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Posts posted by Triniboy108
















    Vedäntically speaking, there should not be any problem with separate fotos....but devotionally speaking...yes...there ought to be a 'single photo', as the Divine Couple is 'INSEPARABLE' and THEY are 'SINGULARLY-ONE'.


    it might be pertinent (for a few) to note that a lotta (neo) isKcon members, pretending to be gaudiya Vaishnavas, who (apart from committing a great offense by differentiating between Lord ShreeHari and Lord Hara, also...) consider Shreematee Rädhikäjee as merely the Hlädini Shakti of Bhagavän ShreeKrshna!


    Where as ShreeSeetopanishad (shloka 37) clearely states that both Yogamäyä devee and Hlädini Shakti fan to Shreematee Seetäjee and thus offer Their services to Shreematee Seetäjee in Her Divine abode, Säketa Loka. i.e. both Yoga mäyä deveejee and Hlädini Shakti Svarüpa are servants to mätä Seetä!:pray:


    from the Sämkhya view also...an energy is dead unless energized by ShreeKrshna's Energy...be it (Hlädini, Samvit or Sandhini) thus, to try to consider Shreematee Rädhikäjee, Who is the Soul of the Bhagavän ShreeKrishna, to be merely Hlädini Shakti, would be highly inconsistent with both Vedänta and Bhakti-märgas...:)


    Who can even dare try to state who RÄDHIKÄ JEE IS, but to say the least...SHREEMATEE RÄDHIKÄJEE IS THE SOURCE of that Hlädini Shakti. THE MOTHER OF THE UNIVERSE.








    Thanks for your reply!

    Yes I asked 2 differen't people on the Krishna.com site, and they both told me that I should have a photo of them together, so i'm glad that I switched one of the photos and got a divine couple photo! :)


    Another question for everyone...can i put mala(garlands) around the pictures that i'm getting: Prabhupada, Pancha Tattva, Sri Sri Radha Krishna? Or is that only allowed for murti worship? I also have a tulsi mala, maybe I can put that around the Sri Sri Radha Krishna photo, or just only the Krishna photo?


    Jai Radhika! :)

    I think your altar sounds beautiful. Radharani and Krishna don't care about the details, They just care about the devotion. And it seems you've set up your altar with lots of devotion, so, I'm sure They'll accept both it and you with love. :)

    Well it turns out yesterday that I switched the Radharani photo, and got a divine couple photo which is very beautiful too, but I kept the other Krishna photo, so i'm happy..:P

  3. I have a quick question. Well i've gotten the main pictures for my shrine, which are the Pancha Tattva and Prabhupada. But when it came to Krishna I got a picture of him individually, and then I also purchased a picture of Radharani individually, and both Krishna and Radha are the largest pictures and so i'm planning on putting them side by side. Is that acceptable? Or does the picture of Krishna have to be with Him and Radharani? I've already bought the pictures, and so I'm hoping that this can still work?

  4. Do devotees in ISKCON live restricted lives? I'm Hindu and I'm very interested in ISKCON, and I'm planning on attending the regular Sunday feasts at the local ISKCON temple, but I've always wanted to travel the world and see new places and people, but i'm afraid that if you are a pure devotee that that won't be considered acceptable because i'm only thinking of myself here. So that is my question, can I be a Hare Krishna and still travel the world, enjoying all that I see? :confused:


    Khal Bhairo is Kala Bhairava... He is Lord Shiva! This 'swami' is just a swindler and nothing else! Besides that, Khal Bhairo is just the way Kala Bhairava is pronounced in Trinidad. It's not like it takes on a different meaning when pronounced "Kala Bhairava" vs. "Khal Bhairo"... he's a real fool. :mad:

    yes exactly what i'm saying! :mad2:

  6. and verily, Kal Bhairo is Shiva:

