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Everything posted by SPChela

  1. A brilliant article I read in this mornings Sampradaya Sun. SPChela A Slap on Srila Prabhupada's Face BY: GOVINDA DAS Jul 12, USA (SUN) — It does not take a Rocket Scientist to discern the intention of the GBC and BBT, etc. ISKCON's leadership is infected with individuals who have no faith in Srila Prabhupada. This is evident as ISKCON leadership acts as if Srila Prabhupada and his instructions are an anartha, something that is superfluous… that the present time is "Post Samadhi ISKCON" and they are in charge. After all these years we can only understand that this is an intentional plan to purposefully subvert the teaching of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada. For what they are doing is not just a few mistakes here and there, made by innocent devotees who are trying their best. This is a well thought out and orchestrated plan by subversives. The GBC stubbornly and adamantly refuse to listen to sastra in their decision making in favor of the Modernistic or Spiritual Terrorist in the guise of a devotee. The Modernistic devotees have changed everything that can be changed, so we now find ISKCON as a Corporation and not a Religious Vaisnava Society. A corporation is a ruthless and heartless organization meant for financial gain and not spiritual gain. These devotees have bankrupted their spiritual faith through committing offenses against Srila Prabhupada and now all they have left is mundane faith, which can only be placed on mundane policies and programs for monetary profit. The most insulting and offensive slap on Srila Prabhupada's face is the fact that these unscrupulous fiends think that we, after being trained by Srila Prabhupada, cannot see their insult to Srila Prabhupada in how blatantly and shamelessly they have changed his written words in his books. They think that the pure devotee cannot train a disciple to recognize a Vaisnava aparadha being committed against their guru! We all became devotees from reading his books and we never saw one single mistake, and many of us are scientists and professionals. These fiends have scoured over our Spiritual Master's books with terrible fault-finding attitudes and cunning intellects to try and find something that they think will discredit Srila Prabhupada. They say the opposite - that they are pure in their intentions, but we see their intention is only to look for what they believe are mistakes in a divinely inspired work -- something that they would never be able to write in thousands and millions of births. We see their dark hearts and impure intentions very clearly. "On the other hand, that literature which is full of descriptions of the transcendental glories of the name, fame, forms, pastimes, etc., of the unlimited Supreme Lord is a different creation, full of transcendental words directed toward bringing about a revolution in the impious lives of this world’s misdirected civilization. Such transcendental literatures, even though imperfectly composed, are heard, sung and accepted by purified men who are thoroughly honest. (SB 1.5.11)" We can see how offensive they are from this verse alone. These are the words of our beloved guru, Srila Prabhupada. The GBC, BBT, BBTI, Ministries, Committees and Departments are headed by devotees from the same devious and cunning background and intention. They have to date successfully hijacked Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON and turned it into their movement. We simply cannot let this group of individuals continue to hijack our Movement and hold the absolute truth in the form of Srila Prabhupada as hostage. The next nail in the ISKCON coffin will be if they change the DOM. We cannot let them do this. If they do, then we all may as well eat meat. The DOM is Srila Prabhupada's will. The DOM is simple and clear. The GBC did not listen to Srila Prabhupada's will from day one. They changed it to their advantage from the beginning and Srila Prabhupada's DOM was just a bunch of papers in some drawer somewhere. Now if we don't stop them, we will give them the permission to change Srila Prabhupada's will. We have let them change Srila Prabhupada's : philosophy in the ontology of the jiva / written word / qualification of guru / education and protection of our children / protection of our women / divine society into a bureaucracy / de-emphasize varnasrama and emphasize city based development, etc. When will this stop? None of them are fit to be leaders in our Movement. They insult not only our intelligence and dedication but also insult and demean Srila Prabhupada. If we let them get away with this then we are just as guilty. For them it is too late. They have committed the most serious crime in the material existence and not even Krishna will forgive them for the sin of Vaisnava Aparadha. But if we keep on aiding them like we have all these years, then we will also suffer the same fate. May Lord Krishna give us the strength to rid ourselves of the shackles of this Evil Empire that has risen in the midst of such a glorious and beautiful Movement.
