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Posts posted by ravikishore

  1. Folks,


    With due respect it's you who seems ignorant; please refer to the book 'Kundalini Tantra' by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. He clearly explains the reason why the third eye needs to be activated before activating other chakras.




    If you dunno the facts then why the heck you people keep on posting shit like this? This is a vulnerable subject.


    But if you are to say that one is to meditate on third eye to activate any Chakra then okay if not and hitting like you seem, then you are a dumb.


    sorry for all the harsh words but it was needed.

  2. You are right about the difference in the belief system. My intention is to recite the mantra for a purpose. So, based on what you said, I require initiation, which is ok with me. That said, I've also learnt and recited Rudram and Durga Saptha Sloki without any initiation. I just prayed to Lord Shiva to help me learn correctly.


    There is still a part of me that says, just continue praying to Lord Shiva and learn SapthaShathi as well. But, I've read, not only in this forum but other websites as well, that it is dangerous (might lead to death of a family member) to learn without a Guru. Because I don't know how far that is true, I've held back. It is also the reason why I'm checking with a couple of senior boarders here.


    Just FYI...I'm not playing with any mantra.





    Sadasiva is the ultimate Guru. Generally Mantras which are recited for any particular purpose need initiation. But if the mantra is recited only for spiritual advancement, then you do not need initiation.


    So there is no correct answer to your question.


    Durgaputra put it correctly. Do not play around with Mantras.

  3. I spoke to an official at Kancheepuram and he told me that Navarna Mantra needs to be given by a Guru. It is only after chanting this mantra 9 lakh times that the Saptha Shati inititation will be given. The person sounded a sticker to tradition and norms; it seems like the traditional (and correct) procedure for learning Saptha Shati.


    Just thought I'll share this info.



  4. Dhruv,


    Could you please kindly recap the three mantras here? It was a bit confusing to locate them and then determine which three mantras you were referring to.

    So, just to make things easy, could you kindly list them here?


    Thank You.






    Please read thread on Job. There are 3 mantras. Very powerful dude. I have been getting good success stories even now.


  5. Hello,


    Could you please let me know how and where I can get initiated into Srividya Diksha?


    Thank You.



    Panchadasakshari mantra and Shodasi mantra are part of SriVidya Upasana. These have to be learnt through a proper SriVidya Guru. This is done in stages called Krama Diksha.


    How were you initiated in Bala mantra and Navarnava mantra? These are some of the steps of Krama Diksha.


    The Diksha varies from sampradhya to sampradhaya. So look out for a good SriVidya Guru.

  6. Sandhu Ji,


    Could you please suggest a good place or person in South India where I can learn to correct procedure to recite hanuman kavach?


    Thank You


    Try Hanuman chalisa, sankat mochan ,Bajrang baan, hanuman satv, Ram stuti and then panch mukhi hanuman kavach, you will have to learn the correct procedure to recite the Panch mukhi Hanuman kavach from some learned individual for it involves Dighbandh, Viniyog (Thrice), Angg nayas etc .For all hanuman pujas use red blanket ,face east or north and surrender all your worries to Hanuman ji, he will take care of all the ills.





  7. I've searched the internet to see if there is any peetam or guru who gives initiation into the Navarna Mantra but, I couldn't find any. My intention is to memorize the durga sapthashathi so that I can eventually be able to recite the entire 700 verses this Navaratri, without the help of any book.

    I'm confused by info on some websites that say that initiation is required and some that say that it is not required. Regardless, to be on the safe side, I felt that it is better to seek a guru who can initiate this mantra and also the sapthashathi parayanam and teach the proper way of parayana. I reside in India.

    Any suggestion/guidance you can provide on who/where to get the diksha for the mantra and parayana will help immensely.

  8. Ravindran Sir,


    What the best place(s) to get initiation for each of the mahavidyas? I'd like to know authentic info about the Das Mahavidyas (not just Googling it). Is there an authentic text where we get more info about these vidyas?


    Thank You.



    The one intiated to any one of the mahavidya is either one whose birth is last birth or he is Lord Siva himself. (Maha vidya dont go to anybody else). The moment it is innitiated , (And note the word the 'moment' and not after a million repitation of the mantra) boodha, predha paisacha gansas dread such a soul, and take flight to save their life.

