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Chitransh K

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Posts posted by Chitransh K


    Chitransh ji,


    Lets be very strategic. One can achieve only through actions. Yes of course your chart shows you are active - it shows you can use your mind exceedingly well too. If a moon in cancer in 2nd in mercury's nakshatra cannot hold through this time, who can! Draw upon your strength.


    Wearing emerald and focussing upon hanuman chalisa should be the best bet. Hanuman Chalisa is hugely potent! As is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. The only force that is more potent is FAITH.


    Guru antardasha ends on 17 dec 2008. Shani antardasha HAS to bring about a major change. Shani is a mixed planet for you. Lord of 8th and 9th houses. Its the only graha that becomes strong in 7th house - the case in your horoscope. From 7th shani aspects its own 9th house of destiny. Thankfully, it means more dharma, JOB CHANGE, and LUCK for you. It may also mean a little ill health which means you need to be cautious with your back strain, legs, stomach disorders. Saturn is in sambandha with Venus which is exalted (the reason for you not being able to save) through nakshatra placement. Venus is in 10th house of profession. There is only delay. A phase to enable you to visit answers inside of you. Prosperity curses us with ignorance.


    The kind of agony one bears when being unable to fend for family can also be seen with a similar perspective. To each- his own. While attending a recent parenting counselling session from a renowned therapist - I was told my problem is that I cannot bear to see my child cry or stay unhappy. Whereas - each emotion is an experience that contributes to development. Whatever your family is going through at this juncture - is a great lesson for them as well.

    I have serious cases where a SUPERB childhood becomes basis for lifelong agony. Because "things are never what they used to be"!





    Deepa ji,


    Thanks for the guidence.

    I would resort to Hanuman Chalisa and Mahamrityunjaya Mantra as suggested by you. Unfortunately, my present financial condition doesn't permit me to wear emerald.


    Thanks for telling me about the change thats going to happen. I have

    already started waiting for it. Naturally... as 'khushiyan hamaare ghar ka raasta bhool gayee theen' :)


    Do you suggest I should do something regarding Saturn-Venus sambandha later when my situations start turning normal?


    Your words gave me a lot of consolation and confidence. There are many more things I would like to talk to you and other Gurus about and seek guidence. As of now I am just focussing on regaining the ground under my feet.


    I think God only gives you and other Gurus so much energy, strength and will to take up the cause of and look into the problems of so many distressed and desperate people.




    Chitransh K




    Often when one tries too many mantras, gemstones, etc. they are panicking. Their mind is not at peace and the extra "work" is only bringing them more agitation.


    You cannot be too eager for results otherwise who exactly is the master and who is the disciple? If you want instant gains when you chant a mantra aren't you asking God to be the slave?


    God is not like a genie lying in a lamp.


    Also, bad karmas come from things we have done in past lives or maybe even in this life time. Should we expect ALL to be forgiven just like that? Because we recite a mantra or put on a gemstone?


    These upayas are there to help ease things A BIT. They will not absolve you of your karmic responsibility.


    The most important attitude you can adopt when going through difficult times is to understand that on some level you deserve it.


    The worst feeling is when you think you are suffering through no fault of your own. Don't be fooled! There is no such thing.


    Keep doing the mantras but in a DISCIPLINED fashion. Not too much not too little.


    Thanks Pablo ji, that again is a wonderful piece of advice.


    I feel desperation sometimes leads to dependency. Your words made me rethink about the motive of my prayers. I would effort to shun any expections of material gains or absolution of my part of sufferings, if there are any somewhere at the back of my mind. Just that its unbearable at times to see your family suffer because of your inabilities of the moment. In Amrita Pritam's 'Trik Bhawanon Ki Gaatha', Pandit Krishan Ashant says we have born on earth to experience our share of sufferings of our Karma.


    Lack of knowledge makes me unsure about the actual discipline of reciting mantras, though I have tried my best to recite them in accordance with their respective Chakras. I still do not know what is too much.




    Chitransh K


    Chitransh ji


    saturn is in mercury's nakshatra and mars' navamsa, its 8th lord in rasi. Pls do not take the risk of trying neelam at all, given the conditions you are in.


    You will be experiencing some relief with ketu moving out of cancer, malefic jupiter in debilitation and jupiter antardasha ending soon.


    You should have seen an enormously wealthy and authoritative period. This is unfortunately a cruel dasha, the transits are no good.


    Hold on till year end.


    I have observed one thing though. In most cases where dire consequences motivate us towards excessive remedies, we are unable to experience the peace and strength from them - either because we expect encashment of the remedy done or because it becomes a pursuit of self-pity and emotional disappointment.


