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Posts posted by jeffster

  1. To call Islam a "religion of peace" is the Big Lie. Other than a few peaceful Sufis, who were heavily influenced by Hinduism, it is an avowed religion of war, per their own Koranic references. The jihadist killer of the infidel is their hero. This type of rhetoric is a propaganda tool. And as we know from the Nazis, the bigger the lie, the more readily it is believed by the ignorant who are willing to go along with the program to save their own hides, and also to reap mundane benefit. No wonder some call it Islamo-Facism.



  2. Hello Love-alliance,

    Please read jinglebells posts in the Nehru thread. Then judge for yourself if it is curiousity or far worse.


    What are you jinglebells ? You are Indian, by your own admission. If you are a theist, reveal your practice. Although I could be wrong, it seems pretty transparent that you must be a Muslim, since you people hate the murtis with such vehemence. How many murtis and temples you have already destroyed over the centuries. How many innocent practitioners of sanatana-dharma you have ruthlessly killed. Our tolerance can go only so far, before you provoke our severe reaction to your ignorance !! And when it comes, it will be well-deserved !!



  3. Look at jinglebell's posts in "Nehru's view on temples" here:




    Ask yourself if he can even ask a sincere question or just attempt to spew poison. Prabhupad said Nehru took birth as a dog in Sweden. Therefore, anyone extolling Nehru must have a dog's (or lower) mentality. Don't give him any response, he is nearly wholly insincere.



  4. Jinglebells admits he is an Indian in the thread "Pakistan Nuclear Weapons in Danger of Falling into the Hands of Taliban." From his vitriolic poisonous comments here and his claim that the Taliban are freedom fighters, I can only conclude that he is actually an Indian Muslim propagandist straining to discredit deity worship. Of course a demon like he is easily defeated, and HAS been defeated by many of you here, yet he is too unintelligent to recognize it. Kaiserose is a well known atheist on this forum who is too dull to understand the difference between mundane sound and shabda brahman.



  5. Here is today's news on the issue:




    Although Pakistan claims to have killed 200 Taliban, they cannot document it. The Taliban can quite easily flee back into the mountains or blend in with the civilian population when the going gets too rough for them.



  6. We would all hope, of course, for a quick resolution of this conflict, yet it will likely go on for a long time, much longer than it takes politically correct so-called "liberals," or "progressives," to shoot themselves in the foot, as they are so fond of doing. This conflict is truly unfortunate, but characteristic of Kali yuga.


    Some more news here: As usual, the non-combatants suffer the most.





  7. I came to K.C. after studying Meher Baba, another so-called "god-man." Somehow, it just didn't seem right that God would just be some middle-aged guy. After that, I discovered Krishna Book in the library, and through Prabhupad's sublime exposition of Krishna consciousness, and his clever placing of the philosophy within the story line of Krishna lila, I became convinced of the viability of the Krishna conception of divinity.


  8. Unfortunately, Kali yuga is an age in which there is only Evil and Greater Evil. Because no government heads are guided by Dharma, their policies only bring increased suffering. Having said that, we should be able to quite readily and clearly discern which parties are which, as evidenced by their activities. Furthermore, we have a right to defend ourselves from those who openly avow to destroy us. Whether that gives us a right to pre-emptive strikes is an issue that I have not yet fully resolved. If we get lucky, demons will destroy each other, yet because we are not so pious, we may likely get some direct heat from this ongoing conflict. No sane man wants to see others suffer, yet the Taliban time after time stop at nothing to further their own skewed aims. They should be openly and actively be opposed by all.


    The following link shows the plight of the refugees that this situation is already creating:





  9. This thread is meant to bring to your attention the continuing saga of the rise in power of the Taliban within Pakistan and the very real threat they pose to Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. Should the Taliban acquire these weapons, they would undoubtedly attempt to destroy India, prompting World War III, likely ruining your whole day. You are likely seeing history in the making here. I am attempting to deal just with the facts here, with as little commentary as possible. Regardless of your political persuasion, what is depicted in the following link to the N.Y. Times article is actually happening, not just conspiracy theory.





  10. Hello Primate,

    Yes, we agree. I would also add that the Greek philosopher Xeno declared that the spiritual realms were more solid and substantial than the material realms, which are insubstantial, due to their temporary and changeable nature.

    I hope this doesn't upset Empy, though, as this is slightly off-topic. Jes' sayin'...



  11. Hello all,

    I'll try to keep this simple. What I was saying was simply this:

    1.) Material science, by its very nature, does not extend to the plane of spirit.

