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Posts posted by skdas3739@yahoo.co.in

  1. I don't understand why we jump into such debate. It is very simple to deny everything. Why taking shelter of religion then? There is only one option to you. Either look at this world materialistically and enjoy your living. That's very simple.


    But if you want to live spiritually, abandon everything including your all bogus curiosities and completely surrender.Suurender also includes surrender your so-called intelligence.


    Enjoying this world and once in a while jumping into the domain of spiritual world creating doubts does not fit into each other.


    Om Shri Radha Krishnabhyam Namoh




    Richard L Thompson mentions that Boehm had the holograph theory of time. The psychiatrist Stanislav Grof has written a very interesting book called the Holotropic mind. Grof uses different language, but is aware of vedic thought...from what I have read he is pointing to Mahat-tattva and Pradhana type phenomena.


    Most of these scientists have impersonal vision, but are moving into the realms of deeper consciousness with matter, which is actually defined as consciousness in Bhagavad Gita (material element). As Ramana dasi has pointed out in the Bhagavatam purport...the Lord's touch or glance one may say.


    So really we must define what is the material world and what is the spiritual world when asking does time exist. I say this for several reasons. One is that there is basic material time that a conditioned soul experiences. Now, there is a deeper aspect to experience of time in the psyche - we have all had dejavu or visions of furure events maybe. You see there we are beginning to tap into the wonder of Maha-tattva and even to the fundamentals of pradhana in some ways. We could call these fundamentals set patterns maybe - foundational blocks.


    So I intuit that there is tanscendence beyond the Mahat-tattva, as is also spoken about in sastra - Krsna and the planets. So there must be a dividing line, I guess that is called Viraja. I would speculate that spiritual time is even more advanced in make-up than the presently known theories of holo-tropic experience in connection with the vast hologram (that was theorized by Boehm) or that Mahat-tattva. Richard L Thompson was moving in this direction I presume, basing his studies on Spirtual Personality and transcendence from a vaisnava perspective.


    I would say we can look at this subject matter in one simple way - considering that the sages have said that this world is shadow, therefore I would suggest that all things have a more subtle and finer principe - in a more refined perfect manner. Therefore if we were scientifically minded we could suggest that time does exist in a spiritual reality, in an inconceivable way.


    The self realized soul, while still in the body, is free and in no way inhibited by grosser laws...even death cannot hold spirit.



    The holo-experience is indescribable, but definately inconceivably one yet different - and perfectly whole. We must remember the founder of such thought was of the highest and finest theistic intellect (Sri Gauranga).



    This is the perfect answer...the realm of lila...one yet different...there is no distance in love (because it burns in the heart and transforms into divine madness). A principle even more profound than the hologram...but as jiva we have this holographic encounter to utilize and dovetail (by God's grace).


    In my opinion, time automatically vanishes at the uppermost level of spiritual world as reunion takes place with HIM. As he is beyond KAAL, time does not find its place there.


    Om Shri Radha Krishnabhyam Namoh




    Can someone please tell me if the following mantra is correctly written. I want to check whether I am pronouncing it correctly or not


    Patnim Manoramam Dehi Manovritanusarineem, Tareneem Durgasansar Sagarasye Kulodbhavam.


    It'll be great if someone can point be to the Sanskrit version of this mantra.


    The confusion I have is that, at some places it is written Durgasansar while at some other places it is written Durgasamsar

    Please guide me. Thank You.


    Please read Durga saptasati. It's there.


    Om Namo Bhagbate Vasudevaya


    I have been in a very clogged state of mind with the thoughts fluctating form totall faith to doubt in the exiestence of god. There is a simultenous thought going on in the mind, "GOD IS A CREATION OF HUMAN MIND" and also " GOD EXISTS AND IS THE SUPREME CONTROLLER".

    I am an absolute layman and have not read any religious texts, but such contradictory thoughts have been clogging my mind for some time now. Can some one help me understand this state of mind and the reality.


    Dear Mr. Mukund


    When such thought comes, it is very difficult to send you any readymade answer. Plz. let me know whether you believe that you are a creation and whether it is unique or not. Pls. do not reply immediately. Go into minute details of your own body and see how uniquely it is designed. Or else you can go to any other creation in nature. I think I can surely convince you.


    With regards



  5. Our scriptures say that when you gradually take a dip into the ocean of bhakti, you will reduce talking and finally resort to silence- only silence.


    The bhakti of the Gopikas towards Krishna is the supreme form of Bhakti which emanates from the purest form of hearts.


    Om Radha Krishnabhyam Namoh

    And you know this, how?




    If the meaning cannot be conveyed by words, how did you understand the meaning?


    Yes, I know, unlike yourself, most of us here are fools for trying to communicate through words, but please indulge us nonetheless and answer our simple questions.



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