    Chitransh ji, please do only some remedies. It should contribute towards feeling centered within. You may try to meditate and speak to yourself, that all that you are going through is a result of your own past actions. The light shall come when this phase passes.


    Perform remedies with bhava. Expect no results. Feel strong with soul-development.


    This is easier said than done - i know - When times are tough only the one experiencing it knows what he is going through.


    Wish you peace..


    Best Wishes



    Deepa ji,


    Many a thanks for such a guidence. I also wish to appreciate your awesone insight behind prayers.


    I took some time before responding to your golden words to think where to stop. That is really important as you mentioned. But my lack of knowledge didn't help me come to a conclusion. I realised I was praying 'out of desperation'. But desperation for what? I need to tell you that whenever I pray, I do not wish for money or other material or practical gains. What I ask for is forgiveness of my bad deeds and inner strength to face the storm. I know you would understand it when I say that I feel drained out of my inner strength rather as if it has been sucked out with a syringe, ever since my 'unfavourable' period has started.


    So many Japas leave me kind of exhausted but I really do not know which ones to opt out.


    I have decided not to wear the stone for Saturn as you have advised. Would you be kind enough to tell me when Ketu moves out of Cancer and when will my Jupiter Antardasha come to an end?


    I wouldn't say I have seen an enormously wealthy period but life has been really comfortable financially for me in the past. Here I would like to mention that I have never been able to save even a bit. I request you to throw some light on that aspect of my life and horoscope.

    Redarding authoritative period... yes, I have been feeling confident and secure because of my skills and had been respected for my talent and being a perfectionist. Does my horoscope reflect something about me being a workoholic?


    May God give strength and knowledge to all and me.




    Chitransh K


    give your 100% to your efforts aparts from puja. ask from yourself that

    -have you given almost everything yo your efforts?

    -are you taking feedbacks where you applied for?

    -are you having confident upon yourself that if you dont get a job , then also you have the abilities to fill stomach of your family.

    Thanks Somy ji for your advice which possibly intends to indicate the need of a perfect balance in life between faith and performance.


    Try some self work frm small scale. may be service is not written in your bhagya.

    all the best.

    Maybe service is not in my bhagya - does it have an astrological reason behind it or you just posed a possibility?




    What is in store for me in immediate future?

    Please guide.


    What has been advised by Sri Rajshekharji and Srimati Bhandari is sufficient! Only one part is missing Chitranshji! and that is Faith !

    Jesus says "if you have FAITH of the size of a mole, and you ask a mountain to moov,IT WILL!

    Have faith in YOURSELF and in the remedies you are performing,or are being asked to perform.You will you will foot the diferrence in time easily!

    May God Bless You


    Thanks Naxshatra ji for your valuable piece of advice.

    I must tell you that I have complete faith and I am performing what I have been asked to, to my utmost capability. I firmly believe that it is my faith in Him and the gurus, that has helped me sail through the troubled waters and things are beginning to look up. : )

    My question was only intended to know when I would get a job so that I could plan my current period of stuggle accordingly. I am making all practical efforts too from my side, but I am sure you would agree with me that worldly wisedom at times gets faded in front of His will.


    Thanks and regards

    Chitransh K


    are you wearing gemstones chitransh ji? this situation needs attention.


    Not at the moment Deepa ji.

    I had been wearing a gold ring with Navratna (nine gems for nine planets studded in) which I had to pawn recently to meet the urgencies.


    I have been advised to wear Nili (substitute for Blue Sapphire) which I would try soon for.



    Chitransh K

  7. Please guide me regarding my immediate problem. I am jobless at the moment, with no money and laden with debts. Survival is getting difficult now.

    My birth particulars are

    DOB - April 07, 1960

    TOB - 12:03 PM (Noon)

    POB - Delhi Cantt


    I daily recite Gaayatri Mantra, Mahaamrityunjay Mantra, Shani Mantra 108 times and Hanumaan Chaalisa... and have started fasting on Tuesdays.

    I had been wearing a gold ring with Navagraha gems in the ring finger of right hand which I took out last week.


    No result in sight yet, though I am waiting patiently.

    What is in store for me in immediate future?

    Please guide.




    Chitransh K

  8. Deepa ji,


    You have said my wife's chart is extremely good one.

    With my interest in astrology and very little knowledge, when I tried to look into her chart, I saw 4 planets - Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn in her 4th house owned by Saturn.

    Isn't this conjunction creating a major conflict? Is this conjunction a cause for her not having her own house yet and sickness for a long time (with Jup in 6th house)?


    Please elighten.

    Also, please tell me how soon will I be able to change to a new job.


    Thanks and regards



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