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Posts posted by debabrata

  1. Namaskar All Astro Gurus!


    I'm asking this query on behalf of one of my colleagues. His wife had conceived some 4 months ago, but couple of months back some complications arised. Now he's very much upset and concerned about the delivery (whether it'd give the normal birth of child, or will his kid be fine, would there be any danger to the life of his wife during delvery etc.) So I'd request all you learned people to spare a few minutes on her birth chart and let us know whether there is any threat to the life of the child and/or the mother.


    Her birth details -


    DATE OF BIRTH: 28/11/1983

    BIRTH TIME : 7.05PM






    His birth details -


    DATE OF BIRTH : 13/08/1974

    BIRTH TIME : 12.15PM






    Many Thanks!



  2. Deepa'ji -


    Are you suggesting her to worship Lord Shiva on only 9th of July or would it be fruitful if it's done on a regular basis and if it's so, then on which tithi or day in week she should worship? Please clarify.


    Also as far as I know, there is no nataraj shiva temple near her place, would it be fruitful if she worship Shiva Linga?




    On 9th July, you may ask the lady to worship Lord Shiva (in his nataraj avtara) in the early morning hours. I am sure there is a good Shiva temple near her place. It will be fruitful to go to the temple tomorrow i.e. Monday and enquire from the priest - the best vidhi to worship the Lord.


    If the lady can afford it, then a Mahamrityunjaya Homam done on 8th or 9th July will do her a world of good in both health and money matters.


    Things are likely to get better only after October 2009.


    Is there any logical reason for excessive fear of untimely/unnatural death? I would like to know why she thinks that way? Have you consulted a doctor?


    Lets ascertain whether this is a natural, temporary phase triggered by external depressing circumstances, or is there any malefic influence causing her so much agony. How is the relationship with her husband?

  3. Deepa'ji,


    Actually her father died of an accident, her aunt (father's brother's wife) also got drowned in water, also there are some other instances, that's why she thinks in that way.


    Yes she consulted with a psychiatrist and he said that too much of emotion had caused this fear. As per the doctor, she's so much emotional that she might commit suicide if such situation arises. This fear is purely an outcome of a distressed mind.


    By the way did you see any chances of accidents in her life? In the first part of 2002 [Ketu dasa], she had an accident (fell down from upstairs) and got injured heavily on her waist/upper part of left leg.


    She's not yet married but is having a good loving relation since last year mid; This is the only source that soothes all her pains and inspires her.




    On 9th July, you may ask the lady to worship Lord Shiva (in his nataraj avtara) in the early morning hours. I am sure there is a good Shiva temple near her place. It will be fruitful to go to the temple tomorrow i.e. Monday and enquire from the priest - the best vidhi to worship the Lord.


    If the lady can afford it, then a Mahamrityunjaya Homam done on 8th or 9th July will do her a world of good in both health and money matters.


    Things are likely to get better only after October 2009.


    Is there any logical reason for excessive fear of untimely/unnatural death? I would like to know why she thinks that way? Have you consulted a doctor?


    Lets ascertain whether this is a natural, temporary phase triggered by external depressing circumstances, or is there any malefic influence causing her so much agony. How is the relationship with her husband?

  4. Deepa'ji -


    It's true that her education was not smooth. She had to change her schools as her father got relocated. She also couldn't complete her Masters after her father's death.


    She is anemic and has neuro disorder too. She also suffers from gout problem in lower limbs/legs.


    Ketu dasa from sept 2001 to oct 2002, wasn't remarkable except for the fact that she performed poorly in her part two exam of bachelors degree. Around 1998, her family was going thru a financial crisis and it was just a continuation of that during this period.





    Dear Chinu,

    Thanks for your concern:) I have been out on short trips and was tired. Now better.


    Dear Debabrata,


    There are no indications of widowhood. The lady is a deeply family oriented person and there are problems in that aspect because Rahu blocks significanceof 5th house. I suppose there have been breaks in her education too?


    In my opinion, the chart indicates health problems (BP, sugar, neuro-disorders) that will stop her from fulfilling the role of a housewife the way she would like to.


    Chandra antardasha should have been good, but since chandra and shukra are in bad relationship in the chart, she feels the agony of a troubled mind along with - as you rightly mentioned - the shani saadesatti.


    I would like to know if I am on the right track before I suggest any remedy. I would specially like to know what happened during end of ketu dasha - esp sep 2001-Oct 2002.


    Back ache/ slip disk etc is also a possibility.


    Best wishes


  5. Respected Deepa'ji -


    This is regarding the birth chart of one of my relatives.


    Currently she's running thru deep mental stress and turmoil (effect of saade saati), in her personal as well as professional life.


