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The Sage Nabooru

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Everything posted by The Sage Nabooru

  1. I posted as a guest a long time ago, I've been stumbling around different religious traditions, trying to find the right one. I was brought up Lutheran, but trying to reconcile myself with that again is impossible. I went through a highly religious phase with Lutheranism, even going so far as to think that even other Christians who weren't Lutheran (and the right type of Lutheran at that) went to hell forever. But I couldn't justify that for very long. Now I am back here because I have settled on Hinduism. It seems to me to be the most tolerant, open-minded, and all-encomIpassing religion to me. It fits me, and I think it would fit most people if they knew what it was about. Right now I am going through a very difficult time in my life, in which I am going through some difficult college courses (mostly difficult because of my parents' reluctance to educate me) and trying to enter a career that can be hard to get into - anthropology/archaeology. Sometimes I get so nervous about this, I sit down and start shaking terribly, my mind sore just from the worrying. The best remedy I find for this is to sit down, make an offering, and pray and meditate for a while. It calms me down immensely. I'm not sure exactly what point I'm trying to make with this post, except perhaps to introduce myself and further describe my story. I hope to be around this forum for a long time from now on.
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