    No Black magic affect such great soul. Sorcers who try black magic on such being preish by their own act instantly.


  9. In other threads you mentioned that the kleem mantra is the best, whereas here you have advised guru mantra. Could you please explain why? I'm curious because, Guru is my lagna lord. But, I'm aware that 'kleem' is a bija mantra for fulfilling desires. I'm looking to get married immediately. Therefore, my desire is to get a young, beautiful wife. I'm NOT in love with anyone.


    Which mantra would be best for me? Also, if you could give details of the procedure, that will help immensely as well.




    Guru Manta is Best
  10. I was told by a person who performs Bhairav puja that alcohol needs to be offered for Bhairav. Just got a feeling that this tantric puja, while it may yiled immediate results, might do more bad than good in the long run.


    Can anyone confirm if the alcohol offering is indeed true? If yes, then is this a good or bad (black magic) way of appeasing Bhairav?



  11. Thanks for the info. I'm aware of Amrithanandanatha ji; however, I just feel excited about getting it from Singeri Peetadhapathi himself. Theirs is an established as well as reputed muth, being around for longer than a lot of these new folks. I just feel more comfortable with Shankhar Mutt right now.


    Appreciate your msg though.




    Dear Friend,

    It is very important to get the srichakra from the hands of the guru with the initiation. Go to Devipuram ( Near Vizag ) and meet Swami Amrithanandanatha and get his advise. He come in the avadutha lineage which originates from Lord Dattatraya.

    wish you best of luck.



  12. Ravindran Sir,


    Does Sankara Mutt also give a Sri Chakra as part of the initiation? I have seen websites like devipuram, where they sell sri chakras. but, I'm not sure how authentic they are. Any idea as to who is a reliable seller?


    It would be nice to know of a guru who will give it as gift. Is there any such guru that you can guide me to?


    Thank You.



    Dear Ravikishore,

    Ideally Sri chakra is not to be bought. It should be drawn or carved by oneself or a realised guru of the srividya tradition or to be gained as a gift from guru who has worshiped for long.


    In any case even if you buy for convenience sake, It is to be rictuallistically instaled the prana (pranapradista) and devada ( Avahana) . This can be done only by a mantra sioddha of the srividya traditrion.


    If you are geting to srividya seek an authentic guru of this tradition and get initiated and worship the chakra. Unless given prermission by a guru, srichakra worship will not yield results.


    Sankara mutt is a place where this vidya is preserved, in guru lineage.



  13. Thanks for letting me know that you don't want to help. That's ok. As Mooni said in her previous post, don't just pass judgment on people you don't even know; especially when you exhibited your double standards/hypocrisy - you give out the mantra to a lady but when a man asks for it, you talk about morals and ethics.



    no i will not ppl does abuse it and they hurt ppl very bad you have no need for it pray to shiva and he will bless you wit someone
  14. Hello Ravindran Sir,


    Thank you for the advice. When you say Chandi mantra, do you mean the Navarna mantra? How many times should I do the japa? Another thing is, can I just listen to it anytime, even if I"m not learning it?


    Thank You.


    Dear Ravi kishore.


    Do it along with Chandi mantra - i.e. after doing japa of Chandi, then read Durga saptasati.


  15. Thank you Ravindran Sir, for the info. If you could, kindly provide answers to my questions:


    1) I'd like to learn the first chapter of Durga SapthaShathi. I looked at several websites and most of them say that this is one thing you shouldn't learn it by yourself just like that; you'd have to learn it from a guru.


    I'd like to learn all the 13 chapters eventually. I generally like to listen to the audio while following the printed matter. Can I follow the same procedure for learning the SapthaShathi as well?


    Could you please let me know the correct way of learning it?


    2) Have you heard of Muttathu Vali Amman Temple, Coimbatore? If yes, then is there anything special about this temple or the presiding deity?


    3) Could you please let me know what Samayachara Avarthis (Sanskrit Mantras) mean? What is their purpose, where can I find them and how many times should they be chanted?


    4) Could you please explain the significance of the following pujas, how and which temple (the best, that is) to perform them:


    Kuladevatha Vasiyam


    Divya Vijay Narayan


    Jeya Jeya Subha Dhirkam


    Thank You.




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