of a motorcar in the market; one who struggles would recognize the genuine also; should not be that much of a problem in my opinion.
    3. The physical and scientific laws were the same when Jesus and Krishna lived; the earth orbited around the sun the same ways as it does today. The moral and spiritual laws also must be the same without doubt; as also the principles of truth and falsehood , so must be the criteria to know truthful person from the false person.
    4. One should concentrate; if one would have been born in the time of Jesus or Krishna, as to how he had behaved with them, one would have accepted him or rejected him. In all ages man has been equi-distant from truth and falsehood. If one would have accepted Krishna if one were in his times; then one should recognize from the same principles Krishna in his Second Coming.
    I think that clears the situation.



  3. Paarsurrey says:


    12- The next passage from- Message of Peace- by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah/Krishna in Second Coming, is given for perusal and comments of the respected members of the forum.


    Krishna-in his Second Coming 1835-1908 says:

    If the Hindus genuinely desire to effect a compromise with us (Ahmadi Muslims), then they should also write it as a declaration and sign it; its subject matter being as follows: We believe in the divine message and Prophethood of Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa Rasulullah [the chosen one, the Messenger of Allah] may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and deem him to be a true Prophet and Messenger. From now on we will remember him with reverence and respect as befits a believer. If this is not adhered to, a large fine of not less than three hundred thousand rupees will be paid to leader of the Ahmadiyyah Jama‘at.


    It should be remembered that at present, the Ahmadiyyah Jama‘at numbers not less than four hundred thousand (This number represents the membership as of writing of the book “Message of Peace” in 1908). Hence, the collection of three hundred thousand rupees should not be considered too great a task for such an important cause. The majority of people who are outside the fold of our Jama‘at are disunited in their views and are diverse in their nature. They do not follow a leader, obedience to whom they would consider incumbent.

    This is why I cannot undertake anything on their behalf; as yet they consider me to be a kafir [imposter] and dajjal [Antichrist]. But I trust that when the Hindus enter into an agreement with me, they (the other Muslims) will also not be so daring as to abuse the Book and the Rishis of such a civilized people and thereby invite the abuse of the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in retaliation. Such abuses will then be rightly blamed on those who act irresponsibly.



  4. Paarsurrey says:


    The advent of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was an epoch making event towards the end of the nineteenth century in the history of comparative religions in the present era.


    Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, The Guided One (1835-1908), made it convenient for the human beings be of any race, color or creed to make comparative study of the Revealed Religions of the world and to accept the truth wherever one finds it. He set out many unbiased, neutral and full of wisdom principles for that purpose, the foremost among these is “The claim of a Religion on any topic as well as the logical argumentation should be from its Revealed Book”.


    There may be a religion whose followers claim (e.g. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, Zoroastrianism or any other religion) that their religion or its teachings are for the whole world. ( i.e. it is international ), but the others may demand the followers of such religion to prove if this claim is explicitly mentioned in your Revealed Book and that if that claim has been supported by divine arguments in your Revealed Book.


    This could be easily checked by anyone sincerely searching for the truth or guidance. If a religion on any of the important topics or human problems does not contain the relevant claim or argumentation / reasoning then that religion could be pronounced as a Dead Religion for all practical purposes.


    One may remember here that all revealed religions in its origin were truthful; this fact has been highlighted by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad many a times and with great emphases in his writings.


    We are more concerned with the present era – a dynamic scientific era; where we live in. The humanity is facing very complex problems which must be addressed by the Living Religion of the world if there is any utility in the religion worth the name; any denomination.


    The religion is for the common as also for the highly literate humans and since it is claimed to be divine, it should satisfy the common man as also the very literate special man.


    The followers of a religion might be very clever and cunning that they could advocate for their religion and could attribute claims to a religion which are not explicitly found in its Revealed Book or they could provide arguments in its favor which are only man-made and not provided by the Divine.


    In that case such a religion could be pronounced on its merit, at the most, to be a man-made religion, definitely not sent by God. This could be a litmus test. Verify the religion of your choice on these two simple but wise counts; you might be stunned to realize that many a religion are just myths and its followers are following it only blindfolded.


