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Posts posted by Shriyogi

  1. Hello Friends,


    If you have come across any bright students coming from poor financial background who have finished their 10th standard this year (April 2009) and scored more than 80%, please ask them to contact the NGO-Prerana (supported by Infy foundation).

    The NGO is conducting a written test and those who clear the test will be eligible for financial help for their further studies.


    Please ask the students to contact the people mentioned below to get the form

    #580,shubhakar, 44th cross,1st 'A' main road,jayanagar 7th block Bangalore-mob no- 9900906338(saraswati)

    Mr.Shivkumar( 9986630301) - Hanumanthnagar office

    Ms.Bindu(9964534667 )-Yeshwantpur office


    Even if you dont know anyone, please pass on this info, some one might be in need of this help desperately.

  2. Sahaja Yoga Online Meditation (KUNDALINI)



    Hindi online realization program.

    It gives us an immense pleasure to announce that this Saturday on 30th May 2009 8:00 IST the online self realization program will be conducted in Hindi. It is requested , may we try to invite and involve as many new people as possible to attend this unique programme on their computers especially designed to cater to the needs of the seeker who would like to enjoy it in Hindi version.

    Let us ensure and try to help explore maximum participation for this program. This is the first ever 'Public program' being conducted in Hindi on the internet. On its success, encouraging response and feedback further efforts can be initiated in this direction.

    The program approximately covers around 45 minutes. It includes introduction to Sahaja Yoga by Mother .Also covers a few clippings from 'Ramayana' TV serial by Ramanad Sagar to illustrate the essence of initiation of Self Realization process to the new seekers who desires it.


    Therefore, it is requested to our global family members of Sahaja Yoga , friends and others desirous of receiving their Self Realization may like to join this program on this Saturday (30 May '09) 8 am.IST.

    http://www.sahajayo gameditation. tv

    Sahaja Yoga

    \" You just become, like a flower becomes the fruit. It's all built in within you. Allow it to work out." -- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ............ ........for more details visit : http://www.sahajayo ga.org

  3. It is sad that now-a-days many persons with minor problems are trying to take help of mantra/tantra or black magic. Ignorance is forcing them to blame black magic for their every failure without even knowing whether it is black magic or not. But the real victims of black magic suffers since they are not taken seriously by the masses or given similar solutions thinking that their cases are similar.

    There are also many advisors who give these people vashikaran mantras/remedy etc. for petty problems such as to get the love back etc. How evil it is to harm other human beings with the help of black magic ? They even claim that such mantras does not harm others. In fact, they are elevating the evil forces much above their positions to bring closer to the subtle theories. Failure in these type of remedies, force them to go to Tantriks who are known for cheating and using evil practices.

    Every such action is justifiable unless it is intend to defend oneself and not to harm others, otherwise one has to face the consequences of the bad action later. Tantriks and black magicians says that it is those people who come to us for their petty problems and later insist on harming them, are responsible for their evil act too because they are doing it only for the bread and butter.

  4. Dear Guru,

    There are two temples in India which are well known for breaking black magic spells. One is balaji mandir in Rajasthan and the other is the chotanikkara bhagawati mandir in kerala. I have not visited any of these so I can not be able to tell you. But there are also people who visited these temples and still their black magic did not stop.

    Hindustani who has thorough knowledge of Shri Shivapuran, Rudraksha and online buying, may be correct in advising rudraksha being the remedy for every black magic but what if it is not. Better to get it from Haridwar or Rishikesh (from the recognized Ashrams/dealers) or from Baba Ramdev.

    Guru, please share your experience about Dadar Ashram, the location etc. because this news was published in Newspaper.

  5. Dear Guru,

    Unfortunately I am searching for such sadhaka too for one of my close friend and in the process I knew many such victims. I have seen how the black magic victims suffer in the hands of these evil spirits and sometimes, the people around the victims also take undue advantage of the situation. They are more dangerous because they destroy the victims in disguise.

    You are from Mumbai so check this link which I found on this forum and if you find the location, please provide to other victims.


    If hindustani is 100% sure about the Rudralsha, he should clearly inform the place where to find that specific real Rudrakshas including approx. price etc. instead of giving an example to create the importance of rudraksha. Rudrakshas are available all over the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> but all are not real or not specifically required to break the spells.

