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Caps Lock

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Posts posted by Caps Lock

  1. I have tried to decipher the horoscope and have found out that it is true that you will make a fortune, and your marraige will sort itself out. you should concentrate on loving your husband and reading the holy book.


    I wish you Good Luck,




    No this is not a correct statement on hypnosis and shows your doctors lacking in knowledge. Many allopathic physicians have a prejudice against anything not taught them in medical school.


    Anyway for a more comprehensive and diverse view on the subject run a google search on the words hypnosis and stuttering as I did and you will find many web sites with differing opinions on the subject.


    Good luck.


    Thiest is correct when he says this, most allopathic physicians, do not belive in hypnosis but it is worth a try. I will also pray for you.



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