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Posts posted by qwerty99

  1. First you need to understand why some recite only NAMAH SHIVAY... actually OM in sanskrit first prays respect to Vishnu and then to SHIV [it does not matter as far as GOD is considered ;-)]... so the ardent followers of SHIV (shaivites) recite only NAMAH SHIVAY.

    A true knowledge of Mantra can only be gained through a GURU... just placing OM in front or afterwards does not make a powerful mantra, for example most of the tantrik mantras don't have OM in them.

  2. Hi divyarup,


    I just saw this thread... and i can fully understand your problem because my cousin brother also suffered similar problem... he came in contact with a Baba in village who gave him some mantra to recite (Gurudiksha), in span of 5-6 years my brother was completely obsessed with this man he lost his youth he lost his business he lost his knowledge and everything ... even then he was not ready to listen to leave this man (because as per Hindu ritual if someone leaves his Guru he will suffer for thousand of birth... BULLSHIT). Fortunately we met some other person a village and that person told us some strange things he told that that when a person do some recitation (japa) and if his kundalini start to awake then he start producing Amrit inside his body now if Guru is positive and morally correct then he will let this substance consumed by his discipile (who is creator of that substance) and it will lead to spiritual growth of shishya.


    some (actually most of) GURUS they are weak both morally and physically and what they do is 1.make some disciples 2.give them gurudiksha 3.when disciples start making Amrit, GURU consumes it for himself so that he can attain higher siddhis (but this wrong doing will ultimately let that GURU to his downfall) but this also lets shishya suffer.

    So yes people can suck other people energies without the other person knowing (in scientific terms these people are called Psychic Vampires).

    As for the cure I am also searching for it because i do not want myself to know that most of the failures were not caused by my weakness but because of some person's wrong doing (which in this case is black magic).

    As for the case of my cousin ... that other wise person did some ritual and now brother has left that GURU (who i compare to weak maneater lion).

    Fact -> after giving GuruDiksha to my brother that GURU progressed for continuoslly 5-6 years his face was shining like sun he made more and more discipiles in that village on the other hand my brother lost everything

    After my brother left that Guru his condition stated to improve now he is married doing a good business and trying to continue his pooja (different from what that old bastard told him)... on the other hand now that Guru's face is blackened all his tej gone, many discipiles have left himbut along with it he took youth of my brother and gave 6 years of suffering to him.

  3. Hi,


    It is very difficult to find a strong spiritual person who at the same time is morally correct. Anyway keep faith in GOD and keep praying to HIM so that you can get rid of all evils.

    I am not sure if you are a Hindu... you can search for 'Hanuman Chalisa' on net in English and recite it atleast once a day and night before sleeping.

    One more common but strong trick -

    >Take seven dry red chillies

    >Circle it around the person (suffering) 7 times

    >Completely burn all the chilies (you can use some newspaper...)

    You can do this experiment on Saturdays OR Tuesdays at night if it helps then continue for 2-3 weeks.



  4. Will try to keep this thread alive...

    Most of the time people are discussing about Tips and Tricks to attract someone they (claim to) love.Sole purpose of tantra and any other sect is to reach God, If it is so I am asking senior members to come up and help spiritually weak people to defend themselves against these kind of Evil deeds done like Mohan, Vashikaran, Uchattan etc.



  5. Hi Friends...


    In This Forum I Have Seen Many Examples Of Sadhanas Describing Mohan Vashikaran Etc. In My Opinion It Means Possessing Others By Illegal Spiritual Means.

    Do You Guys Have Any Remedies If You Find Any Body You Love Is Possessed By Such Means.


    I Am Posting Here One Which I Know

    Take A Red Chilli (dry), Circle It Around A Person 7 Times And Burn It. Its Effect Are Immediate


    Anyone Else Having Such Tips Please Share



  6. How To Overcome Ill Effects Of Above Mentioned Sadhanas.for Example When You Come To Know That Someone You Love Is Affected By Vashikaran Or Mohan. Some Evil Tantrik Possessing Innocent Girl.


    Any Senior Member Please... Bhairo Can You Give Answer To This.

    If You Have Opinion That Tantra Is Not Understood Well Across India And It Does Good Only (feel Good Factor) Then Feel Free To Ignore This Question




    Hi friends,


    I am suffering from some black magic done by family members for the past 3-4 years. 2-3 months I met a tantrik who performed some rituals for my cure... but in the meantime some of his activities left us suspicious... he did some peepal pooja and some pooha he performed in Shamshaan (cremation ground).. since he is friend of my uncle so we let him perform this pooja. After completion of the ritual no positive effect happened but one extremely bad side effect happened ... my grandmother age more than 60 is now suffering from Vitiligo or in hind Safed Daag (white spot).

    I know that she shown sign of this symptoms because of some malicious intentions of this tantrik and he left from hometown no one knows how to contact him.

    People who are aware of this disesase know that it occurs in young age (very rare in old age)..., also no one is having this disease in my family but now i don't know waht to do....


    Please guide


    Any senior members can you please tell me some cure for vitiligo that is caused due to black magic

  8. Hi friends,


    I am suffering from some black magic done by family members for the past 3-4 years. 2-3 months I met a tantrik who performed some rituals for my cure... but in the meantime some of his activities left us suspicious... he did some peepal pooja and some pooha he performed in Shamshaan (cremation ground).. since he is friend of my uncle so we let him perform this pooja. After completion of the ritual no positive effect happened but one extremely bad side effect happened ... my grandmother age more than 60 is now suffering from Vitiligo or in hind Safed Daag (white spot).

