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Posts posted by yagna_narayana

  1. How people would be so foolish to differentiate between shiva and vishnu.... even Shiva or Vishnu would not forgive them.... Go to hell.









    The Skanda Purana also mentions Bhubaneswar ksetra. Once, in Kasi, Varanasi, there was a King who was a great devotee of Lord Siva, but his desires where unfulfilled. That King underwent severe penances in order to conquer Lord Krishna. He was doing tapasya to satisfy Lord Siva with the desire to conquer Krishna.


    Who can understand the behavior of a vaisnava? Even the demigods cannot understand it, then what to speak of the human beings? Sivaji became pleased with the King’s tapasya and told him: "All right. You go and fight against Krishna. I will follow you to support and help you." So that King started for battle, followed by Lord Siva and all his followers. Krishna, who is known as Vasudeva, Devakinandana, could understand all this. Thus He released His sudarsana cakra. Sudarsana first cut off the head of the king, and then that cakra cut off the heads of all the Siva bhaktas of Kasi. Varanasi turned into a crematorium ground with everyone dead. Lord Siva then became very angry and released his pasupata-astra. But what can the pasupata-astra do in front of Krishna's sudarsana cakra? It could not do anything, and at last Siva became frightened. He tried to run away, but where could he go? Then Siva understood, "Except for Krishna, no one can save me now." So he surrendered to the lotus feet of Krishna, Govinda, and offered many prayers. Siva said: "O Lord of my heart, I have only one prayer. I am always very puffed up and I have this great false ego. But now I have understood that I cannot leave You. I cannot stay anywhere else, so please tell me where shall I live now?"

  2. I too heard this in some of the holy books such as Guru charitra where Dogs should not be kept indoors. I wondered how this shall be a valid one as we are serving one poor animal, thats all we are doing nothing sin should be involved in it.


    But caretaking of a cow is considered to be holy one.


    We can not deny some of these things from our holy books , at the same time we can not accept them as they are . we need some one to clarify these kind of questions.


    Any one can answer please?

  3. While I was contemplating on the Hinduism and Vedas, I found some strange things that need to be answered.


    It seems, Vedas ( which are supposed to talk about global perspective ) seem to talk about only Hindu Gods like shiva, brahma ,vishnu etc. Then what about other Gods such a Jesus,Allah.


    In bhagavad gita, Krishna himself told that there are 4 varnas that he only manifestated. All the varnas seem to be in hinduism only. What about the others in other religions? Is it not Brahma who created them?


    Like in our mankind, would there be anything like, Muslims would be created by allah, hindus by brahma etc?


    Also, if you carefully see our vishnu avataras, All seem to born in India only and also Lingodbhavam on Sivaratari for whose base is located in India ( arunachalam ).


    If Lord Shiva is god for all then why should all these be happened in India only?


    Can any one answer my curiousity?

  4. Say 'Ome Sai ram. ' He is Shiva. He is Vishnu. He is Brahma. He is Shakti. He is Ganesha. He is Hanuman. He is Subrahmanya. He is Ayyappa.


    Anantha koti brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi raja Yogi Raja Para brahma Sri sachidananda sai raj Maharaj Ki jai.

  5. Any Mantra should be preached by a "Guru" without which the mantra has no impact. That is the Reason the brahmins are preached Gayatri mantra by "Guru" while Upanayanam, otheriwise it has no impact. Gayatri mantra is very important for Brahmins as gayatri devi is the mother of all Vedas, and a brahmin is expected to master over Vedas, thats why Brahmins consider Gayatri mantra is the holiest mantra.

  6. I have a question regd who is Sri Dattatreya and which Yuga he belongs? What is the purpose of his Avatara on the earth? Any one knows, please post reply.


    And also I heard there are certain avataras for Dattatreya. 1. Mankiya Prabhu

    2. Nrisimha Saraswati 3. Akkalkota Swamy/Shirdi Sai baba.


    Except Sai baba, I havent that much knowledge of others. Has any one has reportoir of their "mahima"s and their Period of existence?

  7. Venkatdri Samamstanam brahmandam nasti kinchaka, Venkateso samo deva na bhuto na bhavishyadi.


    I have got this from one of the Religious magazines ( by Tirumala Tirupathi Devastanams). It means "There is no place on this earth equal in its sanctity to Tirumala (Venkatadri ) and there is no other God equal to Venkatesa".


    So, what about other places? Srisailam, Kasi, Sri kalahasti,Madhura, Shirdi,Pandaripuram. Arent they as sanctic as Tirumala?