    On his own part Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad set out this epoch making principle in an Inter-Religions Conference in the year 1896 and then he proved that the religion of his choice i.e. Islam has claim and arguments on the five basic questions facing by humanity:-



    • <LI class=MsoNormal>The Physical, Moral, and Spiritual States of Man. <LI class=MsoNormal>What is the State of Man After Death? <LI class=MsoNormal>The Object of Man’s Life and the Means of its Attainment. <LI class=MsoNormal>The Operation of the Practical Ordinances of the Law in This Life and the Next.
    • Sources of Divine Knowledge.

    The conference had given these questions on which the participant speakers had to speak.



    I leave the solutions to the respected readers. Try for the Religion of your choice. Best of luck!




    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim


    Originally Posted by paarsurrey

    The above is a quote from "The Philosophy of Teachings of Islam" by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.




    Is it really from "The Philosophy of Teachings of Islam" by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad or from the 'Kitab al-Maknun' ? ;)


    btw why do you have to tell each time, that your a 'Peaceful Muslim' :confused:




    I would have given the link of the "The Philosophy of Teachings of Islam" but I am informed that I am not allowed to provide links unless I have written 15 posts here. Please wait till I comply the rule.


    The alternative is to access wikipedia under the head Mirza Ghulam Ahmad; in the list of books written by him look for the title of the book. The quote given by me is under the answer to the fifth question; primarily the book is answer to five important spiritual questions put in an inter-religious conference.


    I write a peaceful Muslim; and that I am




    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

  6. Hi


    I now find the button for the new thread, thank GodAllahYHWH.

    This post is the next passage from "The Message of Peace" already introduced here by our friend/brother Suchandra published under:




    Promised Messiah 1835-1908 says:

    The Quran is full of injunctions from cover to cover speaking only of the worship of one God. Nowhere does it require man to worship the sun, the moon etc. In fact there are clear statements to the contrary:

    In other words, do not worship the sun, the moon, or any work of creation, but worship only Him, Who has created you. Apart from this, the Holy Qur’an is itself a testimony to God through its old and new signs. It is a mirror which shows God’s existence. Why should it be made the target of such ferocious attacks? Why are we not treated in the same spirit as we treat the Aryas? And why is the seed of enmity and hatred sown in the soil of this country? Do they really expect that the outcome of such behaviour will be good? Is it decent to hurl stones at one who offers flowers or to splash urine on one who offers milk?

    If Hindus and those belonging to the Arya faith were prepared to make a complete truce whereby they accept our Prophet, (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to be a true Prophet of God and in future agree to refrain from contempt and slander, then I am ready to be the first to sign the following treaty:

    We, the members of the Ahmadiyyah Jama‘at, will testify to the truth of the origin of the Vedas, and will speak of the Vedas and their Rishis with respect and love, and if we do not honour our part of the contract, we will be liable to pay a fine of not less than three hundred thousand rupees to the Hindu community.



    Paarsurrey says:



    I am not a scholar; I am just an ordinary man in the street. I am entitled as a human being not to compromise in the matters of truth and its search. I am on truth yet I have kept the windows and doors of my mind and heart open for truth; I cannot afford to shut them as that would be baing inhuman and insincere to myself. I have read most of the writings of the Promised Messiah/Krishna in Second Coming and I am totally convinced by him; yet that does not hinder me from accepting truth wherefrom it comes to me. Kindly present your rational and peaceful comments based on your revealed book as to the claim and reason, so that truth prevails and wins.






    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

  7. Hi


    I thank Mr.Suchandra for visiting my blog and copy/pasting some of my posts here and thus introducing me in these fora. I wanted to start a thread here, but perhaps new members are not allowed to start thread here. I am unable find the button to start a new thread.


    I request Mr.Suchandra to visit my blog and copy/paste the latest posts from there.




    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim


    It is said that you should listen to your consicence - also called as the inner voice, the voice of God.


    But often there are so many voices inside our head. One says - do this. Another says - do that. More than one of these seem to be correct.


    So, how do you know which of these voices is the voice of conscience?


