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Posts posted by sushil_kanoria

  1. Hey shvu,

    I am extremely sorry if I have hurt you, You have full authority to clarify all your doubts. but the facts which has been put by J.N.Das prabhu regarding ganges water is absolutely true, if you still have doubt on it then I will recommend you to collect the ganges water in a bottle & see after few years, you will get your answer.

    Please don't mind yaar, I again apolozise if I have hurt you.


    Hari Bol,


  2. Hare krishna folks,

    Actually J N Dasji, there are few problems with some of the people, they just want to speak out something without going into depth,In case of shvu it shows how pessimist he is, always trying to take negative points, also always thinking negatively.

    But the question is the essence of "Ekadasi fasting" & not the polluted water of Ganges.

    Please can anyone help me in knowing that.


    Hari Bol,


  3. Hare Krishna to all of you,

    Please accept my humble Obeisainces unto your lotus feet & all glories to Srila Prabhupada !!

    I am having one doubt regarding Ekadasi fasting I will be delighted if anyone helps me clearing that.

    Few days ago one of my friends told me that on the day of Ekadasi Lord Krishna puts all the sins in grain that's why we should not eat grain on that day.

    Also he added that mother "ganga" who make people free from all the sins, whoever takes a holy dip in the river,keeps fast on that day, So why should not we.

    I request all the devotees to throw some light on it, so that I can know the significance of it.


    Hari Bol,


  4. Hare Krishna pundit27,

    For God sake please don't post such type of nonsense things, I am extremely sorry for being harsh, but after reading your article, I am unable to control my anger, rather than posting such type of topics I will recommend you to read the last canto of Bhagwatam, then all the doubts which you are having will be clarified.

    One more thing I want to tell you is that, that Kalki bhagwan will be born in Sambal which is in uttar pradesh & not in Arab, As clearly mentioned in Bhagwatam.



    Hari Bol,


  5. Hare Krishna Viji & other devottes,

    Please accept my humble Obesainces to all of you & all glories to Srila Prabhupada !!

    First of all Let me clarify one thing that whatever I have quoted, is taken from " The teachings of Lord Chaitanya" I have not concocted anything from my side, & I do belive in whatever is written there. May be I am not having enough proof to prove all these things, but still I have great faith in all the acharyas who says that Krishna is the supreme, because all the great acharyas have gone through all those puranas & then after doing thorough study they have concluded that Krishna is Supreme.

    One more thing I want to tell you During all the Avatar Shiva will come in some or other form to provide service to the krishna Avatar or to please him, like during Ram avatar he descended as Hanuman (HAnuman is called as Rudra Avatar, & who is Rudra ?? ofcourse Shiva) & Hanuman served Ram as a servant, So still you think that Shiva is Supreme personality of GODHEAD ??

    One more thing I would like to add is that Shiva is also called "Mahadev" what does it mean ?? "DEVO MAI MAHAN" which means Greatest among demigods, So he is supreme among the demigods, BUT He is not the supreme personality of GODHEAD.

    So the final conclusion is that KRISHNA IS THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD.

    Hope you will try to understand me.


    Hari Bol,


  6. Hare Krishna to all devotees,

    Few months back I was reading one book "The teachings of Lord Chaitanya" where it is clearly mentioned, Krishna saying that no one including Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh is greater or equal to me.

    So there is no doubt that Lord Krishna is the supreme.


    Hari Bol,



  7. Hare Krishna Curious,

    As my friends have alredy answered that all those things which you have asked, are not allowed in our religion. Actually In Hinduism since our childhood we are taught to remain "Brahmachari" means away from sex & gals, because if one is in contact with any of them they will degrade to much extent, thats why better to be away from girls.

    The versus picked by Animesh from Bhagwadgita clearly indicates that we are supposed to be away from lust.So never try to think also about dating & other things which are the first step toward degradation.


    Hari Bol,



  8. Hare Krishna shvu,

    So you want me to show where it is written that Suta Goswami has not uttered the name of Radha Rani.

    My dear Friend, you just go through the Srimad Bhagwatam, you wont find the name of Radharani there, Why?? you know the reason which I have given earliar.


    Hari Bol,


  9. Hare Krishna Rajesh,

    To some extent I agree with you but not fully, Don't you think it's better to watch a spiritual movie rather than watching other useless movies..

    For example you might have seen so many spiritual serials coming on the Televisons like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Sri Krishna, & now Vishnu Purana, Mahabharat was made by Sippy brothers, There aim is just to earn money but still we watch their serials (Mahabharat) Am I right??

    See rajesh something is better than nothing so let's encourage others to watch such type of movies.


    Hari Bol,



  10. pleae accept my humble obesainces & All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!!

    I have gone through the topic started by "vinc", First of all I would like to say Sukadeva Goswami(A very learned person) who narrated the whole Bhagavatam to King Parikshit, Suta Goswami & others, himself didn't uttered the name of RadhaRani, why ?? you know because he said he is not qualified to utter her name, then not to speak of us whose minds are contaminated by mundane things, A live e.g. using the world "romance" for Krishna's pure love toward his devotees.

    And one more thing I would like to add is, all the 16000 wives of krishna were great sages in their past life, when they all saw Lord Rama in Trete yuga, they were so much fascinated by Rama's look that they said we would like to become his spouse, So in order to fulfill their wish, He excepted them his wife when he descended as Krishna in Dwapar yuga.

    So my humble request is don't ever try to give any statement untill & unless you have done thorough study, & from your questions it appears as if you haven't gone through the literature. I am extremely sorry if I have hurt anyone which was not intentional.


    Hari Bol,


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