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Posts posted by appolonius

  1. Hi,


    ask any indian and he will tell u about Lord Vishnu. He is the true master of the universe and he is one among the trinity of gods Brahma,Vishnu and Maheswara. Brahma is reponsible for creation of the living beings where as Vishnu is responsible for the maintainance of living beings. Rudra is resposnible for destruction or death of living beings. Lord vishnu is an unbelievable power and he is the creator of universe. If u want to know all the things about Vishnu buy a copy of Vishnu puraan. There are several manthraas for doing his worship like Vishnu sahasthranaama, Purushasooktham, Vishnu sthuthi, Maadhwa sandhyaa vandhanam etc. These manthraas are available in market and u can buy them and start chanting them. There are many advanced prayers which u need not bother now.






  2. Dear all and Sri.Emperor,


    Can anyone tell me the exact steps to perform amogha shiva kavacha.I found that there are many steps involved like karanyaasa and i suppose many pooja mudraas and pooja items need to be present for performing this. Can anyone teach me exactly how to perform this pooja. i have the text with me. Dear emperor , happy to inform u that i found this pooja extremely useful and the sounds stopped for almost 2 days completely. But my vision got a bit blurred in these days. But now the sounds are back !!two cheers to you :) .






  3. Lets forget jyothish manthras etc for a minute. I think the most effective solution to black magic is to recollect the events that led to the initiation of black magic. Usually black magic is a tool which is effectively used by people who are very ambitious and want to come to the top after removing all obtacles that come their way.So generally u will find great black magicians in places like big corporate houses and positions of power. So if u look around common people for black magic u will find that black magic is a myth and does not exist. Also black magic is a tool which is used occassionally only and not every now and then.For example to curb an employee who is creating problems in office(for instance). So a practical solution is to identify the person who did black magic meet him sort out the problems with him and finally u will find that u r free of black magic. So in this way the advantage is that even if u r an atheist u can come out of black magic by being practical. All other thanthras and solutions come to play only if u dont get a solution this way. Another observation of mine is that in cases of pwoerful black magic it is difficult to remove the possession by using any of the manthras or thanthras available now. I know that in Kerala itself people used to get rid of black magic many years back by going to experts. But there is a dearth of such experts now. So what I feel is better go for a practical solution than a religious solution.








  4. Hi all,


    Here is my conclusion on why Vishnu is blue. See these gods are basically powerful mahaarishis who started penancing so hard and subjected their bodies to several types of tortures before attaining god hood. So many a times it might so happen that they have penanced without food water etc and all these have had an adverse effect on their body. So they have slight bluish colur.Aint that cool?:)







  5. Hi ronin,


    Can u pls provide me with the name of a sage who can actually cure this completely..I am prepared to travel..I was adviced earlier by Ravindran kesavanji not to run from pillar to post in search of a solution.What u need to understand is that there is a lot of cheating going on this field. I have personally lost several thousand rupees trying to solve this. Also my physical condition does not allow me to travel much. So that is why I am not travelling.So if u can tell me one really powerful sadhu who can cure this I am prepared to meet him and cure this







  6. Hi all,


    What I could ascertain after my own personal experience is that the world is being run by asuras who have become powerful after getting boon from Lord Shiva. So for the time being asuras are at helm even indeva loka. hence we are seeing all the wrath in the world. After many years at the end of the kalpa Vishnu will again take avatar and destroy these evil creatures.So I feel it is better to be like asn Asura now:rofl:







  7. I dont understand why other threads and isues are posted in my thread. Ashi's issue is a totally different one whereas this thread is dedicated to black magic and its solution. Please note that we are desperated sufferers of Black magic and focus should not be shifted to other less severe issues like love failure and marriage. Please try and create a different thread for other issues. PLEASE !!







  8. Hi all,


    I agree god is almighty. But the problem is during certain times the some evil forces like asuras become temporarily more poweful than gods. they may procure boon from gods and become powerful.For example when Hiranya kashipu got boon from Brahma he became all powerful in all three lokas temporarily i.e until Lord vishnu desroyed him with his Narasimha avatar. Now the problem is the deity used for Black Magic is like Hiranya kashipu. And it might be powerful for many 100 years until it is finally detstroyed. But for us human beings life is very short and we cant wait until te deity is destroyed and since the deity is powerful now we cant remove it using other positive gods. So I am not saying god is not all owerful. But it is difficult to remove Black Magic and we are forced to suffer.I suppose we need to discover manthras which can persuade the gods to use their full power to destroy the evil forces.That s the challenge before us. I myself tried many satwik poojas without any improvement in my condition. I know other people in this forum who are suffering Black magic for many years now!!! and I tell u ..suffering Black magic is not an easy thing...it is really painful and u feel miserable and every day u r on the verge of death. !!







  9. Hi,


    I myself am victim of black magic called kshudhram. I have been chanting narasimha kavach which is extremely good. u can prevent damage to your body parts by chanting the different manthras for protectig the body. This is more effective than praying shivji. Shivji is slightly favouring bhooth ganaas. But Vishnu is a dead enemy of demons. So i think Naramsimha kavach is better from my expreience.






  10. Hi all,


    I appreciate the helping mind and kindness and love that u people are showing towards me. But I have been trying several poojas conducted by some amous manas in kerala to solve my problem. Also I have visted some famous temples whihc offer solution to this problem. But what I have found is that the problem I have is so peculiar and severe that it cannot be solved by any of the methods suggetsed so far. So I am forced to conclude that this problem can be solved by only the people who have subjected me to black magic. I knwo the person/persons who have put me under blak magic . I am prepared to come up with their names publically. But I need the support of the forum viewers to actually persuade these people to remove me from black magic spell. Becoz if I request then they will play hide and seek and will pretend as if they dont know any thing about black magic. Also I cant move legally against them as black magic is not unishable under law. So I need your support for this. it is almost 5 years now that I am suffering from black magic. (I am on the verge of madness becoz of the suffering) .Expecting yur co operation




  11. Hello Ashi,


    I personally suspect two friends of mine.Both these friends are coming from very traditioal background and I suspect they know black magic. But it is very difficult to say conclusively. I have been moving around with these guys (unfortunately). Any ways I requested to one of them and he told me that he has no idea abt black magic. any ways I am trying to keep in touch with them continuously.may be they will change there mind after some time and decide to release me.





  12. Hi Ashi,


    Thanks for your kind words. It is really soothing to hear such words at this point of time. But what I have lernt from all this is that it is very difficult to cure black magic with normal poojas or havans as mentioned in the site. I think the most powerful and effective thing to do will be to find the reason for the start of black magic. I mean the magic spell has been cast by some one. We need to recollect the events which led to the initiation of black magic and then find out who that person is and then request him to remove the spell. For this we need to think hard. This is what I am trying to do now. Generally such magic spells are cast by people who are having enemity towards you. Also I thank you for offfering me money. I dont think I need it now.But may bne I will need help from good minded people like you in the future (becoz if i dont escape from this then I may not be able to work) :( ...

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