  6. I wonder how these evil minded tantriks get such siddhis of life-destruction so easily whereas the victims does not get the help at all but need to keep on trying the mantras. So many black magic victims are seeking help on this forum itself but nobody could get the help. Surprisingly, tantriks give advertisement in newspapers boosting about their siddhis to harm others but never help the victims following the rules brotherhood (tantriks). Their business would not flourish if they help the victims.

    If few tantriks can cast such spells, there has to be other good tantriks who can break the spells to maintain the balance in the system. But in today's world, we hardly see such thing happening. All the bad tantriks are getting stronger by supporting each other. The victims can not even form a group to get support of each other. There is no organization/NGO/Law to combat such issues. On the contrary if the victim tries to complain, the people never take him seriously.

    There are also some good sadhakas who does not take money for curing the black magic but are often publicity-hungry. They try to create the impression on the victims about their generosity but fails to break the spell. What the victim needed the most is to get out of black magic at any cost and follow the every single advise given to him in distress.

  7. Dear Appolonius,

    People who do black magic on others, often take all the precautions for their safety so it does not allow the victim to get out it in any way. The mantras/sadhana as suggested by others which can be useful in initial stages of black magic but once it overpowers the victim, his efforts becomes futile. I know many cases where the victims does not get a chance for help. Normally, those who resort to black magic are extremely cruel and blind with the maya. Even if you get the support from the public against them, there is no proof for such evil acts to book them under the law of land. On the contrary, these cruel people can add something more because they do track the activities of victims. Sometimes, the blood boils when we see those evil minded people prospering even after doing all kind of evil things but it is only for a short period due to their past good karmas. Ultimately, they have to face the consequences of their evil acts.

    I suggest you to wait for an opportunity that comes your way for stopping this evil act. This type of black magic can be stopped only by a person fully experienced and knowledgeable in this area. But in the meantime, do join some yoga/satsang group nearby your home for meditation which will help you to follow a spiritual path and realize God. It is like after knowing the sun, we lose interest in power of a candle. Yes, it is difficult under the given circumstances, but still if you can do it, it will be a great achievement. Thinking positively, when a person suffers more, he gets more intense in his prayer/meditation which matters in the domain of god.

  8. While trying to find out the answer of any ‘Ati prashna’, we end up reaching to the origin like ‘why God created man’.

    Life is boring unless we progress in the your spiritual path. You won’t find peace in the material happiness since day and night are equal on the earth. Unhappiness will follow the happiness very shortly. Different people live on different levels and sometimes, does not even know why they become unhappy. Those who know the reason tries to get rid of it or try to control it to the minimum but get trapped again in the vicious circle of maya.

    To add the fuel to the fire of confusion, there are many schools of philosophies having different teachings. Like in some Rajyoga schools, there is no moksha and one has to take birth after births. It is also believed that everything is predetermined and there is no free-will etc.

    So again we are forced to think ‘what is the point’ or ‘why god created man’. Our faith gets shattered if we do not progress in our spiritual path which again is received by the mercy of the Lord. Answers of some questions are meant only to be experienced granted by the Lord and can not be expressed in relative words.

  9. I have visited nadi astrologer 2 years back and I experienced it to be all false. The information they gather by asking questions is sufficient to know the name or date of birth etc. From that thet make a general horoscope and from horoscope, they give the predictions.


    During the questions, they gather all kind of information in such a way that they are searching the correct leave but they are collecting all the affirmative information. If any reading from leaves is not true, then they will say that this is not your leave and move on to other leaves. In the mean time, they remembers all the affirmative infomation which is considered as a base for the prediction. That means what information you provide them, is only repeated by them.



    well , killing for defence dosent amount to sin. but karmic laws are extremely complex and hardly comprehensible by human minds. for ex-- if you anticipate that mr A is going to murder you and thus kill him before hand it would certainly amount to a sin. theory of defence would not be applicable.but if you kill mr A when he is about to strike you you are saved from sin.




    It is very true that karmic laws are very complex to understand with our limits. They also function on mental levels. There are many cases where we just waste time to understand. The intention of the doer at that particular action is more important. For example, mercy killing, or self defence, does justify the action but only if there is no other option but still reaction will take place.