    I dont know why such phrases are repeatedly found in our Vedas etc. These only bring in humans a feeling of differences between Gods. Humans are unable to realise God is only one because of these.


    Sorry If i am insulting our Vedas. I get confused by these kind of Phrases.


    Where is this law written down? Or in ther words, where is the evidence to back up your statement?


    This is funny because there is a quote in the Bhagavatam about the number of incarnations being as many grains of sand. This has been used by Hare Krishnas to try and pass Jesus off as an avatar. Now with Sai Baba, here is a case where their own tactics are coming back to bite them.




    Oh, you are so innocent. Standard avatar lists do not mention Chaitanya and therefore references to his name are bogus. No more credible than the mention of Queen Victoria and East India Company in the Bhavishya Purana. If they could insert the queen's name into the text, how hard would it be for them to insert the name of a Bengali, such as Chaitanya?




    As explained above, first prove that such a reference is necessary.




    or how about this equally plausible alternative,


    "So even though you're praying to Sai Baba, it is Shiva who is hearing and answering your prayers."





    No one can prove the presence of God. Would you prove the Krishna and Rama was there? You will prove it by Vedas and Maha bharatam ( written by Veda Vyasa). But not by your direct vision. But, there were many who were contemporary with Sai baba and lived till 1970 to 1990. They were the direct proof of Sai baba's Wonders as a god and how he proved them that he is the Sagduru. Certai beliefs though cant be proved, they can be accepted.

    Shirdi is the Second largest crowded place in India after Tirupathi. Majority of the Pilgrims are Hindus only. It is the belief that He is the Sadguru, he is the God that draw them to the Shirdi, same as Tirupathi . Did u ever seen Venkateswara? Not at all. Have any contemporary persons with Venkateswara lived in thr PResent age?? Not at all? So, as no one was here who saw venkateswara, shall we say he is not a God? No we wont say.We all say he is the God of Kaliyuga infact he is. Same applies ot Shirdi Sai baba.


    There are many Books available in Shirdi sai baba Written by his contemporaries. His whole life along with their experiences are written. If you have any doubts about his divinity, please read them and you will appreciate .


    JAi sai nath maharaj ki Jai.


    Hi yagna, I would like to read more about this famous saint. What I find interesting his ability to harmonize islam and hinduism, and inspire those of both folds.


    Down this way one friend used to stock Sai Flora incense in her shop, with a picture of your blessed saint. A beautiful incense that was offered here daily to Sri Sri Gaura-Nitaai. That incense was really a favorite.


    I am a too minnow to Tell about the great God Sai baba.There are lots of Proven facts about this Sadguru that he is the real Sadguru. Many Contemporary Saints also accepted that he is the Guru to many Sadgurus.

    He proved ihe is omniscient, Omnipresent. Many people experienced the "Mahima" os Shirdi Sai baba. Today, Shirdi is the Second most Crowded Pilgrimage center after Tirupathi. The one speciality of Sai baba is he represented all the Religions not only Hinduism. He is a born Muslim but surprisingly, Today, the proportion of Bhaktas of him is 90:10 ( Hindu : Muslim ) .


    Once he said, he will be leaving his body for 3 days and will meet "Allah", till then he asked his disciples to take care of his body. Doctors examined the body and said he is dead. The then district collector, came to visit the body and said " Rebirth is only for the Christ if the body becomes active again, he is no other than Christ". With the Just the wheat floor, he elimiated the deadly "Plague" from the Shirdi then. Often, he took the diseases of his devotees to save them from those. It was said that he sacrificed his life taking the deadly "T.B" from his favourite devotee "Tatya".

    When Nana chandorka who is master in sanskrit understands the Bhagavadgita incorrecltly , Sai baba corrects him. He knows, Khuran, Bible, Gita. He proved omni present by saving the baby from being dropped in fire when some where else, a mother by mistake getting up from the near of a Fire dropped his child into the Fire.He wounded his Hands by keeping his hand in the Fire then. Once, when All the devotees along with Sai baba are having the Lunch at Dwarakamayee ( his residing place in Shirdi ), Suddenly, the roof of the Top started to Fall because of the heavy rains then. Suddennly, Sai baba Louded biggerly "Stop Stop ". The falling roof stopped to fall till all came out of the building. When Rama krishna Param hansa Died in a far place , Sai baba knows this before hand and tells to one of his Devotee that "Gadhadhar ( rama krishna )'s role on this earth would come to end shortly ".


    I cant say this much is the power of Sai baba as his Spirtual powers are beyond one's thinking. He is the Sadguru. He is the Vishnu, he is the Krishna, he is the Shiva.



