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Posts posted by mooni


    i honestly tought bout it a very very long time before i decided to say 'hey not all ppl abuse its power she maybe devoted an will use it wisely'.

    i she most know the basics about doing sadhana so i decided to give her it.

    but i realize she doesnt know the basics which every hindu should know.


    secondly she says she fasts on sunday and do arti.

    my godchild is 9 yrs old and he is currently fasting for 9 days without salt and offering everyday

    108 lota of dhar,1080 jaap in havan and a next 1080 jaap using rudraksa mala

    he also sings hanuman chalisa everyday and he is only 9yrs old.


    i dont mean to hurt her i know she is goin through a tough time but please nah try and learn about ur culture just a little please.

    am sorry if i sound harsh but i jus dont sugar coat things sorry.



    Maybe he should become a sadhu then!

  2. Bhairo ji,


    im sorry but im a bit offended by ur last remark. U barely know me and yet u make false judgement on me? just because i have never done this type of "work" doesnt mean im nastic. to make things clear, i do aarti every sunday and fast sundays and tuesday for mataji, and no not because i want things but because i have faith therefore i dont need to learn about hinduism. Next time, please ask, dont jump to conclusions. Not very nice. By the way, i was asking you those questions because i wanted to get it right, not because i dont know about my religion.

  3. ok and whats next after i complete this 100,000 times? do i need to sit in any direction or in front of my mandir or it doesnt matter? any particular day to start? and whats the name of this type of mantra? and what if i dont or cant say some of the words right? sorry for all these questions but as u can see i really want ths to work. and another question, has this particular mantra worked for anyone else?

  4. its hard to stop feeling the way i do when all u ever think of is him and how things were great and all of sudden not sure whats going on with him in his head or whos doing this to him. and also when my grandmother is asking me why hasnt he came to visit her when she was here this week? and i have to lie and say he went out of town? i cant hurt my grandmother right now, shes old and has pretty bad high blood pressure and she already has so much worries in her life right now and i dont want her to stress about this also. i just want him to come back! i just hope all my effort and hard work doesnt go down the drain and mataji helps me to bring him back.

  5. Bhairo ji,


    Im seeking for a tantra or any sort of mantra to get back the one i love. he left me under someones saying. im not sure what has happened to him or if someone did anything to him because he was never like this. we were suppose to get married and he even bought a ring for me. could you please help in giving me a tantra or anything to lure him back? iv been trying every possible thing for the last 2 months and nothing is working.


    thank you for your time...

  6. hey ravikishore,


    im actually in the same boat as u are. Im actually keeping in touch with 2 spiritual guides who get "possessed" by mataji and answers your questiosn with solutions. I hate using that word but im sure u get my point. the guy i was suppose to marry called thing off twds the end of May. We were so great together but only when his sister wouldnt interfere in our lives. but anyways to make a long story short, his sister pretty much influenced or encouraged him that i wasnt the right person for him. and i have been terribly heart broken, u have no idea. so i then consulted the guide and informed him of my situation he said he will take care of everything and also told me to do a few things here at home and so i did, it has been almost 2 months now and nothing has changed. all i want is for him to come back to me. this guide really guaranteed that he will come back to me and call me but nothing has happened yet. so i now consulted another guide who also gets possessed by mataji, i contacted him like 6 days ago....and he also said things will get better and he will come back to me. so lets see what happens......all i can do at this point is pray day and night for him.


    dont worry your not alone. and i for one, dont feel guilty at all because i didnt do anything wrong! hes the one that left and hurt me after all those promises and meeting ALL of my family.

  7. namaste guruji's,

    i was dating the man whom i love so dearly for over a year now. he would always argue with me because i didnt tell my parents about him. we both talked about getting married and everything and just recently on may 25th he said he doesnt want to be with me anymore after i already told my parents about him and my parents telling all of my relatives about him. since that day i havent been myself. i have been very ill and depressed. i just feel like nothing is working for me. life just isnt the same anymore and i have been ignoring everyone because i dont feel like telling everyone of whats going on. can someone please help me out?

    my info

    d.o.b: july 13, 1983

    time: 7am

    place:borsad, india

    his info

    d.o.b:february 16, 1981

    time: not sure

    place: orlando, fl

    educational background: student ( biomedical engineer)

    family: father- owns business

    mother- works with father

    sister(older)- married

    brother(younger)- works with father and mother

    date of events?- what do u mean by this question? there has been a lot going on so im not sure. but if in case you are asking about this most recent event im seeking help for then that would be may 25th 2008.

    thank you;


  8. educational background: student ( biomedical engineer)

    family: father- owns business

    mother- works with father

    sister(older)- married

    brother(younger)- works with father and mother

    date of events?- what do u mean by this question? there has been a lot going on so im not sure. but if in case you are asking about this most recent event im seeking help for then that would be may 25th 2008.


    thank you;


  9. namaste guruji's,


    i was dating the man whom i love so dearly for over a year now. he would always argue with me because i didnt tell my parents about him. we both talked about getting married and everything and just recently on may 25th he said he doesnt want to be with me anymore after i already told my parents about him and my parents telling all of my relatives about him. since that day i havent been myself. i have been very ill and depressed. i just feel like nothing is working for me. life just isnt the same anymore and i have been ignoring everyone because i dont feel like telling everyone of whats going on. can someone please help me out?


    my name:monika patel

    d.o.b: july 13, 1983

    time: 7am

    place:borsad, india


    his name: saagar nayee

    d.o.b:february 16, 1981

    time: not sure

    place: orlando, fl

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