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Posts posted by Kautilya

  1. Some time ago, i was reading an article that said the percentage of Christians in India was actually 6 percent with many dalits witholding their faith to get quota. Add together with other hostile elements like the Muslims and the Sikhs and Indian religion is doomed:crying2:


    Our gurus are more busy fighting amongst themselves unfortunately...Dear Shri JN Das, I know you are doing a commendable job in Orissa, would you please enlighten us on the situation there.


    I will most definatley answer this remark of yours. As truly from experience i can say this is not a fact.


    The majority of the saints ARE following their panch Vartmaans but the minority are not. The ones you talk of are the minority of teh bad apples which will pay for their deeds just like anybody else would.


    You have to understand that just because a few so called sadhus do not follow what they are meant to .. the whole Sampraday shouldnt be tarnished for it. Its also not fair that all of the true saints are also bought down and disregarded because of these minority of the few ones.


    Also just what baobabtree stated "You think a saint in Prabhupada's sampraday has never fallen before? We can't base a whole sampraday based on the actions of some of its followers (may Bhagwan forgive them)."



    ISKOn is a great sampraday will you question it becasue of the bad karmas performed by the few bad Sadhus that exist in it? As my Ishtadev Swaminarayan bhagwan teaches that we shouldnt look at such to recognise whether Satsang is genuine or not. we should be looking at whether there are true Saints that exist there and that the Sampradays philosophy is in accordance with the Vedas.


    Also as you see baboatree has clearly explained that they have experienced high bliss from the name of Swaminarayan. he is also not of indian origin. So that clearly answers your questions in your above post.


    Im not having a go at you or trying to be nasty to you. Im just in hope that you realise and understand.


    My many dandvats to you if you are offended in any way.

    God Bless you.

    Jai Swaminarayan.

    Jai Shri krishna



    Jai Shri Krishna

    Jai Swaminarayan!


    Well I know for a fact that the Bhuj santos are some of the most austere tyagis in the WORLD!! In the Vadtal diocese itself I have not had much experience with, I just hope the original sampradaya will regain its lost glory.


    Pranam and dandvats!

  3. Jay Swaminaryan and Jai Shri Krisnha to you Daas ka Daas,


    I too have seen the philosophies of the original sampradaya and I basically agree with it, however can you genuinely say that the majority of sadhus follow their niyam-dharma in the Vadtal/Kalupur? Come on, Daas ka Daas, admitting that there is something wrong is the first step towards making it right, await hearing from you.

  4. Whoever said Shakyamuni Buddha's last meal was pork is following the misreading of the Pali texts, Buddha's last meal sukkara-madava with sukkara meaning "pig" and "maddava" meaning delicacy, so:


    "in Narahari's

    Raajanigha.n.tu, among the names of medical plants,

    there occurs a whole series of compound words having

    'pig' as their first element; thus suukara-kanda,

    'pig-bulb': suukara-paadika"


    I cant post url for the source because I don't have enough posts






  5. celina12: you silly girl why do you have "Krishnadev" in your avatar:confused: , you will now have the punishment of going to Goloka:eek: .


    All kidding aside, why do BAPS call Lord Krshna as "dev" I have NEVER heard this before?

  6. I for one used to go to a local BAPS temple, I still go but not very regularily, I have less enthusiasm now. It seems a major thing many BAPS LOVE to do is insult my istadev Bhagwan Krsna in all ways possible. They consider him as ishwar, on par with the devas like Indra etc. They even considier thier guru to be above Lord Krsna! In one of their books they say it was Swaminarayan who was preaching Gita to Arjuna in Krsna's body!:mad2:

    Anywhos, however messed up their philosophy is, BAPS is doing very commendable things, their devotees are very focused and devoted to Hindu religion and their Guru Shir Pramukh Swami seems genuine.



    Anyways while I agree way more with the traditional two diocese, they are WAY corrupt with their so called "saints" abounding in murder, sex ,etc. what a joke!

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