    Ja sai nath maharaj.


    Hi yagna, I would like to read more about this famous saint. What I find interesting his ability to harmonize islam and hinduism, and inspire those of both folds.


    Down this way one friend used to stock Sai Flora incense in her shop, with a picture of your blessed saint. A beautiful incense that was offered here daily to Sri Sri Gaura-Nitaai. That incense was really a favorite.



    I am a too minnow to Tell about the great God Sai baba.There are lots of Proven facts about this Sadguru that he is the real Sadguru. Many Contemporary Saints also accepted that he is the Guru to many Sadgurus.

    He proved ihe is omniscient, Omnipresent. Many people experienced the "Mahima" os Shirdi Sai baba. Today, Shirdi is the Second most Crowded Pilgrimage center after Tirupathi. The one speciality of Sai baba is he represented all the Religions not only Hinduism. He is a born Muslim but surprisingly, Today, the proportion of Bhaktas of him is 90:10 ( Hindu : Muslim ) .


    Once he said, he will be leaving his body for 3 days and will meet "Allah", till then he asked his disciples to take care of his body. Doctors examined the body and said he is dead. The then district collector, came to visit the body and said " Rebirth is only for the Christ if the body becomes active again, he is no other than Christ". With the Just the wheat floor, he elimiated the deadly "Plague" from the Shirdi then. Often, he took the diseases of his devotees to save them from those. It was said that he sacrificed his life taking the deadly "T.B" from his favourite devotee "Tatya".

    When Nana chandorka who is master in sanskrit understands the Bhagavadgita incorrecltly , Sai baba corrects him. He knows, Khuran, Bible, Gita. He proved omni present by saving the baby from being dropped in fire when some where else, a mother by mistake getting up from the near of a Fire dropped his child into the Fire.He wounded his Hands by keeping his hand in the Fire then. Once, when All the devotees along with Sai baba are having the Lunch at Dwarakamayee ( his residing place in Shirdi ), Suddenly, the roof of the Top started to Fall because of the heavy rains then. Suddennly, Sai baba Louded biggerly "Stop Stop ". The falling roof stopped to fall till all came out of the building. When Rama krishna Param hansa Died in a far place , Sai baba knows this before hand and tells to one of his Devotee that "Gadhadhar ( rama krishna )'s role on this earth would come to end shortly ".


    I cant say this much is the power of Sai baba as his Spirtual powers are beyond one's thinking. He is the Sadguru. He is the Vishnu, he is the Krishna, he is the Shiva.



    Ja sai nath maharaj.


    Dear ARJ,


    Aiyapa is supposed to have born as a son of Siva as father and Mohini the Vishnu's female form as his mother. Thre Myth goes like this. After the churning of the Milk occean for Amrita , Vishnu bivitched the asuras by asuming his mohini form and managed to give the Amrita to devas only. Hrearing this Lord Siva wanted to see Vishnus Mohini form When vishnu took the form Lord sive got bivitched too and out of Siva and Mohini is born Aiyappa.


    The Chlid was found by King of Pandala (of present day kerala) And the childless king adopted him as his son.





    The purpose of Ayyappa on the earth was to Kill the evil ( in the form of Mahi and the sister of Mahisasura ). MAhi got some favour froms Brahma that she cant be killed by any one who borns with unification of man and woman.Hence, Vishnu wore the woman form . So virtually, Ayyappa was born by man-man unification. Hence, the favour got be Brahma was completely lost and Ayyappa could able to kill Mahi.


    I have some question to others from this Forum. Is Ayyappa belongs to Kaliyuga? If not which Yuga he belongs? Is Sabari ( Who waited for Rama very long time in Treta Yuga ) is same as the Sabari in "Sabari Mala"?


    Is Eating Meat Wrong?


    In spiritualism we often come across this fundamental question. Why should any one eat only vegetarian food? There are arguments and counter arguments about what we should and should not eat. Some people argue that it does not matter what you eat as long as you are leading a pure life and do not have craving for a particular kind of food. They cite the lives of prophets like Jesus and the Buddha who had no like or dislike for any food. Others argue that the prophets were above human and we should not compare ourselves with them. Even though the Buddha did seem to have no particular preference for any food, the Buddhist monastic discipline clearly specifies certain food as forbidden for the monks. Hindu religious law books also specify certain types of food as forbidden for consumption unless ones life is in danger because of starvation.


    Is meat eating really bad? Is it acceptable if one eats meat as long as one is not directly killing the animal? To answer these question from a spiritual perspective we have to answer other questions that are equally relevant and important. Some of these questions are:


    * Whom do you want to feed within yourself?

