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Uner Mohan

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Everything posted by Uner Mohan

  1. Deepa jee, Thanks a lot. I will keep your advice in mind & also guide my daughter accordingly. We all (my whole family, my wife , son & daughter) will definitely follow your advice. In my one of earlier posts I wrongly mentioned that my daughter would complete her BBA in August 2009. She will complete her BBA (graduation) in August 2010 at 20th year of her age. Then may be she will do job for two years & then do MBA. This is her wish. I will always look forward to your advice. My warmest regards & best wishe to you & your family. ........ Uner Mohan
  2. Deepa jee, You said it very aptly. I really am worried about her, as I do not know I have a feeing that her chart is not good. She is sincere in her studies & really want to do a respectable job. My local astrologer told me that she will go abroad (may be for higher studies like MBA). I told him doing MBA abroad is expensive & how we will pay for it. Prompt came his reply that she will do it on own. These are the things I want to check with you. May God bless you and all your near & dear ones. My best wishes to you. Thanks & Regards.........Uner Mohan
  3. Deepa jee, Many many thanks for your kind & propmpt reply. May I request you to please consider that my following anxeities still remain unresponded. Please advise me on following: Will she go abroad for higher studies or job. Will she do job. I am asking you this as she wishes to go abroad, do MBA & / or get in to a job. She has inclination to go in to Human Resources Management. Presently, she is sicerely working on a project in HR in her summer vacation. Her college will open in August' 08 & she will go in to 2nd year. By August 2009 she will complete her BBA (Bachelor of Administration). By then she will be 19 years. It is too early for her marriage. Thanks & Best Regards......... Affectionately yours Uner Mohan
  4. Deepa jee, Thanks a lot. You have said that: Deepa jee : Her nakshatra lord ketu gives her a mindblowing Rajayoga. Can you please advise, what this Rajayoga is & what are/will be its benefits to her. Deepa jee : April 2009 shows strong chances of change in residence for the better. Her BBA will be completed in July' 2009. So there seems to be no chance in her change of residence by April 2009. Yes after July' 2009 (when she completes her BBA there can be a chance). Please advise that this yog continues up to when. Deepa said: Its a good chart and yes. it will be a marriage by her own choice, strong chances of foreign alliance, though marital life happiness will need remedial cover. Please advise what kind of this problem will be. Will this problem will be a temporary phase or will be for a very long time. How will be her relations with her husband. Please do respond. Thanks & Best Regards...........I remain your affectionately.....Uner
  5. Deepa jee, Thanks a lot. Losses at which age are expected. I don't think she will go for business or speculation. How come she will have losses. Will she be able to recoup the losses. Will she be going abroad for higher studies or job. Does she has yog to be rich. It is good you have told me about losses. I will now guide her to save for future. I am really grateful to you for responding to my anxeity. I appreciate for I have observed that you respond with confidence. Please enlighten me with your response. Thanks & Best Regards.............. Yours affectionately, Uner Mohan
  6. Respected Gurus, I keep worrying about my daughter's future prospects. Somehow, I have apprehensions that her horoscope is not good. Her birth details are as under: Place: Delhi 23rd January 1990. Time: 6.58 p.m. (in the evening) So far she has been above average in her studies. She has neither failed nor there was any break in her studies. She is in 2nd year of BBA (Bachelor of Business Adminsistration). She studyies well & determined to go abroad for higher studies/job. My local astrologer has told me she will get husband of her choice (can be a NRI), she will go abroad, will do job & will be rich. But somehow I keep worrying about her as her horoscope has 4 planets in house no. 6 & one in house no. 12 which I understand are not good houses. I request the respected GURUS to please guide me (i) Is my apprension correct? & (ii) Whether what my local astrologer has told me is correct? I shall be grateful if the GURUS study my daughter's horoscope & enlighten me about my worries. Please do respond. Thanks & Best Regards...........Uner Mohan
  7. Respected Gurus, I have seen deatail of one horoscope some where on this site. This is an interesed chart which has some dsimilarity with Lord Rama's horoscope. This has aroused my interest in this horoscope (I do not have any knowlede of astrology). Date of Birth: April 14, 1984 at 013.15 hrs.(01.15 p.m.) Place: Lucknow Cancer in Lagan house : Same as Lord Rama's Exalted Sun in 10th house: Same as Lord Rama's Exalter Retrograde Saturn in 4th house: Same as Lord Rama's Exalted Venus in 9th house: Same as Lord Rama's Mars & Jupitar in own house. Rahu in Labh sthana & in its friendly sign Ketu in 5th house & in its friendly sign. Moon in 3rd house & in its friendly sign Retrogarde Combust Mercury in 10th house & its friendly sign It will increase awarenes of the members who do not have much knowledge about astrology if the Gurus could analyse above chart as an example. Thanks & Best Regards...Uner Mohan
