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  1. Hello, The last 2 months i have trouble with ear ringing. It al began when i did japa of Durga. After the 20th day the ringing began and became louder and sharper. I also felt very overheated. So i had to stop this. Clearly my body couldn't cope with this intens energy. After a while (10 days) the ringing became less and i decided to do the more gentle mantra of Laksmi. But even this made the ringing come back! So i always wait a week to make the ringing become less and then try again. But every time it's the same problem. I really like reciting mantra because it helps me mentally be more happy and stable. If i don't recite a mantra i tend to get rather depressed and anxious. It seems that everything that has an uplifting effect worsens the ringing?! What could be the cause of this? What can i do about it? Kind regards Agama
  2. Thank you for your view. I don't disagree with the advice of astroseeker. Mentally everything improved so i didn't quit because there was too much inner struggle. But physically it didn't feel healthy anymore. Too much heat and ringing of the ears. From an ayurvedic point of view it's not healthy to increase your tejas too much when your ojas isn't strong enough. So i have to work on that first i guess. But that's another topic:)
  3. thank you for the quick response:) I have tried this! But after 20 days my ears began producing a very loud and sharp ringing noise, especially the left one. So i had to stop this. Too bad because mentally it improved my situation. I read that tinnitus is a disturbance of prana vayu. I guess my Ojas isn't strong enough to work in a balanced way with the Durga energy.
  4. Hello, Can anyone tell me what my ishta devata is based on my horoscope? 11 January 1977 time: 13:20 (in gmt this is 12:20) place: Leuven (04E42'00 - 50N53'00) Country: Belgium gender: male om shanti Agama
  5. Thank you very much! Would emerald still be an advisable gemstone then? What is the ideal moment for wearing the suitable gemstone? Do i chant om savitre namaha, om pushne namaha on daily basis? shanti, Agama
  6. Dear sasisekaran, Thank you for your advice. But i find it weird that you say my moon is with ketu. In the chart that i have at home Saturn is in the third house, Moon is in the fifth house and Rahu is in sixth. Ketu is in the twelfth house with Jupiter on this chart. My lagna is Taurus. Or are you looking at a different chart than the birth chart? Maybe there is a misunderstanding about time zone? I am born at 13:20 but in greenwich time this is 12:20. Latitude:50N53'00 Longitude:04E42'00. Shanti, Agama
  7. Thank you for your advice! When would be the best date to begin wearing this emerald? What is the best mantra for me? shanti
  8. Hello, I have problem with hypersensitivity. This creates a lot of difficulties with finding job and friendship. Birth details: Date:11 january 1977 time: 13:20 (gmt -1:00) place: Leuven (50.52N - 04.42E), Belgium I would be very thankfull if someone could give some advice regarding the suitable gemstone and mantra. shanti, Agama
  9. Birth date: january 11 1977 Birth time: 13:20 (GMT +1h) Birth place: Leuven, Brabant, Belgium (Latitude: 50° 52' 60 N, Longitude: 4° 42' 0 E) gender:male occupation:none married: no relationship:no Meaningful events: periods with occupation (job) may-october 2004 this ended with a nerveous breakdown july-december 2005part-time job After that no more occupation due to fear and anxiety problem General problems -Very easily stressed - hypersensitive to others people energies and busy enviroments - fear, anxiety - problem finding job I have already tried hanuman mantra but this makes me feel very restless and worsens the hypersensitivity problem (especially to sounds). Maha mritunyanya makes me feel very space out (aggrevation of vata?). Rama mantra is ok but i have still problem with fear. What mantra and gem is most suitable? Many thanks in advance!!!
  10. Hello, From childhood i have problem with fear and hypersensitivity.(typical Vata problems). I feel very easily stressed and overwhelmed by other people and busy enviroments. In the past there also has been obsessive/compulsive impulses and behaviour. Also long periods of unemployment. My last decent job dates from 2,5 years ago. Rahu/ moon seems to be the cause. Also saturn i think. But my knowledge is very basic. I have been doing Rama mantra (Om ram ramaya swaha and rama rama rama...) for a long time but i still have problem with fear. Hypersensitivity is a little bit better. I also tried hanuman mantra but this made me very restless. Also tried maha mritunyaya but this seems to aggrevate vata (feeling spaced out). Can someone give me some advice? Wich mantra and gemstone is most suitable? Birh data: january 11 1977 13:20 (GMT +1:00) birth place: Leuven, Brabant, Belgium (Latitude: 50° 52' 60 N, Longitude: 4° 42' 0 E) Many thanks in advance...
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