    * Do you want to feed the animal, or the human or the divine in you?

    * Whom do you want to keep awake in you? Whom do you want to energize in you?

    * Do you like the company of gods or do you like the company of demons?

    * Which one do you want to prevail ultimately in your inner world, gods or demons?

    * What do you want to achieve in your life? Material rewards or self realization?


    If your aim is to feed the animal in you so that you can gain extraordinary physical strength and vigor, as was the aim of some warriors in ancient India, animal food would be perhaps the appropriate choice. If your purpose is to feed the human in you so that you may develop an extraordinary mind, perhaps you may have to choose the food that is conducive to the development of the mind and the body in a balanced way. May be certain types of meat, fruit and vegetables would be appropriate for a rational disposition. On the contrary, if you want to feed the divine in you and grow spiritually identifying yourself with the spirit rather than with the body and the mind, you would perhaps prefer only that which would be approved by your inner deity or your higher self. It is not that God Himself would have any choice, for He is beyond all desires and wants, but what God might approve for your own spiritual growth and inner purification that would lead to your final liberation.


    Hindu texts remind us constantly that man is made in the mold of God. Man is a microcosm made in the manner of Brahman or Purusha or the macrocosm. If that be so, we possess in our individual microcosms all that exist in the macrocosm including all the celestial deities and divine energies as well as all the demons and negative energies. These deities and energies are active or inactive, latent or manifest, depending upon where we stand on the spiritual path individually.


    Our inner cosmic order is constantly shaped by our actions and aspirations. Each and every minute either we are evolving or devolving. If we strive for spiritual awakening and do the needed practice, we awaken the deities and divine energies who would assist us to progress further on the path. On the contrary if we are driven by our egoistic nature and aim to satisfy our lower needs, we might awaken the demons and the negative energies who might assist us in achieving our worldly goals but also delude us and wean us away from the spiritual path. It is therefore karma guided by the buddhi, or the discriminating intelligence, which plays a crucial role in deciding which path one would choose in life and what would happen eventually.


    Much depend upon what the deities would prefer and what cosmic order you would like to establish in your consciousness. If you want higher energies to work through you and manifest in yourself, you need to make your body and mind suitable for their activity. If you want to keep the demons away, you need to do things that would not let them establish themselves in you and become stronger. You would not feed them with the food of their preference that would eventually over power and silence the deities.


    As you can see it is not just food, but the over all discipline that plays a crucial role in your spiritual evolution and what you manifest in your being. The purpose of such discipline is purification of the mind and the body. Food is a crucial aspect of this purification process. Till you become adept in harnessing other forms of energy, it is through food that you channel your energies to your inner cosmic order.


    To know what food is appropriate and what is not is in a given situation is not always easy. The knowledge that we gain through the mind may not be always helpful. The mind is fed by the senses and the senses are not reliable in matters concerning the spirit that is beyond the mind and the senses. So in spiritual matters we can rely but little upon our learned and conditioned minds. To know what is appropriate we have to enter God's consciousness and know what God would actually prefer His devotees to do. This is not easy. We are not that fortunate like Neale Donald Walsch* to whom God would speak on every trivial matter and help him write books and make money. So, if we want to find a reliable answer about the nature of food that is appropriate for a spiritual aspirant, either we have to rely upon a learned master or guru for guidance or we have to look for definite clues in scriptures to distinguish the appropriate from the inappropriate.


    For the purpose of this article we refer to the Bhagavadgita, which is considered to be a revelation of Lord Krishna to his closest devotee Arjuna.


    The Bhagavadgita speaks of three primary qualities or gunas which are present in different proportions in the whole nature including the human beings. The permutations and combination of these gunas and the predominance of one over the other is responsible for our behavior and internal disposition. Thus when sattiv guna is predominant, a person would behave in a soft and pure manner with love and compassion. When rajo guna is predominant the same person would behave in an egoistic and self centered manner with little concern for others. When tamo guna is predominant the same person would behave in a lethargic, cruel and crude manner without showing any niceties of human behavior.


    Having enumerated the qualities of the three gunas and how to distinguish them, Lord Krishna speaks of three different types of food (ch17:7-10).


    1. Sattvic food is juicy (rasya), oily(snigdhah), stable or wholesome (sthirah) and pleasing to the heart. It promotes longevity (aayu), purity (sattva), strength (balam), health (aarogyam), happiness (sukham) and satisfaction (priti).