  8. Deepa jee & other respected Gurus, I have seen deatail of one horoscope some where on this site. This is an interesed chart which has noticeable similarity with Lord Rama's horoscope. This has arouse my interest in this horoscope. Date of Birth: April 14, 1984 at 13.15 hrs. (1.15 p.m.) Place: Lucknow Cancer in Lagan house : Same as Lord Rama's Exalted Sun in 10th house: Same as Lord Rama's Exalter Retrograde Saturn in 4th house: Same as Lord Rama's Exalted Venus in 9th house: Same as Lord Rama's Mars & Jupitar in own house. Rahu in Labh sthana & its friendly sign Ketu in 5th house & its friendly sign. Moon in 3rd house & its friendly sign Retrogarde Combust Mercury in 10th house & its friendly sign Lord Rama's horoscope also I saw on some sites that is why I could see the similarities. May be you & other Gurus like to spend some time on it & give your/their critical comments on this chart. Thanks & Best Regards...Uner Mohan
  9. Dear Prasad jee, Please do not be sorry. I could understand what ever you said was in good sense & not to hurt any one's feelings. Regards.......Uner. Respected Deepa jee, Kindly advise whether it is right that my Shukra MD will give me best period of my life. Thanks & Best Regards.........Uner
  10. Deepa jee, Thanks a lot..... As I understand my Guru is placed in 10th house which is a good placement. Although, it is retrogate. What kind of problem you are foreseeing during Guru period. I have been told my GURU is good and also that Shukra mahadasha will be good for me rather I was told by my local asrologer the running/remaining period (shukra maha dasha) will be best period of my life. Thanks & Best Regards.......Uner
  11. Deepa jee, My blessings will always be with you. You may be younger to me but have reached at a level higher than me (spritually). So I call your name with respect. I do not have any competitor. You are right after Mars antardasha Jupitar will come and more others will follow. Will my source of earnings continue during/after Mars antardasha. I wish to know till when my source of earnings will continue. Financially will I maintain same level or reach lower/higher level. You said I am already at a strong position in life. Please advise will it continue/maintained or progress. Thanks & Best regards...Uner
  12. Nikhil jee.....Thanks Deepa jee, Thanks a lot. My birth date/time/place, all are correct. You have said that there are no indications for downside financially or healthwise for a long time. Can you please give me some idea how long this time is in terms of years. You also said the time between September-December' 08 will be tricky. Can you please advise with respect to what it will be tricky. How my mars antardasha (after moon antardasha) would be? Thanks & Best regards to you Deepa jee. I really appreciate your sicerety & devotion to your profession. I pray to God that he may showers a lot of happiness on you. Thanks & Best Regards....Uner
  13. Thanks a lot Deepa jee, Can you please guide me about my anxiety for continuity of job & source of income. Till when it is expected to continue. Thanks & Best Regards..Uner
  14. Thanks Deepa jee. I must say you are doing a great service to the human kind in your own little way. Now to answer your questions: 1. How much financially dependent are you upon this job? (It may seem an illogical question but your chart shows you have had a great career and you are balanced enough to have accumulated good wealth) I do need to continue to have a regular source of income to maintain my present living standard (high middle class family level). However, I will not be on road if I loose my job. But I do want to know what is in store for me from now onwards. Like continuity of job & earnings/savings/investments/health. 2. Any health issues? None major. Only had high B.P. two years ago. Have been able to bring it to normal by changing my life style. Not taking any medicine. 3. Are you wearing any gemstones? None.
  15. Deepa jee, I notice you are on line. Kindly reply. Thanks & regards.....uner
  16. Gurus (Deepa ji, USR ji, Sasisekaran ji), I am working in a private company. In my Company retrenchment is going on. In my department also there are surplus people. I will be 56 years old in October' 08. I fear that I may also be retrenched. My birth detail are as below: Place of Birth: Delhi, India Date of Birth: 21st October, 1952 Time of Birth: 01:25 hrs ( after mid night of 20th October) I request that kindly advise me whether my employment will continue & will continue till when, how long I will continue to have source of Income. What will be my financial position in coming years. Please do responde. Thanks & Regards......Uner
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