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Posts posted by shl153

  1. thanks a lot sir,

    so desperate was i of help that i even did not check what i was asking and how many times....

    i am so desperate..

    2 people both well known giving differentviews was so much i could not bear

    also because of those view points

    i signed the divorce so did my ex wife..

    we were both told that this marraige will not last and that i had a short life

    she was so scared..poor girl


    hope she is good and has a good life ahead of her..i too hope the same for myself...that is why i am asking....

    if i am bothering i am realyy sorry..but when some questions are answered but a person who is asking cannot understand the terms of astrology...then the quetsions keep on forming in the mind..

    many have told me that i have a relationship with an elder women...i have a cousin whom i share all my thoughts...my wife could not take it...was this what lead to the divorce.....i am not sure....but true...i was not spending enough time with my wife..except sundays...which is ok in america...

    but my ex wife was always scared for me driving all day..

    not sure what happened..so soon and so fast cannot even understand...

    that's why so many questions


    i am sorry

  2. what kind of yogas are found in my kundli????????

    DOB 29th july 1968,time 12.56 pm



    please tell me....



    As i had said kundalini is the apex of physical and mental tapasya and is not the same as kundali


    whereas kundali is a part of vedic astrology and yog can be of various types depending on the the position of planets in your chart...


    Gaja Kesari Yoga (jupiter and moon) Such people would earn a lot of name and fame in life. A quality of generosity would also be associated with them.

    Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga- (5 planets) wealth, name and fame

    Ruchaka yoga: (mars) Bravery and arrogance.

    Bhadra yoga: (mercury)orator/writer governing business

    Hamsa yoga: (jupiter)he would never get in trouble.

    Malavaya yoga: (venus)loving and supporting wife, good businessman with expansion skills

    Shasha yoga: (saturn)profound and deep thinker. makes a person cold and calculating.



    You took the decision during the Jupitor-rahu sub period. By the end of this month Sani Mahadasa starts. When the need of wife is not met by the husband both emotionally and physically the discord occurs , if not tolerated by the wife ,some times resulting in divorce. Some points are not compatible between your horoscopes. Past is past.Sani and Kuja are not placed properly which has effected your family life. To get relief propitiate both Sani and Kuja. There is every likelyhood that your husband can come back to you. Wish you happiness.




    sir can U be specific as to what points were not compatible between the horoscopes???????


    This aspect is keeping us puzzled a lot..

    please sir if u will oblige us

    Is it possible that marriage to me would have harmed my husband in any capacity..thinking about it is not making me sleep

    we are divorced and he is not even talking to me...what is the chance of me getting back with him..i love him so much...just could not handle the neglect plus being absolutely alone being in new york with him

    i was always scared for him..as his work involved driving the car 13 hours a day in that weather...took a toll on me..i have had a very emotional life prior to my marriage...always in turmoil worried about one member of the family after another...


    could not handle this fear of loss again and again...it has been going on even before i met him...for 6 years


    i met him in may 2007,married in july and he initiated the divorce in february 2008

    marriage lasted only 7 months


    main concern

    1) was there a threat to his life with me being a maglik...is that threat gone..

    2) what are hsi prospcts of happiness in terms of family life and finance in the future???



    please sir put me at peace

  4. untitledp.jpgHorary:

    virgo: 4Pada

    Libra: Gulika, 10P 12P

    Sco: 6P

    Cap: 3P

    Aqu: Ra (AK), Me (PuK), Ve (BK)

    Pis: Su (DK), 5P

    Ari: 11P

    Gem: Ma(MK), 2P, 7P

    Can: Mo (GK), 1P

    Leo: Sa/r (PiK), 8P, 9P

    gk in 2nd and PiK in 9P


    It is my friend's husband can someone help here

    she sent iy via email as she know that i like to visit these forums and that i had got a solution for my issue from here


    can someone tell me the characteristics of this person



  5. Dear USR sir,

    i am doing regular prayers (as i am a muslim) for him so that he will do well....also some guide asked me to wear a coral and an emerald in my 2 ring fingers of both my hands and a white pearl in the little finger of my left hand..kindly study my chart and can u tell me what is in store for me....my name is shabina N laljee

    my dob is 15th march 1971

    time:-03.45 am at mumbai


  6. Horary:

    virgo: 4Pada

    Libra: Gulika, 10P 12P

    Sco: 6P

    Cap: 3P

    Aqu: Ra (AK), Me (PuK), Ve (BK)

    Pis: Su (DK), 5P

    Ari: 11P

    Gem: Ma(MK), 2P, 7P

    Can: Mo (GK), 1P

    Leo: Sa/r (PiK), 8P, 9P

    gk in 2nd and PiK in 9P


    It is my friend's fiance's

    can someone help here

    she sent iy via email as she know that i like to visit these forums and that i had got a solution for my issue from here


    can someone tell me the characteristics of this person




    Pl mention your full name. If the birth details of the person is given with specific problems faced , study of the horoscope can be done.



    name..murali(not the right namae but initial is same

    DOB:-29th july 1968

    time 12.56 pm at mumbai


    i was asked by one astrologer to divorce this man staright away...what was so wrong that he was not telling me about...

    i divorced him in february 2008..however and he is in usa adnd i am back in goa


    name;-shalini(not the right namae but initial is same

    my dob is 15th march 1971

    time:-03.45 am at mumbai


    Standard Vedic Astrology contains various terminologies like above. It is very difficult for a layman or even to an expert astrologer to understand all. There are two methods of prediction. One,simple reply without explaining the effect of planets .Another method is detailed explanation ,why a certain problem appears in a horoscope. A novice has to avoid the explanation part and understand only the reason for the problem and any remedy if suggested. A detailed explanation helps other astrologers to understand the method how the problem is analysed and assessed. Not necessary that the analysis should be correct as it depends upon the knowledge,experiance and intutive power of the astrologer. The subject is vast and very complicated.