    2. Rajasic food is bitter (katu), sour (amla), salty (lavana), very hot (ati ushna), pungent (tikshana), dry (ruksa), over cooked (vidahina), It causes pain, discomfort and diseases

    3. Tamasic food is not fresh (yata yamam), tepid (gata rasam), putrid (puti), left over (ucchistam) and impure (amedhyam). This food promotes tamasic nature.


    As you can see, meat or non vegetarian food usually falls into the rajasic and tamasic categories. Of the three gunas sattvic nature is the best, especially if your aim in life is to transform your lower nature and become united with your inner self. While it may not be possible for all human beings to suppress completely the qualities of rajas and tamas, it is possible to strengthen sattvic nature through devotion and self discipline and eating only that food which will promote the sattvic qualities.


    One may argue that it is possible to cook meat in a sattvic way without adding too much salt or spices or without letting the meat rot or burnt. Perhaps it is possible. But if ones aim in life is to attain inner purity and self realization, then why take risks and follow questionable and debatable methods?


    The Bhagavadgita also tells us that in this world we should live with our minds focused on God, offering our actions to God, with a sense of detachment and without the desire for the fruit of our actions. We have to follow the same advice in matters concerning food also. Before we start eating, we have to offer God whatever food we want to eat, and eat it with detachment, without preference and desire and without worrying about the consequences. The general belief is if food is offered to your personal deity, it would be blessed by the deity and purified so that any negative energy that may exist in the food would become neutralized.


    In conclusion we can say we have to choose carefully what we eat for the following reasons:


    1. To purify our bodies and prepare ourselves for inner awakening.

    2. To make the body receptive to certain higher forms of energies and vibrations that would awaken as we move into the realm of the higher consciousness.

    3. To establish control over our lower nature and the desires and impulses that are predominant in its field of activity.



    Raja Santhi.



    A very well and clear reply from Mr/Mrs Raja Santhi. I really admired it a lot. You gave the reply in a clear language without going into Complex language sucha as Sanskrit.

  13. Dear all religious friends,


    I have a doubt if any one can answer me? Sorry. I am new to this Forum and I haven't read many discussions in past. May be my thread is a repetition of past ones. Still, I request answers.


    Coming to my doubt, if Brahma , who is the creator of all living beings, was born from "Navel" of Vishnu ( who is Padma nabha ), then who did create Shiva ,Vishnu and their Wives?




    "Anantha koti brahmanda nayaka Rajadhi Raja yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Sachidananda Sadguru Sai nath Mahraj ki Jai."

  14. It is a well approved fact that lord Vishnu himself came to earth ( and he is called Venkateswara or Balaji ) to eliminate "adharma" in Kaliyuga as always he incarnates in each yuga to eliminate evil.

    But it is quite disheartening to see in present world so many terror attacks, Fights between religions. Adharma is increasing day by day and there isnt a small hint of it starts reducing.


    I am very saddened to see so many innocent people die because of this Adharma. Is the purpose of Lord Vishnu residing on earth ( on Tirumala) is serving?


    Sorry, if My thread depicts me as a non believer of God. I am a ardent believer in god.

  15. Dear Readers,


    I want to explain my attachment With Shirdi Sai baba. Since my school days,I am very much interested in Sai baba as my parents take me to near by Sai baba temple frequently. Since then, I used to prey Sai baba only. Which ever temple I go, I used to chant "Ome Sai ram". I see sai baba in every Murthy, be it Rama or Krishna etc. When ever I got relieved from my problems,I used to think it as because of Sai baba's grace on me. I used to see his idols often in my Dreams as I often read His "Parayana".


    As a professional Software Engineer, I had to Go to Germany for one of the assignment. As part of the assignment, I was asked to find out a problem during the implementation. It is completely new to me and there was no time for me to study and start finding out the problem. The client gave me only one day for me to resolve that issue. There was only 1 hour to go for the client to approace me and ask if the problem is resolved. I was completely helpless though I tried a lot. With disdain, I had a look a Sai baba wall paper on my system for 10 mins and asked him ( within myself )to help me . Very surprisingly, I immediately got an idea which I can not believe that it came to my thought. With that Idea , I got clue to resolve the problem and the client was satisfied with my work.


    I got many such instances which I think miracles for me ( sorry if i am exaggerating, though small, in my scope there are miracles only ) just because of my faith in Sai baba.


    I really get tears in my eyes without my knowledge whenever I go to Sai baba temple. He is the real Sadguru. He is the incarnation of Vishnu, Shiva, brahma. He is the Rama. He is the Krishna.


    Let us say. Ome Sri sai nathaya.

    Anantha koti brahmanda nayaka rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja para brahma sri sachitananda sai naath maharaj ki Jai.

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