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Everything posted by amost

  1. Thank you for these references. They help complete 1/2 of my research. The Hindu religion has a God as a divine healer God, or form of God which was my part of my original question. According to what I discovered on the web it looks like he is important to traditional Indian medicine. As for the savior part of my question, I can't find any scriptural sources for the name patita-pāvana except the one you gave. The word patita-pāvana does not seem to be in use in any of the classical Indian holy books or anywhere much on the net except in reference to the one source you gave. According to the sanskrit dictionary I checked, the meaning of pāvana is purifier, but all the sanskrit dictionaries that I've referenced have no meaning for patita . The only other reference to a name patita-pāvana I can find is in a Kannada hymn of Karnataka India. I checked the Karnataka region for worship of the patita-pāvana but it is not found. So I can't find God the savior anywhere other than what you say here and no reference to him being worshipped as the personal patita-pāvana savior. But thanks as I now think I have all the research done for my paper.
  2. I understand that, but there are certainly different sects. Correct? There is a Siva sect, and Krishna sect, a Rama sect. Or maybe not sects, but certainly worship of God having a certain name and manifested form. I mean, Rama is considered an avatar as was Krishna. From what I can tell, the name of God is very closely related to his manifestation and how he is worshipped. I've been told by a Hindu classmate, that he is not a Siva worshipped because Siva is the destroyer and those that worship Siva don't have money or good fortune. I am not saying that his perspective is universal among Hindus or anything, but there is definite identification of God's name with his manifestation, or so it seems. In the story of Rama, him being God, then he would have had to reveal his own name. (like when moses went to the mountain to find God .. God had to reveal to Moses the name of God Yahweh, I am that I am) So it is logical for me to conclude that Rama must have had to reveal his personal name to humans, and therefore, he must have told them that Rama means "reservior of all pleasure", otherwise the name would be just made up by humans. Similarly with Krishna, he had to tell Arjuna or other humans that his personal name means "all attractive". Siva must have revealed his personal name as 'destroyer'. Each of the above names for God have also some legends and stories about them and also followers who worship them. So far from the answers here and what I've studied on line and in religious books from Hinduism, there does not seem to be a sect of worship dedicated to God as savior or Healer. There is no personal name for God as savior or healer and a cult that worships him in that way. I can clearly understand that Hinduism has many facets and is complex (from my view at least). I think I understand that to worshippers of God as Siva or Rama etc., believe their form of God a savior to them. The emphasis in Christianity is of a personal relationship between a sick needing healed and with God the physician .. and the personal relationship of the fallen hanging on by a fragile thread is with God who saves. I was just wondering if there was a branch in Hinduism with that specific emphasis, and what the personal name for God in that cult would be.
  3. Thank you. Does he have a story of his life and something about his personality? Do you know of who worships him and in what region of India? Do you have an URLs that point to his shrines or temples or anything? I just did a quick search and can't find much of anything. Thanks again
  4. Sorry. I didn't ask the right way. I am asking about the actual NAme of God as "Savior (of fallen sinners)" or "Healer or Comfortor of the Sick and Afflicted". Like Rama means reservior of all pleasure. Vishnu means protector among other meanings. KRishna means all attractive one. What is the personal God's Name of the "one who saves" in Hinduism?
  5. No, I don't mean fairy tale religion. I am not asking my question the right way it seems. I am asking specifically about the names for God in Hinduism. I've found many names of God, like Krsna, Rama, Siva, Vishnu. They all seem to represent God in a certain form. I thought at first this was polytheism but as a studied closer, I found that a common belief is actually monotheism. One God with many names in different forms. From all I've read I think I am correct with that assertion. Am I? I am not trying to enter into any sort of religious debate, as I am trying to approach this from as academic perspective as possible. (If I don't I know I won't get a very good grade on my paper if my topic is not well researched and presented objectively) My question is very simple. Is there a Hindu name for God where God is worshipped as The One who Saves, or The Savior of the Sinners, or the Savior of the Fallen, or the Healer of the Sick, or the Comfortor of the Afflicted? I have yet to find such name for God in Hindu literature. I am not asking about references of God saving people in various hindu myths, legends, and religious scriptures. Thank you.
  6. I guess I am just trying to understand the Hindu perspective on God as personal savior or healer. There seem to be so many persons of God in Hinduism, but is there a person of God that is specifically healer or comforter of the afflicted. Or God, savior of the most fallen sinners? I have found references to God as: All attractive, the reservoir of pleasure, and more, but not a God who is called the personal Lord and savior of the sinners, or comforter and healer of the afflicted. That was my only question. Thank you for your time.
  7. Hi, Thanks for your answer. It makes sense in some ways. I guess my question sought an answer to a Hindu perspective on God as Lord and personal savior. I saw in some books that there was emphasis on relationships between God and people, but I didn't see emphasis on a personal God as Savior or as healer or comforter of the afflicted. Thank you for your response as it helps me in my studies.
  8. Hello. I am a college student at University of Georgia and studying comparative religion. Last year a student in the class introduced me to Bhagavad Gita As It Is and other Hindu scriptures. I have studied and have some questions. I came across some information about the 5 relationships in spirituality. There are master and slave, friendship, saintly and the like. I don't see anything about a personal savior and the miserably fallen who are in need of saved. There is also nothing I can find on about a relationship between the sick patient and doctor. In Christianity, the main emphasis is that Jesus is the healer of the sick sinners. Does anyone have any scripture references in Hinduism that worship God as healer of the sick sinner or savior and rescuer of the fallen? Thank you in advance, Amos
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