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Everything posted by ahna

  1. I have had a unique experience in the beginnings of my spiritual journey. I was introduced to this pure, loving soul Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa when one of his devotees , a new acquantaince, left a tape in his car as I was borrowing it. I loved the chanting so much I became immediately attatched to it. The circumstances under which I met this man were such that it was not okay for me to stay in association with him. He is serving Maya and after I understood more and read, chanted, I have made the decision not to risk my spiritual life by associating with him. I have this burning drive inside my heart that I must meet Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa I want to give him my life. I will not rest until I am serving my Supreme Lord and my only close associations with his disciples. I am working now to fulfill my financial obligations and save enough money to move to Toronto, where I hear there is a center there. In the meantime, I plan to budget a trip there every 6 weeks or so, just to keep my heart from breaking due to lack of association. The Iskon temple nearby is not an option. If you would please help me in any way with my desires, I would be so grateful.. The latest CD I have received has my favorite song "Rest Peacefully" on it. It is my daughter's bedtime song. The first time I heard it I wept. I have never experienced such love. Hare Krishna!! Ahna
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