    I know that she shown sign of this symptoms because of some malicious intentions of this tantrik and he left from hometown no one knows how to contact him.

    People who are aware of this disesase know that it occurs in young age (very rare in old age)..., also no one is having this disease in my family but now i don't know waht to do....


    Please guide


    that might not fix things once and for all

    it may just set up "reciprocal animosity"


    If you cannot "kill" energy you must transform it

    turning an enemy into an allie is the best way to defeat an opponent.


    The I Ching (Chinese Book of Changes) says:

    "do not combat evil directly,

    you'll become entangled and actually give your power away

    instead make energetic strides for the good."


    when in life you meet a foe, bless them, praise them and let them go"


    Can you please elaborate on what you are saying , I am also suffering from black magic since last 4-5 years and i don't know who is doing these things to me. So can you please give details or some examples on how to "make energetic strides for the good"



  10. hello people i am just here to let all of you know that there was a new website recently created and there is some really intersting things posted on there. anyone interested in te mother KALI, KAL BHAIRO, KATAIRE, SANGANI, or MUNISPIREN. i went there and left an e-mail, i got the answers that i wanted, i hope that they help you in the same way. i HIGHLY RECCOMEND checking this out.
    Can you please tell us the name of website

    This request goes out to Ravindran ji (or anyone who is familiar with Tantric Texts),


    I am very interested in learning Tranta. Could you kindly recommend what Tantric Texts I should read in order to get a sound understanding of Tantra? If you coul list "must read" Tantric Texts for beginners and advanced level practitioners it would be immensely helpful to those who are interested in this topic. I am interested in English translations as I do not speak Hindi. However, for the benefit of others may be you could also list Hindi / Sanskrit texts.


    Many thanks.



    I am also interested in reading good tantrik texts. Please senior members reply



    you have to take it in steps

    first step you must make offering for kala bhairava for five days.

    offer him lime mala,deeya(sarsoon oil),fruit and water.

    do jaap for him 1080 everyday.

    the lime mala that you offer him the pervious day take it and put it in water from a river collected 5:00am and mop ur house with it.

    then take a few branches of neem leaf and sweep ur house with it ok.


    Thanks Bhairo... just some more questions.


    >What is the mantra for kaal bhairav

    >Actually there is no river in my city... is it possible to use normal water with few drops of GangaJal in it.


    you have to give me more details masaan kriya has different methods which are to dangerous to mention here ok.

    One thing i would like to make clear that knowing of its power to wreak havoc i will never try to apply this kriya on my enemy also. Since last 10-11 years my family is facing various kinds of problems i have seen many failures, mysterious death of my father, various fights among family members strange things around me (specially suddenly some laungs (clove) appearing in my house). Despite of all problems, I was a brilliant student till my intermediate but in my engineering studies i have lost my brain i don't know why then suddenly i met a priest who lives in a temple near my college he told me that on my house some closer relative has spread ashes from five different shamshaan (cremation ground) in my house, and during construction of my house that relative also buried a bone in my house. He also pointed out one strange coincidence that since last 5-6 years no priest has entered my house (and that was due to this extreme powerful masaan kriya). He has told me some precautions which i started and there is improvement in our daily life conditions, but he also told me that complete cure is known to his guru who will be back after nearly one year.

    thats why i am trying to know more about this tantra... specially preventive actions.


    And above all i want to send back this masaan on whoever has send it on my home and disturbed our life to such an extent.

  14. Thanks Ravindran,


    I will definitely follow your advice (Actually i am trying these meditation steps since last two months , atleast 30 min. daily). But your saying gives me more encouragement to continue with the meditation.

    Just one more question.. do you have any idea about BAGLAMUKHI TANTRA or MASAAN KRIYA.

    I am asking this question because after a priest told that my symptoms are related with if someone has applied BAGLAMUKHI TANTRA on me I tried to search something related with BAGLAMUKHI Maata (she is considered one of the most powerful deity in North) and found a mantra of her:-


    Om Hreem Baglamukhi Sarvadushtanam Vaacham Mukham Padam

    Stambhay Jihvaam(tounge) Keelai Buddhim Vinaasahy Hreem om Svaaha


    As you can see this Mantra says to destroy mind (so that one can not think properly) and tounge (so that one can not speak properly) of enemy.

    Also since past two years i don't know but yes i started to stammer a little and while speaking sometimes i feel that my tounge is jammed.


    And I also gone to psychiatrist in my city he told me that i am fine and gave me some prescriptions that i took for 2-3 months but to no help.


    Please advice me

  15. Hi Friends...


    This is my first post. Problem that i am facing since last 2-3 years is lack of concentration not only in my studies but in every field. At a time thousand thoughts are traveling through my brain.

    If i want to study a book, i will struggle to focus my mind on that book but output will be that at the end of 3-4 hours i can study just 4-5 pages. This was not the case till my 12th class but now in engineering i am facing this problem. If i am playing cricket watching movies or eating then suddenly i go in some sort of zero dimension i start to think about each and every person sitting around me or some fictional thoughts, my eyes just stretch too much i feel pain in my eyes my brain and my back whenever i try to concentrate in my studies... just can't express myself.


    I have done traatak (looking at lamp of desi ghee for hours), also recited mantras of saraswati and lord ganesh but no result.

    Also i met one priest in a temple where he told me that my condition resemble to a person on whom bagalamukhi tantra has been used in an extremely bad way.


    Can you please suggest me some way that help me in concentrating my mind.



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