    Because we can not measure the bad or good actions, we are unable to comprehend them. When a justice order death or lesser punishment to a killer, he is subject to karmic reaction too. At the same time, the killer's bad actions (sin of killing) were also accounted for. Otherwise, the killer will be punished twice.

  11. The easiest way to experience the kundalini is by sahaj yoga. You can join sahaj yoga nearby your residence, it's free. Within 2 days you can experience the energy flowing over your body and the feel the connection, for sure. It's the initial awareness and later by practice more awareness can be gained. What is read about kundailini's wild experience is not completely true. Here, the all the obstables of the chakras gets cleanse before so there is no painful experience. Nothing wrong in experiencing what it is.

  12. Knower of Bhagvad Gita knows it all ... yet, whatever is contained in Bhagvad Gita is not easily explainable as our senses are not competent to comprehend the absolute truth. Our senses are limited by the mind power and the mind power itself has limitations and as the Cosmic mind itself is controlled by Almighty Creator ... it is beyond the power of the mind to grasp or comprehend the Essence contained in Bhagvad Gita.

    It is true that everything is predestined and pre-planned by the Lord; and only in accordance with the holy writ, everything takes place. God has given free will also to the individual to do right or wrong, to discriminate between the Preyo Marga and the Sreyo Marga. If one is endowed with true wisdom as to the fleeting and painful nature of the worldly enjoyments, one can exert oneself in the right direction to do or undo his Prarabdha, the portion of Karmas ripened for actual experience in this current birth. Without the Lord’s special grace, none can make or mar himself. Even for realization, the Lord’s grace is necessary. Whether it be failure or success in any undertaken work, it is but the effect of the Lord’s grace and will alone.

    Aspiration on the mundane side is but an expression of egoism that bursts forth in every moment of man’s life through actions, thoughts and speech. Unless it is, as already stated, willed by the Lord, nothing mundane or spiritual is possible of attainment by any human being on earth. God actually helps those that help themselves, provided that the thing aspired for is in strict conformity with the injunctions of the holy writ. From the cradle to the grave, from birth till death, from the moment of awareness to that of eternal rest, the guiding factor of man should be self-effort, self-effort, self-effort and self-effort alone, based on surrender, without minding the results.


  13. I am refereeing to the message No.170 of Justin and I agree with his views.

    In the physical realm of the World, it may sometimes appear that we are following the correct path but inherently we may be wrong. The word ‘infinite’ is not the correct for the word ‘purna’ or ‘entire’. Infinite word is used for counting purposes to understand the number. It can be used to give imaginary picture but it is confusion in itself since it is a countless number with limited calculating mind.

    Secondly, what is infinite for an ant may not be infinite for an advanced man. You need not count to know/compare the complete greatness. An ant can not count the number of stones of difference sizes and shapes in a building but a man can if he wishes but it is a waste of time, rather he will refer it as a complete building which he created. Similarly, what is infinite for a man may not be infinite for superior divine entities in entire universe. Universal consciousness cannot be imagined/measured but it has to be experienced.


    And there is a contradiction right there. If everything is predestined, how can the individual choose between right and wrong?

    You cannot have both…pick one.



    When it is said that everything is predestined and pre-planned, it means the original the concept and the intention of Isvara in creating this universe, is predestined including the doctrine of karma but on individual platform, everybody is subject to his karmic actions. Eventually, the fate due to one’s own actions becomes predestined too. In the wider sense, whether an ant goes left or right does not matter, as long as it is successful in its work but it may take more time.

  15. It is true that everything is predestined and pre-planned by the Lord; and only in accordance with the holy writ, everything takes place. God has given free will also to the individual to do right or wrong, to discriminate between the Preyo Marga and the Sreyo Marga. If one is endowed with true wisdom as to the fleeting and painful nature of the worldly enjoyments, one can exert oneself in the right direction to do or undo his Prarabdha, the portion of Karmas ripened for actual experience in this current birth.


