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Posts posted by supercow

  1. Hi



    I posted a thread on Real Conversation with GOD in Ayurveda, Health and Wellbeing.

    It is about declined civilization and ailing health of most humans.


    Varna-asashrama Dharma has a bad rap anywhere. It is more closer to a perfect economy.

    It is based on simple fact that a good person will invent for free due to satisfaction and life-long learning from career.

    Installing costs, fees, taxes, taxation, and recursive looping basic necessities is causing insecurity, fear, and unsafe nations.

    If life has a farm its own house and takes care of it. And if public utilities are for the people and by the people. I own the river, stars, moon, and sunshine too. Then the past two are free.

    I am stakeholder not an exclusive bill payer.


    4 Needs = Safety, Shelter, freedom to live and communication.


    This is not exacerbated by what people think is called Capitalism and Democracy. And then this subject is equal to my previous four ?



  2. Good day



    Due to ailing health on Planet Earth...And continuing decline of civilization,


    I asked what people on Earth refer to as personal higher power or the vocabulary word God.


    I told her/his that humans here need assistance immediately before deceit is increased.

    Reply was that false religion caused this.

    I replied it's your responsibility when you awake to solve living being's problems.

    Reply was I cannot and I am not as powerful or intelligent as defined.

    I replied you are most overrated in that.

    Reply was it is correct but I am underrated as a person.

    I replied you are absolutely correct.


    Second part of our conversation:

    Their point: I or we cannot do anything to solve Earth's problems.

    My reply: There is no 'I' but there is a We.

    Their point: We agree.

    My point: Is your energy being tortured or disrespected ?

    Their point: Yes and I am ashamed of malevolent actions.

    My reply: Try telling them you are free from this.

    Their: I never declare or said ever to anyone.


    My conversation closer:

    Ok, we need to work together to solve our problems and there cannot be any weakness. If one person or being suffers you do later. And due to irrevocable cause and effect you are flawed.



    You or they cannot hurt us and we are invincible or close to it. But you are strong for understanding freedom and liberty.



    I am pleased you know what will happen.



    We apologize for not doing more but we are weak to Yoga Maya.


    What do you mean? In particular the terms: 'Satanic manifestations' and 'nonprobable'?


    Kind regards, Bart


    Satan, a evil person who uses evil/pain on innocent souls.

    nonprobable means they should have no numerical probablility of executing their actions. how i don't know.



  4. Vatsalya-rasa is way different from what is in the Bible. This is a bhakti-yoga parenting sentiment with a whole bunch of bhakti-rasas with it. Like I am father/mother to son. When I read the Bible, it has a more service-mood toward God. Also an awe and wonder emotional mental state toward God is in the Bible.


    Just because the word Father is used in the Bible. . .

  5. Jnana-yoga has gotten a bad rap in certain popular GV groups due to Advaita Vedanta, modern science, and propaganda.


    Jnana-yoga without bhakti is not ignorance! Perhaps, at the lower rungs it is. It is just a less wholistic viewpoint.


    This topic seems to infer is true knowledge possible without God realization.


    Goodness. You need to read the Gita. All paths , including jnana-youga require some bhakti. In fact all yogas are subsumed under bhakti.

    Of course, you are right..that doesn't make them vaisnava. That is a very special category, the essence of which is personal devotion to God.

    Judao-Christians do exhibit that essential trait. Vaisnavism is not-sectarian and inclusive. This exclusivistic mentality is ironically the result of Judao-Christian influence.



    Because jnana-yoga is described in BG DOES NOT MEAN IT REQUIRES some BHAKTI (devotional service to God). Jnana-yoga does not require bhakti. Although, jnana-yoga may be mixed with bhakti. And in that case it still does not require bhakti.

    This seems to be a class-member logical fallacy. This is a very incorrect comprehension you have.


    BTW, I have read BG i'd say a total of about 6 times, and i just read it last month highlighting many verses.


    Where have you been? The Jesus/Christian v. Vaishnavism topic came up on this forum by your buddies who posted threads with "Jesus is a Vaishnava" as a title. The identity of Jesus as a Vaishnava was a completely unfounded claim with absolutely no basis other than "Prabhupada said so".


    The burden of proof is on the person who make the identity claim and clearly over several threads spanning several pages each the people who made this claim failed to provide any semblance of logic and instead engaged in ducking questions and tried to skirt the issue by attacking posters.


    I can understand that the school dropouts here have a hard time understanding the concept of proof and logic. I assume you with your masters degrees will not have the same problem. Once again the burden of proof is on the person who tries t oestablish links between Christianity and Vaishnavism....not the other way around as you are trying to pass here.




    Abs. no scholars who ever read the torah in aramaic or new testament in greek say or write jesus was a vaisnava. none.


    even a jnana-yogi acknowledges a god (father) exists and much more. This knowledge does not make her/him a vaisnava.

  8. Tears of joy if Brahman returns. :crying2: . . .

    All manifestations (Maha-Vizva-Rupa) after Sankarshan originate from him. Maha-Vishnu, Ananta-Sesha, Timingila, and Vasuki.

    Even a tiny of his positive/negative glories is unimaginable without his energies.


    To begin with, I suspect you already know about how to suffer and how to fail to gain lasting happiness. You do not need to study failure. It comes naturally. Instead, focus on lasting happiness and other forms of success. Learn what gives support to your practices and how you can have more of them in your own life. Be willing to start over as many times as you have to.


    Yes, i believe i know the answer to your first sentence. but i lost you after that.

    How does failure come naturally? etc...

  10. "how I can works me abs.?"


    easy way is yogasana. lay on your bed. breathe in. hold breath. raise both legs to a little less than 45 deg. hold pos. for 6 secs. bring both legs down. release breath now. take belly fat few % out in a few days. need more ptrs.?

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