    What is Revelation? Promised Messiah explains from his personal experience


    Paarsurrey says:


    It would be appropriate here to dwell on the subject from someone who had exprieced revelation from GodAllahYHWH -The Creator of heavens and earth. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had experieced revelation or Word of God from the Creator. Let us see as to what does he say.


    Promised Messiah 1835-1908 says:

    It should be kept well in mind that revelation does not mean that an

    idea should arise in the mind of a person who sets himself to ponder

    over a thing as, for instance, a poet having thought out half a verse

    seeks the other half in his mind and his mind suggests the other half.

    This is not revelation but is the result of reflection, in accordance with

    the law of nature. When a person reflects upon something good or

    bad, a corresponding idea arises in his mind. For instance, one person

    who is pious and truthful composes verses in support of truth, and

    another one, who is wicked and vicious, supports falsehood in his

    verses and abuses the righteous. Both these would, no doubt, write a

    certain number of verses, and it is quite possible that the verses of the

    one who is the enemy of the righteous and supports falsehood might

    be better than the verses of the other one, on account of his greater

    practice in writing poetry.


    So, if the arising of an idea in the mind should be accounted as revelation, a vile poet who is the enemy of truth and of the righteous and writes in opposition to the truth and has recourse to imposture, would be called a recipient of divine revelation.


    Many novels are written in excellent style and set forth altogether false but continuous well arranged tales. Then would these stories be designated as revelation? If revelation were to mean merely an idea arising in one’s mind, a thief would also be called a recipient of revelation, for an expert thief often thinks out surprising ways of theft and robbery, and many clever plans of robbery and murder pass through his mind.


    Would all these unclean projects be called revelation? Indeed not. Such is the thinking only of those who are not aware of the true God Who comforts the hearts of His servants with His converse and bestows the understanding of spiritual knowledge upon those who are not familiar with it.




    What then is revelation?



    It is the living and powerful converse of

    the Holy and Mighty God with a chosen servant of His, or with one

    whom He designs to make His elect. When this converse starts in an

    adequate and satisfactory manner, being altogether free from the

    darkness of false concepts, and is not composed merely of a few

    inadequate and meaningless words, and is full of delight and wisdom

    and grandeur, then it surely is the word of God with which He designs

    to comfort His servant and to manifest Himself to him.


    Sometimes revelation is vouchsafed to a person by way of trial and is not equipped with full blessings. In such a case the recipient is put on his trial at this elementary stage so that having tasted somewhat of revelation he should order his life along the lines of those who are true recipients of revelation, in default of which he would encounter frustration.


    If he does not adopt the ways of the truly righteous he is deprived of the fullness of this bounty and is left only with vain boasting. Millions of the virtuous have been recipients of revelation, but they were not of equal standing in the estimation of God. Indeed, even the holy Prophets of God, who are recipients of divine revelation at the highest level, are not equal in rank, as God Almighty has said:


    Of these Messengers some have We exalted above others (al-Quran 2:254).


    This shows that revelation is pure divine grace and is not evidence of

    exaltation. Exaltation is according to the degree of truth, sincerity, and

    faithfulness of the recipient, which is known only to God. If revelation

    possesses all its blessed conditions it is also one of the fruits of such



    There is no doubt that if revelation takes the form that the recipient submits a question and God responds to it, and there is a sequence between question and answer, and the revelation is characterized by divine majesty and light, and comprehends knowledge of the unseen and true understanding, it is truly the word of God.


    It is necessary that divine revelation should be like a dialogue between two friends. Likewise, when God communes with His servant, and when the servant enquires concerning any matter, and in response to that he hears an address, which is sweet and full of linguistic excellence, in matters, in which his mind had not interpolated in the least, that dialogue and revelation can certainly be understood as Word of God.


    Such servant of Allah, is indeed, great in the sight of Allah; but this exceptional high status of being recipient of the Word of God, as a special favour from Him, which has the quality of absolute clarity and purity, which is not bestowed upon anyone but those, who continuously progress in faith, dedication and righteous deeds.