    The whole universe is determined by Isvara’s creative Will. But this is no determinism in the sense of a denial of free will to man. Man has a comparatively clear consciousness of himself and of others related to him outside, and he is possessed of the power of discrimination and willing. Isvara is the basis of cosmic activity as well as individual action, and yet, He is not involved in the actions of the individual. To Isvara, everything is determined. The past, the present and the future are all Isvara’s Being alone. But from the individual’s own limited standpoint, there is, in spite of the fact of a changeless universal law, a sort of apparent freedom of action imposed upon himself by his own individuality. Though the individual’s freedom of thought and action is not the final truth about it, it assumes a relative importance and begins to affect the individual with its reactions, as a result of the individual’s notion of the reality of a limited personality and its thoughts and actions. On account of this self-created bondage the Jiva suffers and this suffering comes to an end the moment the Jiva realizes its identity with Isvara in consciousness, in activity and in its very existence itself.

  16. Dear Ravikishore,

    Today, you will find more women than men, approaching black magicians to get (back) their love by any means (vashikaran). Needless to say, one should not indulge in black magic to harm others blindly without even knowing its consequences. It is duty of every human being to point out the mistake of others to help him stop from suffering.

    What if a dark skinned ugly girl wish to marry you and resort to black magic, which you are trying right now. Will you be happy, if she is successful ? It seems you are a very selfish man who is not fit to achieve moksha, instead you may find yourself trapped in the vicious circles of your sins. God forbid, these tantriks are capable of taking undue advantage of the situation (all that you provided).

    Flowing water with force without borders of limitation, can cause destruction. By using black magic etc., you cannot be able to live a happy married life. Instead, you need to adopt fair means of approaching her directly/indirectly and express your feelings. If you are already rejected, then it is not correct that you resort to evil tricks. "One should not adopt a foul means to achieve a desired end, however covetable that end may be". We cannot force others to believe adharma, they have to understand themselves. What is sin for others may not be sin for you today until you taste the consequence.

    The house becomes a hell when there is no religious unity between husband and wife. If the husband is religious, the irreligious wife does not allow him to study religious books, to sit in meditation, to visit holy places of pilgrimage, to practise Brahmacharya and to have Satsanga with great souls. There can be always quarrels in the house between husband and wife. The husband can be no peace of mind even though he earns a decent sum and has got all the earthly comforts. It is better to dwell in the midst of Asuric women like Tataka in the forest than to remain in the company of such horrible women who disturb the peace of the house.


    Some have taken Sannyasa on account of the bad behaviour of their wives and their hindrance to Yogic practices at home. If they allowed their husbands to continue their practices and helped them, they would have remained in the Grihastha Ashram.


    It is important to regard married life in its correct perspective and recognize its sanctity, spirituality and divinity. This is the way to joy, peace and blessedness. This is the secret of spiritualising all your activities and living Yoga in daily life. Thus the home-life will become the gateway to immortality, spiritual perfection and divine realisation. Verily, Grihasthashrama, when it is rightly understood and nobly lived, becomes the great portal to eternal blessedness and liberation.

  17. It can be a genuine black magic problem but your story creates the doubt. Why you did not give examples of black magic you are experiencing to clear the doubt rather than telling tv/film/media examples. If you go to any Aghori and tell him which mantra you are chanting, he will obviously advise you to pray his deity.


    Again, there is wrong perception that doctor based on his experience can figure out everything based on whatever little you say. He will ask/check more to know exactly what happened.


    No point in closing the door to any possibility because in black magic many other things also take place which you did not disclose.

  18. Dear Dhruva,


    Your problem can be genuine but something is missing here. You mentioned only 10% of your problems but you did not give concrete examples other than sleep disorders. Instead, you gave irrelevant examples to force others to think whether it is a mental problem. Your point was to prove that black magic/aghoris exists. You are not giving some other description clarifying that your sister is suffering from black magic. The black magic does not do only sleep disorders but many others things. If remaining 90% of the problem belongs to only sleeps/dreams, then there are more possibilty that it is a histeria.


    Aghoris does not live in one place but keep on moving. There are many (including myself) who are searching aghoris for their own problems. If you really know any aghori, you should provide.


    Sometimes, wild imaginations and beliefs put man in trouble in life. If it is histeria, you as a brother wasting her time becuase histeria is curable.

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