    Shiva created a blazing Bhairava in human form, addressing this Kalabhairava as "Lord of Time-Death" (kala) for he shone like the god of Death: "You are called Bhairava because you are of terrifying features and are capable of supporting the universe. You are called Kala-Bhairava, for even Time-Death is terrified of you." He ordered him to chastise Brahma, promising him in return eternal suzerainty over his city of Kashi (Varanasi), the cremation-ground of the Hindu universe, where final emancipation is assured. In a trice, Bhairava ripped off Brahma's guilty head with the nail of his left thumb. Seeing this, the terrified Vishnu eulogized Shiva and devotedly recited his sacred hymns, followed in this by the repentant Brahma. Thereby they gained his protection by realizing and acknowledging the supreme reality of Shiva. The severed head immediately stuck to Bhairava's hand, where it remained in the form of the skull, destined to serve as his insatiable begging-bowl.

  7. Something that i find very dumb about this "Swami" is this info he gives us in one of his articles about the "evil" Kal Bhairo:

    "If we take off the letter ‘a’ from the end of ‘Kala’ we get ‘Kal’. And if we replace the ‘ava’ from ‘Bairava’ with the letter ‘o’, we get ‘Bairo’. Quite an ingenuous plan on the part of the swindlers who want to make money from innocent people," I surmised.

    He's basically saying that the local pujaries replaced parts of Kala Bhairava's name to form a name similar to his but having no relation to him. This is absolute stupidity. For any learned person would know that this is just a different pronunciation of Kala Bhairava. I see this a lot in the Bhojpuri language for common names of the Gods...such as the word devata is said as deota....just like the name Mahadeva is pronounced Mahadeo...just like Shiva is pronounced as Siew...you can see that it is the same name just a different pronunciation....it would fit clearly if we see that Kala can be shortened to Kaal or Kal(seeing how in Hindi the last 'a' would be silent) and the Bhairava would be shortened to Bhairo which is another pronunciation for it. So Kal Bhairo is the same as Kala Bhairava! Swami Ram Charran does not know what he's talking about!!!!:mad2:


  8. What's even wrong with that? Many Hindu saints have been so ecstatic during the singing or bhajans or repetition of mantras that their hair stands on end and they go into a cold sweat before dancing and singing for the Lord! This 'swami' is a real fool who knows nothing of devotion or the Rasa involved.
    Once again i agree!! A great example is Mirabai, who was always seen dancing and singing the praises of Shyam!

    Oh please :rolleyes: Even if Lord Shiva's incarnation as Khal Bhairo were a devil (which, of course, isn't the case), I hardly think He'd be able to 'possess' ppl just by the direction they sleep in. :rolleyes:

    haha..exactly what i'm saying! :P I just think this Swami Ram Charran is a money making scam!

  10. For example this is what it says in first article:


    Generally, a person who worships Kal Bairo will have the following symptoms:


    • Their body will darken in color
    • Their eyes will have dark rings around them
    • Their eyes may become red or pink
    • Their body will vibrate during prayers
    • They will experience pain in the joints
    • Women will experience problems with their uterus
    • The person will experience back pains, neck pains and headaches
    • The person will have a lot of blockages in life - no job, broken marriage
    • Women may experience sexual contact with evil spirits
    • If religious mantras are being recited, the person may get up and dance
    • The person may become addicted to tobacco and alcohol
    • The person is always dressed in black clothes and is attracted to the color black


    • From debts owed by parents or grandparents
    • By eating food from a Kal Bairo sacrifice
    • By eating prasad at a Kal Bairo or Kateri Puja
    • By eating food from a death ritual
    • By eating food from someone who is possessed by Kal Bairo
    • By having sexual contact with a person possessed by Kal Bairo
    • By eating red meat such as duck, beef or goat
    • By sleeping in a North-South position
    • By performing a Durga puja and offering the 10<sup>th</sup> prasad plate to Kal Bairo


    i mean come on....how far away from the truth can this man get?!