    2.) Nothing wrong with being comfortable, if one is also K.C.

    3.) Modern science has given us many material comforts. In general, modern man has taken the goal of bodily comfort to be the goal of life in and of itself. Therefore modern amenities simply serve to entangle modern men in the illusion that they are this body. Therefore, modern amenities serve only as a distraction for the bulk of humanity.

    4.) Even devotees can become bewildered by the apparent opulence of modern civilization (civilisation) and must guard against it.


    Primate, although your arguments are intelligent, I find your premise flawed.

    In post # 37, you say that "spiritual Vedic knowledge can't be verified directly and must simply be accepted." I'm not sure which verse I am referring to, and I will try to find it (Can someone help with this verse?) but to paraphrase, it states to the effect that the soul can be known through "direct perception of the self through realization (realisation)." Direct perception of the self through realization is NOT theoretical, it is verifiable.

    Additionally, spiritual Vedic knowledge is verified by testimony of shastra, written by sages who have directly seen the truth, Krishna; by qualified gurus, uttama-adhikaris, who have directly seen the truth, Krishna; and by sadhus, some of whom have directly seen the truth, Krishna.


    Actually, it is so-called scientific knowledge which is inconclusive, since scientists often change their conclusions when new evidence is presented. This proves that their knowledge is only partial, incomplete and relative.


    From Primate's post # 37: " I agree that we will never be able to scientifically prove the existence of God. However, we may find compelling verifiable evidence that backs up Vedic spiritual knowledge as well as the claims of God realized individuals." Yes, this would be good if science would corroborate the truths that have been known to the sages for aeons.




  12. Hi Melvin,

    I acknowledge that Krishna is the intelligence in man, and that modern scientific man has made wondrous things such as aircraft that fly in the sky, something that only yogis of previous eras could have done. All I am suggesting is that all these things should be used in Krishna's service; otherwise they are simply distractions for distracted people in a distracted world.

    Regards, jeffster/AMd

  13. All energies, be they spiritual or material, are emanations from Krishna, (Sri Isopanisad, invocation verse) differing only in their excellence. Material knowledge is different from spiritual knowledge because it pertains only to the gross material elements such as earth, water, fire, air and either or the various permutations of these, or to the subtle material elements such as mind, intelligence and false ego. That is where material knowledge ends, by natural limitation, but where spiritual knowledge begins. Philosophy can pertain to either material or spiritual topics, but real philosophy should concern the self, God and the relationship between the two.


    Prabhupad and Vaishnavas in general are certainly not against material science. However, science ultimately only pertains to relative value, not absolute value, and we are seeking absolute value (spiritual, eternal value) and finding it in the Absolute Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna. However, it was Prabhupad's idea to have the lame man (India), poor in material advancement but rich spiritually, combine forces with the blind man (USA), relatively paltry in spiritual knowledge but advanced materially (partially through scientific advancement). Prabhupad used modern equipment, for his time, such as the dictaphone, knowing that the highest value of anything was in service to Krishna, because everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is owned and controlled by the Lord. (Sri Ishopanishad, mantra 1). The dictaphone was no doubt designed by a scientifically-minded engineer. (Actually, as a footnote, Prabhupad once commented that that particular engineer never conceived that his dictaphone could be used in Krishna's service.)


    Primate's statement in post # 30 that "scientific knowledge of the material world is the only knowledge we have that is verifiably true" is not correct. Vedic knowledge included not only spiritual knowledge but material knowledge as well, such as jyotish, ayurveda, architecture and other sciences. We simply need to accept this knowledge, sruti (?), I believe it is called, from authoritative sources.


    Yes, the manifest world is only a shadow reflection of reality. The "relative scientific method" can never deliver "verifiable or testable evidence for God's existence" simply because God is not subject to verification by relative methodology. God is transcendental to such methodology but He can be validated through a system of checks and balances called shastra, sadhu and guru and He is known ultimately by direct perception of the self through realization. Self-realization and God realization go hand in hand. Material science, such as quantam physics, can only begin to hint that there are realms or planes of existence beyond those perceived through our direct senses or enhanced senses (telescopes, microscopes).


    Also, let us not forget that so-called scientific conclusions must, by nature, be fallacious, because scientists are beset with 4 mundane defects: 1.) they make mistakes, 2.) they have imperfect senses, 3) they have a tendency to cheat, 4.) they are illusioned. Why bother with scientific grasping in the dark when simply by hearing from shastra, sadhu, and guru and chanting the sublime maha-mantra you can cut through all the lower perceptual strata, namely sensual, mental and intellectual and experience direct divine communion with Krishna for yourself ?


    jeffster/ AMd

  14. Hello Primate,

    Certainly both religion and science are based on knowledge. But science deals with the relative knowledge of the relative world and does not take the soul beyond samsara, whereas spiritual science, or the "science of self-realisation" deals with absolutes and will hopefully lead us beyond samsara to the plane of the Absolute Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna.



