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Everything posted by prabhat_shcil

  1. so inspite of being in debilitation - wearing yelllow saphhire will give good result , if there is something malefic by strengthining it would not it lead to more harm . i jsut want a detail reasoning -becuase this is the cause of my confusion .
  2. dear raj, till now i was wearing yellow sapphire - but recently removed this after adviced by one astrologer - his reasoning - Jupiter is debilitated in my 10th house - being placed in capricorn . Hence jupiter will show its negative result - wearing sapphire will increase the negative effect of the jupiter . I am already living in Dubai - so what this foreign visit before mid august 2011 means .
  3. i am in banking , currenlty as private banker (wealth advisor) based at dubai. for more event well i got married on 28th nov 2003 , my child took birth on 17 th feb 2005 . i joined my present organisation on 9th march 07 i got my first job in march 1999 , month of feb 1999 was really bad for my family i did my mba between 96-98
  4. Yes between 1989 to 1991 there was trouble related education - 1989 i did 12th - without having good grade . and after this disruption in BSc in 1990 and 91- i completed graduation in 1995 and analysis of 1994-95 is generally on the line in fact this contine till mid of 96 - somewhere in feb-march 96 i fell sick due to jaundice.
  5. confusion over gemstone - diff astrologer give diff advice <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> My name prabhat dob 9th may 1973 time of birth 4:58 am place : chhibramau (up) india I have Jupiter in 10th house in my Lagna chart - in Capricorn hence debilitated . Sun in Aries - first house hence exalted but weak in avastha , saturn in 2nd house with venus in Taurus rashi - but Saturn in weak in avastha and astakvarga chart as per current transit - and venus is also weak in avastha. ketu and rahu 3rd and ninth retrograde - so not able to give their full result MARS in11th in Aquarius again good placement and strong - but again some affliction . so their is lot of mix of good and bad - but good planet are not able to give their full result . Some astrologer recommend me to wear YELLOW SAPPHIRE - but recently two of the guy asked me to remove this.( should i wear because as per some logic wearing would make Jupiter strong hence will give bad result / but others say - a debilitated planet will give more debilitated result with stone.) one astrologer asked me to wear CORAL .( should i wear this as mars is too strong)? one astrologer asked me to wear RUBY . ( should i wear this as sun is exalted but weak in avastha)? ultimately should i wear any stone at all as their is lot of mixed and match of good on bad and bad on good - so stone may not give desired result . ALSO I am concerned about fluctuation my career - i have few setback earlier also - but one friend astrologer of mine said with strong GAJ KESARI YOGA i will never have dearth of job is this true.? please advice
  6. My name prabhat dob 9th may 1973 time of birth 4:58 am place : chhibramau (up) india I have Jupiter in 10th house in my Lagna chart - in Capricorn hence debilitated . Sun in Aries - first house hence exalted but weak in avastha , saturn in 2nd house with venus in Taurus rashi - but Saturn in weak in avastha and astakvarga chart as per current transit - and venus is also weak in avastha. ketu and rahu 3rd and ninth retrograde - so not able to give their full result MARS in11th in Aquarius again good placement and strong - but again some affliction . so their is lot of mix of good and bad - but good planet are not able to give their full result . Some astrologer recommend me to wear YELLOW SAPPHIRE - but recently two of the guy asked me to remove this.( should i wear because as per some logic wearing would make Jupiter strong hence will give bad result / but others say - a debilitated planet will give more debilitated result with stone.) one astrologer asked me to wear CORAL .( should i wear this as mars is too strong)? one astrologer asked me to wear RUBY . ( should i wear this as sun is exalted but weak in avastha)? ultimately should i wear any stone at all as their is lot of mixed and match of good on bad and bad on good - so stone may not give desired result . ALSO I am concerned about fluctuation my career - i have few setback earlier also - but one friend astrologer of mine said with strong GAJ KESARI YOGA i will never have dearth of job is this true.? please advice
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