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Posts posted by chong--kl

  1. hi hatha,


    so shuld i chant the first one " sheeereeem heereem sheereem or the second one Bheejaaksharams?


    i want improve mine wealth income, any other good suggestions from you?







    It is Lakshmi Beejam Bhuvaneshwari Bheejam. But I am not sure about the mantra. By chanting this, obviously any worshipper will get the benefit from wealth, because of Lakshmi Bheejam.


    This Bheejaaksharams need not be chanted in only midst a mantra, be it is a greatest mantra in iteself. Obviously, the wise great men of old days, did have a greatest divine perception for a mantra, but these bheejaksharam's are also of great benefit.


    Just an 'AI' from Satyavrata, pleased great mother and made her to bless him and imparted the greated of knowledge (AIM), so if she wills everything is possible.

  2. i remember now !!


    i met one girl online long time ago...i like her and i feel she has a good feeling about me too but we didn't meet each other . and the relationship end when i knew she married a guy from taiwan..


    i send her a birthday gift which i make it myself, this is the first time i send gift to a girl.




    I just thought that there was sm unsuccessful romantic thing..either one-sided or both sided. but that's fine..i mean- u can think abt ur future now.
  3. never have arelationship before

    like a girl before but she married to another guy before i tried to chase her





    Did u go thr' any unsuccessful relationship in the past? Anyways, current phase till 2011 is good for marriage :) so the answer to ur question is that u will meet her soon!

    business - partnership will be better rather than going all alone. printing, books related. or women's accessories/clothes are good options.

  4. hi,


    i saw that somebody mentioned that drink luke warm milk before sleep will enhance good healthy, i have bought a bottle of milk from store, but the milk is cold.


    so what should i do now? can i still drink this cold milk before sleep or make it warm with microwave?





  5. hi,


    can u recommend any good website for this thriphala powder?

    can i buy the organic triphala capsules?








    Consume 1 teaspoon of thriphala powder with a spoon of honey and wash it down with a glass of warm water at night and in morning . This regularly detoxifies body and normalises body elements
  6. hi tripathi,


    u mean by taking aranya tail or castor oil with milk can clean our toxic ?







    Dear freind ..

    As i come to know about ur symptoms i can tell easily that due to have more duration of constipation will caused u obec and that is the reason of ur incrasing weight.. also as u told me about the piles its is also happening due to ur constipation.. there is many effective medicines in Ayurveda that can reduce ur weight upto 7-8kg in a months but also the corse is very tuff u need to control upon ur diet, also u need to do yoga as well as to avoid to have constipation in body.. so for it i need to mentioned u complete treatment and therapy to reduce wegiht..

    there is many medicines are effective in ayurveda for reduce weight..


    punarnava mandoor.



    arujun chal


    medohar gugulu

    hingawastak churna


    triphala gugulu


    mix all those and take 6-7gm of powder with lemmon honey luke warm mixture twice a day after lunch and dinner..


    2- take

    punarnavasa 4- tea spon

    kumari asava 4 tea spoon

    add 8 tea spoon water take after lunch and dinner..



    chitrak haritiki


    1 tea spoon with cup of luke warm milk before sleeping..


    before takeing all those medicines first need to do verechan of your body by aranya tail or castor oil

    take 7-8ml or 20ml of castor oil + add cup of luke warm sweet milk drink it adn drink one more glass of milk. before sleeping next day u got have 3-4 motion and all those toxic in side ur body comes out than furuther u need to start treament by those medicines and i m sure 30% of ur disorder will get cured from castor oil and once in a week u need to do it regular for make ur constipation relef and automatic u got relief from piles too..


    please try to work out on u quick and hard otherwise ur like like hell those piles will increase and also u will get arthrities.. already vayu dosh is in peak in ur body and then rhemetic arithrities wil start

    there is also deit chart if u want i can prepard for u ..

    and youga too..

    so every thing there freind and start as soon and please check ur weight before starting the medicines


    vaidya adwait tripathi

  7. should i cover mine whole face with the towel ?

    what it suppose to clear out from mine face?

    i thought the snoring probem is inside our mouth area .




    some steaming water in a bowl. Put a towel over your head and put your face over the steam (not too close - do not want to burn). Clears out everything...and if this is an issue clears and cleans the facial skin very nicely.
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