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Everything posted by WiccanChick

  1. WiccanChick

    Bush Resume

    this is sooo hillarious!! i didnt know alot of this stuff about my own president. to the writer, :do you live in the U.S.? well anyway, its great and i enjoyed it, peace out
  2. ever since i stopped eating meat and dark sodas, i have lost about 40 lbs. i started in march of 2002 and i have already lost that much! im going to try going vegan, considering that its easier, now with the veggie stores and all. P.S.- love is great and war sucks! love you all!! kelly
  3. im a new found vegetarian, i started going meat free when i was 14, in march 2001. i can proudly say, after more than a year, i am still meat free. i have had several back falls like the gelatin fiasco, and fast food french fries, but im still commited. i just came across chicken flavored ramen smack noodles, and i was wondering if the so called "chicken flavor" is chicken, or something else. Im not sure if any of you know, but i cant seem to find it on the internet. p.s.- i loved the airplane thing, ill have to try it... p.s.s.- I LOVE AMY'S VEGGIE FOODS TOO!!! thanks, love Kelly
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