  11. I stumbled upon this website that is bashing Kal Bhairo, I mean it goes so far to say that this is the Devil. This so called "Swami Ram" has 5 articles that all bash Kal Bhairo and repeatedly calls him the Devil, which absolutely gets me upset. I don't think this Swami Ram knows what he's talking about, and he is just a golddigger, using innocent people to make money.


    here is the link to the first article labeled Evil Spirits:



    first up all caste can get god to manifest in them

    why do ppl keep thinking that the caste system was created because one set of ppl is better than the rest wrong wrong wronggggggg.

    think bout it i am a gosine but yet i hav godbothers that are of other caste but ent god did say that your godbrother :mad: is equal to your blood brother think bout that and a next thing why if i am better than u as stupid ppl does say then why do we all pray to the same lord shiva or durga or hanuman etc why dont i pray to a different "better god' come na man ppl the caste system was not meant for that ppl made it that way which is wrong:mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

    but i don't mean to sound like i'm disagreeing, because I truly agree with you bhairo!

    the caste system is very wicked and i believe it's not humane, and it doesn't matter what caste you're from that defines you to certain gods and goddesses, everyone can worship the Divine, no matter where they're from!


    first up all caste can get god to manifest in them

    why do ppl keep thinking that the caste system was created because one set of ppl is better than the rest wrong wrong wronggggggg.

    think bout it i am a gosine but yet i hav godbothers that are of other caste but ent god did say that your godbrother :mad: is equal to your blood brother think bout that and a next thing why if i am better than u as stupid ppl does say then why do we all pray to the same lord shiva or durga or hanuman etc why dont i pray to a different "better god' come na man ppl the caste system was not meant for that ppl made it that way which is wrong:mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

    sorry you got all upset..i didn't come up with that paragraph, i was quoting it from another website to see what people felt, and obviously the caste issue is something that gets people going :ponder:, and even so, the author of that essay is not saying anything bad about low caste people, he just uses that as an example of what is thought to be the common place to find possessions, but right after he says the first sentence he tells us that this is not correct because possession can be found within all castes and people who are poor or rich.

    naag devta,shiva baba,kaal bhairo,parameshwari devi,badrakali maa,panchmukhi hanuman,minakshi devi,durga maa does manifest on me i live in the caribbean in trinidad.

    see i never new that all these different devi and deota manifested in people..this is very interesting :)


    Make a swastik on your door step a day before they come. Clean your mandir, hang paan leaves tied to string over your main door. When the pictures arrive sit them on a small stool (bajot) outise your mandir, wash them with Milk, water, honey, water, ghee, water, suger, water and apply tilak to them place them in your mandir and offer dhoop and deep.


    Good Luck

    Jai Mata Ji

    also...can i still bathe the murtis even if it's pictures and not actual statues?


    Thank you! She's rather lovely :)

    She actually looks a lot like my Ishta-Devi, Srimati Radharani, in Her deity form. Not surprisng, though. To me, all the Devis are incarnations of Srimati Radharani :)

    Haha yes she is lovely! Just like Radharani :)

  17. yeh that mandir is nice....Khodiyar maa rides a Crocodile and always has a Trisul with a red cloth tied to it in one hand to support her limp. Khodiyar maa also wears a bheriyo which is a long shawl made of wool but not woven. It has gold string in it and silver bells. Thats why im assuming its not Keteri Amma. Also Keteri amma is believed to be made out of Kali Maa to go into unclean places to get rid of Evil. Khodiyar was a Cobra snake given by Shiv Vardan.
    Oh yea that's true, i forgot. But surely we can say that all the Devi's are one and the same. :P
  18. "Possession is normally thought of as part of the 'little tradition' and confined to low caste and poor people in rural areas. Goddess possession, however, takes place in urban as well as rural areas, by low and high castes and amongst the educated as well as the uneducated. It also can occur amongst men as well as women, though the later is the most common. Possession is a way that the Goddess makes herself manifest in the world and becomes available to her devotees. It allows verbal communication between the devotee and the Goddess and also allows the human vehicle participation in her power."




    Do you have a picture of Kateri Ma? I've never seen Her Swarupa before. I would really appreciate a pic :)

    Here is the picture of her murti from a Kali Mandir in Canada :)

    I couldn't find any pictures of her online, beside from the mandir.

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