    Also there is something extra to it (of spiritual nature) which is beyond us to describe. True and holy revelation displays many wonders of the Godhead. Very often a brilliant light is generated and along with it a majestic and shining revelation is vouchsafed.


    What could be a greater bounty than this that a recipient of revelation

    should hold converse with the Being Who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. God can be seen in this world only through converse with Him.

    This does not include the condition of a person from whose tongue an idle word, or sentence or verse proceeds unaccompanied by any dialogue.


    Such a person is under trial by God, for God sometimes tries a slothful and neglectful servant of His in this manner that a sentence or a statement issues from his heart or tongue and he becomes a blind person not knowing whence the statement has proceeded, whether from God or from Satan.

    Such a one should implore istighfar in respect of such an experience. But if a righteous and virtuous servant of God should experience unobstructed dialogue with the Divine and should hear bright, and delicious, and meaningful, and wise, and majestic divine utterances in a state of complete wakefulness in the shape of question and answer at least ten times, that is to say he put a question and God replied to it and then in complete wakefulness he made another submission and God made answer to it, and he made another humble supplication and God

    replied to that.


    This should have happened ten times. If in the course of such dialogue God should accept his prayers and should instruct him in excellent insights and should inform him of coming events and should honour him repeatedly with His clear dialogue, such a one should be deeply grateful to God Almighty and should be more devoted to Him than anyone else, because God, of His pure grace, has chosen him from among His servants and has made him the heir of those faithful ones who have passed on before him.


    This bounty is most rare and is the height of good fortune. For him on whom it is bestowed everything else is utterly without value.




    A Characteristic of Islam



    Islam has always produced persons of this rank. It is Islam alone in

    which God approaches a servant and holds converse with him and

    speaks inside him. He builds His throne in the heart of such a one and

    pulls him from inside towards heaven. He bestows upon him all the

    bounties that were bestowed on those before him.


    It is a pity that the blind world does not realise how far a person can reach in nearness to God. They do not step forward themselves, and if another one does so, he is either declared a disbeliever or he is deified and is put in the place of God. Both these are great wrongs which proceed from one extreme or the other. A wise one should not lack high resolve and should not persist in the denial of such an exalted rank being conferred on anyone, and should neither denigrate such a one nor deify him.


    When a person attains such high rank, God Almighty manifests such

    relationship with him as if He covers him up with the mantle of His

    Godhead and such a one becomes a mirror for beholding God. That is

    why the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

    He who has seen me has seen God. This is the last stage in the spiritual

    progress of man in which he is bestowed full satisfaction.




    The Speaker is Honoured with Divine




    I would be guilty of doing great wrong to my fellow beings if I were

    not to declare at this stage that divine bounty has bestowed upon me

    the status which I have just defined and has honoured me with the

    kind of converse the features of which I have just set out in detail, so

    that I should bestow sight upon the blind and should guide the seekers

    of the One Who has been so far lost, and should give to those who

    accept the truth the good news of that holy fountain of which many

    speak but which few find. I wish to assure the listeners that the God,

    meeting with Whom is the salvation and eternal welfare of man,

    cannot be found without following the Holy Quran.


    Would that the people were to see that which I have seen, and were to hear that which I have heard, and should lay aside mere tales and should run to the truth. The cleansing water which removes all doubt, that mirror through which that Supreme Being can be seen, is converse with the Divine that I have just mentioned. Let him whose soul seeks the truth arise and search.


    I tell you truly that if souls are charged with true seeking and hearts develop true thirst, people would search for that way and would seek that path. How can that way be discovered, and how can the intervening veil be removed? I assure all seekers that it is Islam alone which conveys the good news of that path. All other people have since long sealed up divine revelation.


    Be sure, however, that this seal is not imposed by God, but is an excuse that is put forward by man on account of his privation. Be sure that as it is not possible that we should be able to see without eyes, or should be able to hear without ears, or should be able to speak without a tongue, in the same way it is not possible that without the help of the Quran we should be able to behold the countenance of the True Beloved.


    I was young and am now old but I have not encountered anyone who has quaffed the cup of this visible understanding except out of this holy



    The above is a quote from "The Philosophy of Teachings of Islam" by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.





    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

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