  15. Furthermore, regarding the scientists, mantra 9 of Sri Isopanishad describes their situation thus: "Those who engage in the culture of nescient activities shall enter into the darkest region of ignorance. Worse still are those engaged in the culture of so-called knowledge." Prabhupad did not comment on the scientists in the purport to this particular verse, but we can see that although scientists are certainly cultivating knowledge, it is knowledge of a temporary nature, based on sense perception, which may produce some material benefit, but no spiritual benefit, and therefore, according to the transcendental standard, that type of knowledge is of a mundane nature, of no ultimate importance, "so-called knowledge."


  16. Prahlad, hello:

    Yes, what your quoting in post # 15 is similar, although not identical, to the quote in the web page in post # 14.

    Bhaktajan, hello:

    Yes, Prabhupad said that animals have false pride, also. We can practically see that by observing them. I have seen animals so puffed up that they wouldn't even acknowledge my existence. Animals, per Jaiva Dharma, have "stunted consciousness," so they are basically ignorant. Ignorant means "to ignore."


    Although somewhat speculative in nature, I also believe it is possible for certain souls to travel within the same "samsara-circles" over a long duration of time. That is why you sometimes immediately feel very close and familar with someone whom you've just met.


    Re: scientists: Because many of them condone, or certainly do not condemn sinful activity, such as illicit sex, which can often result in aids, but only attempt to cure the end result of illicit connection, aids, they become condemned by their own actions to revolve in samsara.


    Re: computers as enhanced communication tools for modern man: Tonight the wife and I walked 2-3 miles around our town to get some exercise and to gather some of the newly blossomed flowers for our altar. In my youth, a long time ago, a time before even television, we would, as children, play outside before dark. On our walk today we saw not even one child outside. They were all inside watching TV, texting, on the internet or doing homework or nonsense. No wonder that we have a country of physically lazy, overweight, unhealthy people. Of course sometimes I do see children outside playing, but it is rare, although gratifying to see some individuals attempting to make some connection with the natural world.


    Along those same lines, we go to a cafe sometimes on a weekend evening. There we see a row of people, all on laptops, all absorbed in cyber land. None of them speak to or even look at each other, even though this would be the perfect scenario for human interaction. Sometimes, although there is even live music, some people will keep their face stuck in their notebook computer, deriving more satisfaction from a facsimile reality than the physical reality before them. I find this a sad commentary on an impersonal modern "civilisation."




  17. Kaiserose,

    According to Prabhupad, any scientist, or anyone else for that matter, who does not surrender to the Personality of Godhead is considered puffed up. However, in the purport to Gita 7:15, Prabhupad includes scientists in the class of duskritinas called mayayapahrita-jnana. I quote the purport:

    "(3) The next class of duskrtina is called mayayapahrta-jnana, or those persons whose erudite knowledge has been nullified by the influence of illusory material energy. They are mostly very learned fellows-great philosophers, poets, literati, scientists, etc. - but the illusory energy misguides them, and therefore they disobey the Supreme Lord."


    I think that your point is well taken that in general scientists are mostly regular middle class folk who aren't particularly puffed up. But again, any of us who don't surrender are considered puffed up, according to Prabhupad's standard. And I feel that Prabhupad was hinting that since scientists in general are working only to enhance life within the material misconception, that that alone classifies them as puffed up. Rather than finding a cure for aids, humanity should observe either vows of celibacy or get married and stay with one partner, thus vastly reducing the possibility of contracting aids. But modern scientists consider that view old-fashioned, and do not believe in curbing sense gratification. Therefore, they consider themselves heroes by attempting to find a cure for aids. Better quality fuel will simply allow humanity to continue running on four wheels, as a dog runs on four legs, unaware of his higher purpose. And it is debatable whether or not computers are aiding humanity in becoming better humans. If used in forums such as this, or on Facebook or YouTube for preaching purposes, in essence the maha-brhat-mrdranga, I feel that we can see the real value of the computer, dovetailed in service to the Divine. Elsewhere, I am not so sure that the computer helps or just confuses people with endless streams of information and self-gratificatory pap on sites such as Twitter. I am sure I will stir the hornet's nest with these comments !!


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