    Thanks sir,

    please if you can give us some inclinations as to just what to expect from that individual and suggest some remedies..

    is that some way one can notice anything about that person who has these effects in his charts


    please sir some kind of insight not detailed though is needed...

  9. sir,

    can someone please explain the impacts of these sentances:

    They sound very complex



    You have Kalaamrit Yog[KAY] in your chart where all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and

    Ketu, and Rahu Ketu is 6-12 axis.


    2)spiritual after age of 43.


    3)moon is situated in 11th House or House of gains which is advesely affected


    4)Mon-Sun, Venus-Mars, Lagna-Lagna between yours and that of your ex is not good...Ketu in your 12th house and Mars in her 12th House is again not a god placement at all



    5)Your 7th lord is inflicted by malefic planets in your Rasi chart. Your Venus is in Gandantha Nakshara


    6)Jupiter is sitting in the Badhaka House


    These sentances sound so meaningful but to a layman are sounding pretty confusing..if someone can explain the impacts of these sentances..i will be grateful

  10. hi sir,

    thank god..

    but she is still crying out for me

    and i am unable to forget her..for your reference her date of birth:-15th march 1971 time 03.45 am at mumbai


    please advice as to whether she will remarry and have a good life


    2 astrologers have given 2 view points after taking money that is why i entered this forum for advice


    will i be safe????????????...For her it is very important that i come across no harm due to all tha dosha


    One astrologer of hers told her to immediately cut of the marriage and mine told me before marriage that this will last for only 6 months


    Cann you analyse why such drastic view points were gven..what was so wrong in our match..please sir



    March 3, 1971

    Time: 3:45:00 am

    Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

    Place: 72 E 50' 00", 18 N 58' 00"

    Mumbai, India

    Altitude: 0.00 meters

    Lunar Yr-Mo: Sadharana - Phalguna

    Tithi: Sukla Sapthami (Sa) (70.08% left)

    Vedic Weekday: Tuesday (Ma)

    Nakshatra: Krittika (Su) (46.30% left)

    Yoga: Vaidhriti (Ju) (59.53% left)

    Karana: Garija (Ju) (40.15% left)

    Hora Lord: Jupiter (5 min sign: Le)

    Mahakala Hora: Mars (5 min sign: Ta)

    Kaala Lord: Jupiter (Mahakala: Mercury)

    Sunrise: 7:01:30 am (March 2)

    Sunset: 6:40:53 pm (March 2)

    Janma Ghatis: 51.8126

    Ayanamsa: 23-27-25.89

    Sidereal Time: 13:46:31




    Natal Chart

    July 29, 1968

    Time: 12:56:00 pm

    Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

    Place: 72 E 50' 00", 18 N 58' 00"

    Mumbai, India

    Altitude: 0.00 meters

    Lunar Yr-Mo: Keelaka - Sravana

    Tithi: Sukla Chaturthi (Me) (17.54% left)

    Vedic Weekday: Monday (Mo)

    Nakshatra: Uttara Phalguni (Su) (84.68% left)

    Yoga: Parigha (Sa) (13.58% left)

    Karana: Vishti (Sa) (35.07% left)

    Hora Lord: Mercury (5 min sign: Ar)

    Mahakala Hora: Mercury (5 min sign: Sg)

    Kaala Lord: Jupiter (Mahakala: Jupiter)

    Sunrise: 6:18:13 am

    Sunset: 7:11:43 pm

    Janma Ghatis: 16.5740

    Ayanamsa: 23-25-01.42

    Sidereal Time: 8:45:23


  12. namaste

    My mother's name is Rehmat Noormahomed Husein

    Her maiden name was Rehmat Noormahomed rattansey

    Date of birth:- 2nd January,1944

    birth she does not have the time of birth


    She has suffered a lot in life having to undergo 2 major Cancer operations

    The 1st time she had cancer was in 1986..and was operated in september 1986


    The 2nd was in 2006

    She was oeprated in March 2006


    can some one tell me what will be her state of health





    My Father...

    Name:- Noormahomed Ahmedally Husein

    DOB:-1st October,1939


    His mom had cancer and she died at her age when she was 36 years old

    His father had Cancer and he died when he was 63 years old

    His younger sister had cancer and she died in 1994


    His whole life he has only seen sickness


    His grandson died when the child was 4 days old

    His daughter(that's me got divorced withing 7 months of marriage)


    What is the problem and what can be the remedy



    Please can someone diagnose

  13. thanks a lot sir

    the one question that has me worried is the fact that my wife was a manglik

    her name was Shabina Noormahomed Laljee,


    Time:-03:45 am at Mumbai


    We seperated but still love each other

    Do we have a future together

    also someone told me that her being manglik could have harmed me


    Please tell me whether even after divorce i will have the impact of her being manglik upon my life...any ill effects in terms of health


    Also whether i will ever get married again


    Please sir guide me

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