  2. Evolution of words is an interesting subject. The words of any language convey meaning. The totality of words can be arranged in many different sequences in order to describe both subjective and objective reality. One accepts or rejects a particular arrangement of words according to ones desires, sentiments, interests, inclinations and intelligence. A follower of say Srila Prabhupada does not negate learning from both internal and external sources, rather they embrace learning from all sources of information. However, they accept and reject information according to the principals that are laid down by Srila Prabhupada. They 'see' through the eyes of sastra as given by Srila Prabhupada. They accept Srila Prabhupada as their authority. This is their individual choice. Others choose other arrangements of words from other authorities and still others accept the authority of their own mind and accept or reject according to their individual opinion. There is no value judgment, just different paths that individuals choose to follow in their lives. We are all seekers of the truth in one way or another, either absolute or relative.
  3. What is freedom and who is really free? After reading the thread Prabhupada's Way or the Highway I was rather bewildered by the multitude of paths that the responses followed. I thought the original letter was very clear and easy to understand yet by the end of the threads it became so far off the beaten path that it was rather hilarious. Are these the symptoms of a free mind? This is exactly why we need to follow. The reason why we are in this material world is due to wanting to enjoy separately from Krsna. Now here we are in these material bodies and most of us are still wanting to have it our own way. We still want to be in control. The other day I was playing a computer game that my son had on his computer and I quickly realized that I needed his help. I also found that I was limited as to what options I had, to change the games settings in urder to meet my own needs and desires other than what the original programmer had programmed into the game. My mind and intelligence, no matter how much I wanted to, was not able to make these changes. I soon realized that if I wanted to win the game I had to follow the programmers instructions and of course my sons. This is the same for everything else in life. We have to follow rules and regulations of some external entity. Of course we can choose not to and choose instead to follow our own minds, but as soon as we transgress the laws of another living entity we are held accountable. So we are not really free in a material sense. Nor are we free in a spiritual sense. We have to someday follow someone who knows the truth, someone who has won... Freedom is not a case of modernist or traditionalist points of view, it is the simple truth that is above our material considerations and sensibilities. Freedom does not mean change. It means choice. We either choose to follow a Spiritual leader such as Srila Prabhupada or we follow our own mind. It is not a matter of 'mix and match' instructions and laws to suit our needs, desires or believed right. That is why we are in these bodies in the first place. In the case of me playing the computer game... After I followed the instructions of my son I won the game. Of course I could have taken more time and done it my self, but, every step I made would had to have been a step that was programmed by the programmer, in order to win, so there was no way I could get out of that! Following my sons advice and guidance only made it easier and quicker. The choice was mine and I made it freely, for I wanted to win the game. Why fight it? Why struggle and get frustrated with the game? In the game of life we can't log onto the Internet and dl some 'cheats' either. If we are serious about our spiritual life and wanting an end to our material existence and be with Krsna, then we must surrender our hearts, mind and soul to the pure devotee. There is no other way. If I was to say that there was a way where we could change things to meet our needs as well, I would only be cheating you. But really the choice is ours how fast or slow we want to get back to Godhead. So I, with all my weaknesses and faults and with my heart and soul - freely choose Srila Prabhupada's way.
  4. I have given this much thought and research... Kali, in my opinion understands it is only in India that his identity and activities are to be known. To the Westerner he remaims relatively unknown. Some say he is the devil, some say he is modern progress. Yet we have the knowledge to reveal him, his past present and future. In the Kalki purana he, his family and friends are clearly identified. Srila Prabhupada further explains his activities and modus operandi. We may not know exactly who he is but we know his activities. He is not an idea or nameless fear. He exists in human form and he acts in places of power, influence and money. Of course the full glory and potency of India will be covered over. The media in all its forms is a very powerful tool of nescience. In the British times in India the Indologists fought and succeeded to have the antiquity of our monothestic tradition supressed. The BBC which is staffed by so many Indians yet the real picture of India is always obscured. It is editorial policy that is painting this picture. The same picture is painted by most forms of media, so the BBC is not alone. Vedic India has so many lessons for the west to learn from. Yet they only point out heavily biased and misinformed social issues. Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada
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