    Her father died of an accident on 14-MAY-2005. She had a tough time since end of 2004 till date. Please help in finding out how long this phase would continue and whether there is any remedy to get out of it.


    Please also explain

    1. her marriage and marital life (including the chances of separation from husband and widowhood if any) and

    2. her longevity (including any serius illness,accidents,chances of unnatural death etc.)


    As her father died of an accident, she always thinks that she would loose all her near and dear ones, and she also might get an unnatural death.


    Her birth details are -


    Name: Ms. Saha

    Date of birth: 08-DEC-1979

    Time of birth: 13:55hrs IST

    Place of birth: Kolkata, West Bengal, India



    Please help!



  6. Thanks for spending time on my chart!

    Regarding your comments -


    1. Good married life, are you two very good looking?

    Well you can say so; I'm 6', fair, well-built and she's 5'3'', fair and slim. atleast we're not "bad looking" ;)


    2. You will always keep changing jobs/profession as you are excessively ambitious. The changes may not always be good, so be careful.

    It's true that I'm very much ambitious, but haven't made many changes in my career so far. Do you think I'd get success if I start my own business - if yes, then in which field/what kind of business?

    I'd request you to check my fiancee's chart as well, as now-a-days she's very much upset about her career.

    Thanks again!

  7. death of father: 14-APR-1997

    death of mother: 14-JUL-2004


    date of marriage: 21-NOV-1996


    date when kid (son) was born: 06-SEP-1997


    date of change in career if any: not really, initially planned to study medical sciences (MBBS), but didn't succeed in the entrance exam, so joined into management course and started business thereafter; approx year 1980-81.

  8. As per my little understanding of astrology, I think people with Tauras, Gemini, Virgo and Libra ascendants should avoid wearing a coral unless Mars is posited in its own signs i.e. any of the below houses from ascendants - 6th/11th (for Tau), 7th/12th (for Gem), 3rd/8th (for Vir) and 2nd/7th (for Lib) during the Mahadasha of Mars.


    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  9. Deepa'ji -


    Talking about my uncle, he is a simple person by nature, and very much down-to-earth. He was a very good student. He preferred to have his own business rather than working for others. That's why he started his pharma business, but didn't get enough success out of it. He got married in Dec'96, and his father died in Apr'97. He had a road accident in the same year (1997) before the birth of his son. In his childhood, he suffered from pyorrhea.


    He's very much religious by nature. He does worship of Mata Kaali everyday before starting his work.


    Hope this information helps!




  10. Hello all -


    This is a query regarding my uncle's birth chart.


    Here are his birth details -


    Date of birth: 9-FEB-1962

    Time of birth: 13:30:00

    Place: RANAGHAT, W.B. [Latitude: 23:11:N Longitude: 88:35:E]


    He's having his own business in pharmaceuticals. But for last one year or so he's facing losses in that. His money also got trapped in stock market. As a result, he earned several health problems. My Aunt is also suffering from several diseases.

    Please suggest how long he has to go thru such dark phase of life.:confused:

    And if he changes his business, which sector/field he should opt for?


    Thanking you in advance!




  11. Namaste -


    This is a query regarding my uncle's birth chart.


    Here are his birth details -


    Date of birth: 9-FEB-1962

    Time of birth: 13:30:00

    Place: RANAGHAT, W.B. [Latitude: 23:11:N Longitude: 88:35:E]


    He's having his own business in pharmaceuticals. But for last one year or so he's facing losses in that. His money also got trapped in stock market. As a result, he earned several health problems. My Aunt is also suffering from several diseases. Please suggest how long he has to go thru such dark phase of life.:confused:


    Thanking you in advance!




  12. Respected Deepa'ji & USR'ji-


    I'm Debabrata, a software professional. I'm a new member to this community and I liked the way you're helping out all of us. I really appreciate it.


    My query is regarding me and my fiancee's career and married life. Here are our birth details -


    My birth details :

    DOB: 21-NOV-1980

    TOB: 04:57 a.m. IST

    POB: Kolkata

    My fiancee's birth details:

    DOB: 08-DEC-1980

    TOB: 01:55 p.m. IST

    POB: Kolkata

    My queries are -

    Firstly, how would our married life go? Will it be a happy and peaceful marriage?


    And secondly, how would our career grow?


    As I told earlier, currently I'm in software industry and I'm willing to start a business of my own. Please suggest whether I'd be successful in that and if yes, then which industry would be most suitable for me? Also please mention the correct time to start it.


    My fiancee is doing her job along with part-time MBA [in Human Resource management], but she's not happy with the way she's progressing as far as career/promotion is concerned. Please let us know by when she'd get success in her work and get the establishment.


    Please let me know if you need any other information.


    Awaiting your reply!!!


    Many Thanks in advance!!!




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